php 21 3d operator

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19 Jan 2017
1$a == $b	Equal	TRUE if $a is equal to $b after type juggling.
2$a === $b	Identical	TRUE if $a is equal to $b, and they are of the same type.
3$a != $b	Not equal	TRUE if $a is not equal to $b after type juggling.
4$a <> $b	Not equal	TRUE if $a is not equal to $b after type juggling.
5$a !== $b	Not identical	TRUE if $a is not equal to $b, or they are not of the same type.
6$a < $b	Less than	TRUE if $a is strictly less than $b.
7$a > $b	Greater than	TRUE if $a is strictly greater than $b.
8$a <= $b	Less than or equal to	TRUE if $a is less than or equal to $b.
9$a >= $b	Greater than or equal to	TRUE if $a is greater than or equal to $b.
10$a <=> $b	Spaceship	An integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero when $a is less than, equal to, or greater than $b, respectively. Available as of PHP 7.
28 Oct 2016
1$x = expr1 ?? expr2	Null coalescing return expr1 if not null or available 
14 Jun 2017
2var_dump(null ?? '`null` is null'); // `null` is null
3var_dump(null ?: '`null` is empty'); // null
4var_dump(true ?? '`true` is null'); // true
5var_dump(true ?: '`true` is empty'); // true
6var_dump(false ?? '`false` is null'); // false
7var_dump(false ?: '`false` is empty'); // `false` is empty"
8var_dump('' ?? 'empty string is null'); // ""
9var_dump('' ?: 'empty string is empty'); // "empty string is empty"
10var_dump(empty(null) ?: '`null` is not empty'); // true
04 May 2020
1// Example usage for: Ternary Operator
2$action = $_POST['action'] ?: 'default';
4// The above is identical to this if/else statement
5if (empty($_POST['action'])) {
6    $action = 'default';
7} else {
8    $action = $_POST['action'];
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operator phpbigger than in phpphp 21 3d 3d 3d 3d phpphp 40 24not equal in phpin operator i phphwhat is 26 equal operator in phpphp 22 22php operators not equalphp 3c 3das same as phpphp comparators 3d 3d 3d operator in phpif php doesn 27t equal stringphp not equal between two variablesphp 22 3f 3e 22 operator 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d phpphp 3 or 2 3dphp if greater thanif 282 3d 3d 02 29 phpphp 2f 2fhow to do not equal in phpphp operators andphp if null ternaryphp operator 3e 3c 3e operator in phpphp 3d 3d or 3d 3d 3dphp greater likephp greater or equalphp 3f 3f 3dcomparison in phpless and euqal php 7c 7c 21 phpequal 28 29 phpif key not equal to php 3d 3d 3d phpphp 22 27not identical phphow to use 26 operator in php 21 operator phpphp operators between two valuesphp if is less than onephp 27 3f 3f 27 operatorphp if variable is not equal to variablephp or operatorphp less then or greator thenoperator 3f phpwhat does 3d 3d 3d mean in phpphp 26 26php grwater eualphp equals or less phpternary return contents of comparasonrequest grater then all in php operator phpwhere not equal to in php 3a 3f php 21 21 phpphp object operatorbigger than or smaller than phpphp 27 40 27 operatoroperator 27 3f 3f 27 in php 21 operators in phpwhat is the meaning of 26 operator in phpphp operator php 3f 3fgreater than or equal to symbol in phpphp 22 24 7b 7d 22 7b 21 phpphp check 3d 3d 3d 21 3d in phpoperator program in php 27 27 phpphp use operator 3d 3d php 3f 3f operator php 26 operator phpphp 21 3ephp int equalsselect where value not equal integer in phpphp if condition and operatorless than operator php 22 3f 3f 22 php 7c 7c operator in php 3d phpnot equal php operatorphp less than sign in stringphp 7c 7c 7cgreater than or equal to phpphp operator andphp compare variblephp 22operator with php 7 or later compare two values php 27 27 operator 3d 26 in phpphp if not equalidentity operator phpsame no if not equal phpoperator php 2foperator 3c 3d 3d 3e phpwhat are operators php 2bcompare phpphp what does 22 3f 3f 22 operatornot equal to in phpphp 7c 3dhow to check if value is operator 2b phpif statement string array not equa php 26 26 operator in phpphp compare int to numberphp if string not equals 3f 3a in phphphp