php factorial

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showing results for - "php factorial"
23 Feb 2017
1function Factorial($n) {
2  	return ($n <= 1) ? 1 : $n * Factorial($n - 1);
31 Nov 2016
1function Factorial($number){ 
2    if($number <= 1){   
3        return 1;   
4    }   
5    else{   
6        return $number * Factorial($number - 1);   
7    }   
10$number = 5; 
11$fact = Factorial($number); 
12echo "Factorial = $fact";  //output : 120
28 Oct 2016
2function Factorial($number){ 
3    if($number <= 1){   
4        return 1;   
5    }   
6    else{   
7        return $number * Factorial($number - 1);   
8    }   
11$number = 5; 
12$fact = Factorial($number); 
13echo "Factorial = $fact";  //output : 120
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