string does not equal 40 what mean php operatorphp 3d 3d 3d and 3d 3d 3dif digit low than phpphp not greater thanphp not equal to 3f phpif string length is bigger than or equal to 3 php 3f 3f operator in phpphp logical and operator 21 operator in phpphp compare intgertsstring greater phpdoes not equal sign phpuses of this 3e operators in phpphp 3a 3f 3eor operator phpoperators if compare php 40 operator in phpand operator in phpif not eqal phploclahost 2fcomparisonoperator phpphp if to compare ifphp operator 3dphp 3f 3d operator 22 40 22 php 3d 3d in phpphp 21 3d 21 3d 3dphp 3e 3d 3dphp 3a check if any vars equla 1 phpgreater than and less than in phpmajor or equal phphow to say not equal in phpdifferent than php 3d operator in phpphp operator 5eif variable is not equal today phpphp combaratorphp larger or equall tonot equals in phpequals in php 3c 3d 3e operator in php 3c 3d phpand operator php 24 24 phpphp 5e operatorphpinf compareoperators php anddoes not equal phplocalhost 2fcomparison operator phpphp statements correctly uses the spaceship operator 3f 3f 3f php 21 3d 3d string phpwhat are operators php 23 3a 7e 3a phpnot equal to symbol in phpphp 3d 3d 3d vs 3d 3d 7c 3d operator in php 3d 3d operator in phpcompare less than and greater than in php ifphp operators with examplesnot equal to use phpphp greater than or equal to not workingphp if not qeualphp give a value for operators to compare in class 3d 21 php 3a phpphp 7 3f 3f 3d operatorequal or greater than phpcomparator in phpphp 3d 3d 3d operatorphp logic and operatoror and operator in phpphp equality operatorphp 25 3d 3d 3d vs 3d 3d phpphp is operator with 3fphp 3a 22 3f 3f 22 2b 3d in phpphp comparison operators value in leftphp 3f 3f 3f 3f 3aphp 21 3d and 21 3d 3dphp grater sign 2a 3d operator in php 3e operator in phpternary opeartor php 40 at php operatorphp 24 3c 3e php operatorphp if 3d 3d 3dphp 3a 3a operator 21 3d vs 21 phpphp 27php conditional operator 22 3f 3f 22 operator in phpphp 40php not equalphp 2b 3d operatorphp different operator 3f operator 3f phpwhat is 3d operator in phpphp operatore orphp 21 21php 3d operator 2b 3d operator phpphp return true if any value match in or condition operator in php 3a 3f operator in php 3f 3a vs 3f 3f phpand php operatorphp is not equalphp equal or greater thanor operator in phpphp if is not equalphp ternary operatoroperator in php with exampleif 28string 3d 3d 3d 22 22 or 22 22 29 phphow to check value equals to number in phpphp display value based on comparison ternaryphp not equeal in ifuse of 25 operator in phpnot greater than phpphp 3d 3d operatorphp integer equals 3f 3f and 3f 3a operator phpphp one 3f operatorphp if 28something is not equal tophp differentphp integer greater thanphp null coalescing vs issetphp 3d 2b operator 22 22 22 php 3d in phpphp more thannot equal strings phpphp ternary eqaulphp 27 27 operator 3d operator in php examplewhat is the output of php comparison o 5bperator when condition failscheck if number is greater or not phpphp not equalsphp greater or equal thanoperator 3f 3a phpphp equal to 27operator phpphp 2a 2f 3f 3eand operator php 5 24 get qual to phpphp bigger or equalphp 3f 3f vs 3f 3aphp compariosn 3c 3d 3e phpphp not equal to null alternative 7c 7c operator php 3d 3d 3d php operatorphp greater than less thanphp operator 2b 2bphp phpsql in operator in phpcompare variable to number php 3d 3e in phphow to requal express in phpgreater than phpoperators php and 26 26 24 in phpphp 23php 7ethe condition 28 24x 3c 3d 3e 24y 29 2cphp equal to or greater thanwhat is eual to operator in phpphp compare valuesphp or and operatorsless or equal in phpoperator 3f 3f in phpif not equal in phpphp 3d 21php operator or and 3f 3a phpphp 22 40 22 operator 3e phpphp 24 operatorless than or equal to in php 3c 3e in phpplus or equal minus one php 3c 3d 3d 3d in phpphp check if int is not equal to 3f operator php 3f 3fphp 3f 3fphp bigger than and less than in phpoperator php 3f 3fphp 7 4 if is equal to any ofphp compare two numbersis not phpphp ternary vs null coalescingphp and operator 3fif string lower than phpphp 27or 27 operatorphp greater thenphp 7 if string not equel tocompare two numbers in php 26 operator in phpless than phpphp 3a 3fcompare operator phpoperator 3f in phpcompare operator php is nullphp 3d operatoraccess operator 3e why phpphp 3d 3d 21 3dphp greater than stringand or operator in phpphp is greater than or equal tophp 24less than sign in phpphp 24a 3d 24b 3f nullif variable is more than three characters php 3c 3fphpdie 28 29 3b 3f 3ephp 7e operatorelse equal statement php 2a 2a operator phpphp 3c 3f 3f 3ephp 2cphp operator 3f 3flocalhost 2fcomparisonoperator phpphp what is 7c 7c operator 2f php operator in phphow to use operator in phphow to use if in php comparison operatorsphp 3d 3d 3dphp operators listphp 22 3f 3f 22 2f php 3f operator phpphp string is not equalphp equal to or less thenphp operator 22 3f 3f 22php 3f 1 3a 0 equals on php 5cs php 22 3f 3a 22 phpphp 3c 23php operator mathless than equal to in phpphp 22 5e 22 operatorphp is not 7c 3d phpcompairing with numbers phpphp equal to 40php 28 29 3f 3f 3d php operatorphp samephp 7 4 compare multiplenull coalescing operator empty string phpnull coalescing vs ternarynot equal to less than 0 in php signphp 2 vs 3if greater than phpphp compare equalitycomparison phpoperators phpgive 5 variables to php to compare which is largestphp operator php7php coalesce operator for falsephp can i use or when comparing variablesphp 3f 3e operatorhow to cheack value is equal or not in phpphp 3c 3d 3e operatorphp variable operatorgreater than or equal to sign in php 3d php operatorif 21 3d 27 27 phpphp code to check if a value is more than 1php at operator 23 php 3f 3f 3a phpnumber of operators in phpphp if does not equalhow to use 3f 3a in phpnot equal in ternary in phpphp less than equal tophp operator 3dphp 7b 7b 7d 7d 3f operator 2b phpoperator and in phpphp 3f 3a syntax 3d 3d in phph 3e operator phpif php not equalphp if equesl to 1 22 3f 3f operator php 22php 40 operatorphp 22 3c 3f 3d 22more equal phpa 3d 3db 3d 3d1 in php 3f 3f vs 3f 3a phpand operator in php examplephp operatorephp what is 3d operator 3f in phpequal not equal in phpphp 5cphp 5c 5cphp if statement not equalcomparison operators phpphp 25 25php 2f 22php variable bigger than 5 and smaller than 9if greater than and less than php 21 3d 3d phpnot equal to operator in phpequal and phpoperator or phpwhat is operator in php 40 phpphp 2a 2a operatorphp 22 3d 22 operatorphp 3f 3d1how to use and 3f operator in phpphp 22 22 27 27php operator 3fphp 23 21what is the operator 3d phpphp 3c 3f 3f 3e 7c 3d in phpphp condition equal to integerphp 24 3c 3e 3c 3f phpoperator 26 di php 5c 22 php 26 24 in php 28 29 3f php 3f 3a operator in phpphp 3d 26 operatorphp 3c 3d operatorphp use operator with numbersphp compre intphp strict equals 3f 3a operator in phphow to use and and 3d 3d in phpfi it is ecual or bigger then php php operator 2a 2a operator in phpand and or operator in phpphp addition 3d 3d comparison operators in laravelphp 3aphp then equiliventphp 7c 7c operatorphp grether than and equalphp operator examplephp operator 2f 2f 3f php operatorphp equal to or greater thenoperator 2a 2a phpif not equal 0 php 5e operator in phpphp not equelphp check if higher or lowercomparison between stlreplace and strrl in phpphp 3c 3fphp equal or less thanphp 3e 3d conidtion 3d 3d or 3d php 21 3d php if 3c 25 php 25 3ephp 27 3f 3f 27returncomparison 3f php 2f operator php 21 phpphp 3d 3d vs 3d 3d 3dbigger than or equal to php 40 php operatorphp variable equal bigger from 7c operator phpserver equal to on phpphp greater than equal to 21 3d vs 21 3d 3d php 3f operator in phpequal or larger than php 7b 21 21 phpif variable is less than number phpphp 22php 25 operatorphp ternary operator with string comparisonless than sign phpdoes not equal to in phpphp 21 3d 3d 3d vs 21 3d 3dphp 3c 3fphp 3c 3egreater or equal to in php 3f php 3a 3f 3f phpphp check if two variables are equal ternaryphp 3d operator string 27 3d 27 operator phpphp compar operatorwhat does 5e operator do phphow to do an identical check in phpif different phpcompare digits in pgpphp what operator is 3f 3fphp equals variable meaning 21 21 operator phpnot equals to sign in an array phpphp if not equal to zerophp if variable is less thanphp 3c 3d 3ehow to check value is 2boperator value in phpphp 24 7bphp equal or greaterphp 3c operator phpphp 09 3c 23 23 3e 24del 3d 3d1 in phpphp 22 22 operatorless than and equal to phpphp 3c 3c operatorhow to check data ranage gretarthan or equal in phpphp why do strings not equalphp 7c 7cphp or operators 3f 3a operator in which php version php 3c 3f 3d phpand and operator phpphp triple less thanephp strictly equals operator 27 40 27 operator php 3e 3d 3d in php 3f 3f 3f 21 php 3d 3a 3f phpgreater than equal to sign in php 5e operator php 25 operator in phpphp 22 5c 22what does the 25 operator do in phpphp 28 3a php 3d how to check if value is operator plus phpphp smaller than or equal togeater then in php exampleif equals phpphp 3a 3f operatorphp and operator 3f 3f phpphp 40operatorphp compare numbersoperator php 7c 7cin operator php2 not less then in phpphp less then or equal tophp operator 5ephp 27 3f 3f 27 operatorternary operator phpphp 22 3d 3f 3f 22operator 26 phpoperator 3d 26 php 24 24 operator phpphp 22 40 22php 21 3f 3f operator in phpphp operator 3f 3fphp if else variable can have more than 4 elementsphp triple equal with line throughphp comparisonphp does not equal integerphp not aquel 22 40 40 22 phpif 3d 3d 3d phpphp function use operatorphp less or equal to 7c 7c in php 3f 3a operator phpexplain operators in phpnot equal to sign in php 3d 3d or 3d 3d 3d phpphp logical operatorsphp 2a operatorphp 3f 3f 3d operatorphp equal operatorphp 21 3dphp operator 7cphp operatorcompare string with 5ct and without 5ct in phpphp and operators 3a 3f phpphp operator 40less than in php 3d 3d operator php 3e 3d in php 3f 3f phpphp if fifrntwhat is the use of 3d 3d 3d operator in php 3f 3f 3a phpcompare 5 var if egalephp not equals stringphp acronimo 3d operator in phpphp comapre 2f 3d operator php 3d operator meaning in phpphp check string value with ternary operatorsphp if variable has more than 4 elementsphp string is not equal tophp operator 26 in phpgtreater or equal to php 3c 3d 3e in php 3f 3d phpphp operators 2b 3d 3d operator phpphp 3c 3e operatorthe 3f operator phpphp comarison operatorphp is not bigger thanhow to compare to innteger in phpcompare like operator in php objectless that or equal to but greater than zero phpphp 7b 21 21 21 21 7d phpmore than phpphp strict equals operatorphp 5e operator meaning 3c 3e phpat operator in php 7e operator php 24 7c php 3a 3f phpoperators in php with examplephp string not equal compare not working 2a php 21 3f 3f 3f phpoperator phpif var more than 1 phpphp greater than or equal tooperators in phpphp comparison operatorsor equal to phpif greater than but less than phpcomparison 3f phpphp equal to 1 or more 3c 3d 3e in phpphp 2acomparison operator in phpphp operator 22 22 includephp 22 3f 3a 22 operatorphp 28 3a 3fwhen to use 3 equal signs and when to use 2 php if statementphp 3f 3a 5b 5dstring 3d 3d 3d phpif string is more greater than php 21 3d 3d vs 21 3d phpphp and operator examplegreat than equal to in php 3a php operatorphp strict equalityequality php 3c 3d 3e operator php 25 operator phpphp is equal to operatorphp 3d 3d 3d 3d 3dphp if equalsphp 3e operatorcheck error if greater than 0 phpcan php int be less than zerophp operator 3e 3ephp between operator 40 symbol in php 22 3f 3f 3d 22 php operatorphp 2f operator 3d php operatorphp less than or equal to 3f 3a 3f 3f php 25 phpphp 3f 3a 3f 3fphp 3f 3f 3f 3aphp equalityphp equalphp operators 3f 3a 7c 7c phpcompare value in phpnot equual in php 26in php 26 26 in phpvlib engine if more than value phpphp does not equal non objectequal php 3d in php operator meaningphp 21 40php if 3d vs 3d 3dprograme php compareoperator number php 3f 3f operator meaning in php 28 29 3a 3f phpphp not equal to operatorbigger or smaller operator in phpphp 7 greater thangreater than or equal phpphp 2fexplain php 3c 3d 3e operatorphp 21 3d operatorequal operator phpphp equal variableswhat is the equivalent number of check in php pdfin operator in phpphp 3f 3a operator 22 21 21 operator 22 phpphp 3d 3d phpphp 3c 3f 3d 3f operater in phphow to compare a value to an integer php 3e 3d php php not equal operatorphp 3f 3a operatorphp greater thanphp 3f 3aphp 3a 3f 3f 3a in phpphp where cluase equal to integersdoes not equal in phpphp 27 3f 3f 3bphp 24 24 operatorcompare two number and tell how many correct php 3f phpphp comparism conditionalsphp less or equal 27 3f 3a 27 phptenerarry operator phpwhat is 3f 3f in phpoperator 3c 3d 3e phpphp is not equal toif equal phpuseful operator in phpphp 22 3a 22 3f and or php operatoris equal phpoperator 25 in phpphp what is the 3e operator calledphp logical operatorphp equals2 conditionoperator and expression in phpphp 7b 7d 3f 3f in php 5cphp 5c 27php 3f operatorphp 21 3d vs 21 3d 3d 2b 3d operater in phpphp not equal stringgreater than or equal to sign phpnot greater than 3 times enter in phpphp more than or equal tonot equal to php 21 3c phpphp operator usephp 28 29 26 26 php operatorless than symbol in phpphp 3f 3e operatoror in phpphp 22 3f 3a 22 22 3f 3f 22php compare intenger to stringphp equal to or less thanless than or equal to phpphp operator 3f 3a 3f 3f phpphp 3d 2b operatorsphp 26 operatormore or equal sign php 3c 25 phpwhat is the use of 27use operator 27 in php equal to or less than phpphp 3f 3aphp 3d 3f operator php 21 3d 3d in phpphp 7 3f 3f operatorphp in pre to compare single valuephp same ashow to print two numbers operator phpphp equal minusphp different operator stringphp 7 operator if thenphp equal 22 22 24 7b 7d phpif not equal php 28 29 3f 3a phpsmaller than equal to symbol phpphp grater out putwhat is mean 3e 3d in pgpphp compareequal or greater than symbol in phpand operators php 7c 7c 3d phpequal and unequal in phpequals int phpequal or greater in phpphp is a small operatorgreater than in phpphp operators comparison 3f 3f 3d phpmore or eaqel then 2 phpwhat is the 5e operator in php 3a 3a phpphp 3 bar equal with line throughcheck equals phpequal than or greater php 24 php 3f 3f operators in phpequals phpphp not equal to 0operators 3f 3f phpphp operators tutorialphp greather thanoperators 27operator 27 27in 27 phpphp does not equal 26 26 operator phpphp if greater than 0or php operatorphp operators 3f 3a phpwhat is the purpose of 24 24 operator in phpif not equal to any array values phpphp if two operators 3d 3c em phpphp 22 3f 3f 22 operatorphp and or operatorphp operator 3c 3d 3ebetween operator phpboolean 3f expr1 3a expr2 phpdoes 27 27 eqaute to true in phpphp operatorphp rather than stringno if and no ternary how to compare two stringsphp operator 26using 3f operator in phpphp less than or equal to from arraysmall than comparator in phpphp 22 3f 3a 22how to write greater or equal in phpphp not greater than operatorphp null coalescing operator empty stringphp 3fphp var compare numphp if not equalsphp 3e 3dif greater than or equal to phpdifferent operator phpternary operator php equalsphp equalsbigger or equal then sign phpif larger than or equal to phpif is not equal to phpphp 3d 3a 21 3d phpphp operator orphp if 3d 3d 3d 1 or morephp 3c 3e php operator 22 3d php operator 22not equal condition in phpphp if comparephp operator 22 7c 22operator 3f 3f phpphp 27 27php is equal or smaller than minushow to use and operator in phpphp 26 26 operatorphp is not equal to intphp 3f 3f operatorphpwhat is the new operator used for in php 40 operator phpphp operatorcompare digits in phpdiferent from sign in php 3c 3e operator function in phpphp operator 25 28 24x 3c 3d 3e 24y 29 3c 3d 3e operator phpphp does not equal operatorphp comparison operatorminor symbol phpphp 5ephp 29 3f 3aif condition on string or int in php 3a 3a operator in phpyou can use the operator with php 7 or later compare two values php 21 3d operator