pdo fetch

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01 Sep 2019
3$sth $dbh->prepare("SELECT name, colour FROM fruit");
6/* Exercise PDOStatement::fetch styles */
7print("PDO::FETCH_ASSOC: ");
8print("Return next row as an array indexed by column name\n");
9$result $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
13print("PDO::FETCH_BOTH: ");
14print("Return next row as an array indexed by both column name and number\n");
15$result $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);
19print("PDO::FETCH_LAZY: ");
20print("Return next row as an anonymous object with column names as properties\n");
21$result $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_LAZY);
25print("PDO::FETCH_OBJ: ");
26print("Return next row as an anonymous object with column names as properties\n");
27$result $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
28print $result->name;
15 Jun 2018
2It should be mentioned that this method can set even non-public properties. It may sound strange but it can actually be very useful when creating an object based on mysql result.
3Consider a User class:
6class User {
7   // Private properties
8   private $id, $name;
10   private function __construct () {}
12   public static function load_by_id ($id) {
13      $stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT id, name FROM users WHERE id=?');
14      $stmt->execute([$id]);
15      return $stmt->fetchObject(__CLASS__);
16   }
17   /* same method can be written with the "name" column/property */
20$user = User::load_by_id(1);
24fetchObject() doesn't care about properties being public or not. It just passes the result to the object. Output is like:
26object(User)#3 (2) {
27  ["id":"User":private]=>
28  string(1) "1"
29  ["name":"User":private]=>
30  string(10) "John Smith"
23 Mar 2019
1 while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $result)) {}
29 Feb 2017
1$dbhost = @mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die('Unable to connect to server');
3@mysql_select_db('divebay') or die('Unable to select database');
4$search = $_GET['searchdivebay'];
5$query = trim($search);
7$sql = "SELECT * FROM auction WHERE name LIKE '%" . $query . "%'";
12echo 'Your search was invalid';
14} //line 18
16$result = mysql_query($trim);
17$numrows = mysql_num_rows($result);
29 Sep 2020
1$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=$host; dbname=$database;', $user, $pass);
2$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM auction WHERE name = :name');
3$stmt->bindParam(':name', $_GET['searchdivebay']);
4$stmt->execute(array(':name' => $name);
01 Sep 2018
1$stmt $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM users LIMIT :limit, :offset");$stmt->execute(['limit' => $limit'offset' => $offset]); $data $stmt->fetchAll();// and somewhere later:foreach ($data as $row) {    echo $row['name']."<br />\n";}
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in php using pdopdo fetchrowkind of fetches in pdo phppdo fetchall vs fetchphp pdo fetch vs fetchallfetch both in pdopdo 24db 3eprepare fetch 28 29fetch data php url pdofetch pdo mysqlpdo fetch statementsphp return type of pdo fetch resultjs fetch phpfetch pdo while row index while fetch pdo phpfetch value pdo examplehow to fetch results in pdo phpapi data fetch in phppdo result accessfetch create phpwhy use fetch assoc pdophp getrow attributespdo most efficient fetchfetch in php mysqlint 24fetch style php tablepdo execute fetchphp pdo fetch 28 29 resultpdo fetch and fetchallfetch js phpfetch data in pdofetch one php pdofunction fetch phppdo fetch rowphp fetch the differentfetch pdo phppdo 3efetchhow to fetch values based on selected option in php using pdopdo fetch asspcphp query fetchphp fetch from databasephp pdo get query resultfetch sql response in phpone record fetch with pdo in phpfetching data from database using php pdopdo fetch after queryfetch with phppdo get 1d fetchwhat is 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resultpdo fetch sqlgit fetch in pdo phpphp what does fetch 28 29 returnpdo fetch from databasefetch row pdopdo fetch numpdo fetch assoc view result with result position 24row 3d 24stmt 3efetch update this pdo fetch parameterspdo db fetchpdo fetch or fetchallfetch results using pdo in phpphp pdo pdo while fetchphp sql fetchpdo fetch data from databasefetch all data from database in php pdo 24stmt 3efetch pdo get row php get from fetchpdo fetch classphp pdo fetch all dataphp pdo fetch allpdo query select allfetch result pdo odbcpdo fetch assoc view result with result indexmysql pdo select queryhow to fetch records in object in php in pdopdo selectpdo fetch query phppdo fetch volver al iniciofetching data phparray fetch php 24fetch style php valuesphp pdo prepare execute fetchphp pdo fetch object classdefiner run pdo fetchphp pdo get sql resultpdo fetch assocphp fetch methodsphp sql data pdo fetch into tablefetch request method in phpkind of fetch in pdo phpphp select pdo 24row 3d 24stmt 3efetch 28pdo 3a 3afetch assoc 29 3bfetching in pdofetch method phpfetch 28 29 in pdophp api with js fetchpdo get and fetch 24db 3efetch 28pokemon 3a 3afetch class 29 3bget or fetch phpjavascript fetch with php 24statement 3efetchall 28pdo 3a 3afetch assoc 29 3bfetch 28 29 in phpphp pdo fetchallwhen to use fetch and fetch and pdophp pdo with while and fetchfetch mysql phpfetch row in pdo statement in phppdo 3a 3afetch assoc explainphp fetch callquery loop fetc each 10 php mysqlfetchall 28pdo 3a 3afetch obj 29 3bpdo php query fetchfetch phpphp 8 pdo fetch allpdo fetch methodsmysql php fetch 28 29how to pdo fetch assocfetch alternative in pdo phppdo fetch afetch assoc in pdoget results of pdo queryfetch all in pdophp pdo fetch namedphp pdo sql fetch returns nothingfetch php query results 27fetch 27 3d 3e pdo 3a 3afetch class 2cpdo fetch optionvalue in fetch php pdowhile fetch pdo hpp php fetch with pdoquery 3efetch pdo object phpfetch object in php pdophp fetcha 3b 3bwhat does fetch do on phpfetch and fetch asoc in phppdo fetch allpdo fetchall assocphppdo fetch update resulttype fetch in pdophp fetcherfetch function in phppdo fetch shorthand 3efetchall 28 2a 2a 2apdo 3a 3afetch objphp fetch assoc pdohow to fetch data from database in php using pdoselect data using pdo in phpfech in pdophp pdo fetchall examplephp pdo fetch modedoes fetch work with phphow to fetch as value in php pdo from databasepdo while fetchfetch data sql php pdofetch 28pdo 3a 3afetch assoc 29fetchall 28pdo 3a 3afetch obj 29fetch data from api pdo queryphp pdo fetch classpdo select query in php 24stmt 3efetch pdo get pdo fetchall examplephp fetch popuphow to fetch data in the form of pdo with examplejs php fetchphp and fetch apipdo fetch shortcutpdo 3a 3afetch obj phppdo fetch all datahow to fetch data using pdo in phpphp pdo mysql fetch arrayfetch array in pdo phpapi fetch in phpwhat value fetch 28 29 return in phppdo statement fetchfetching result assending php pdophp pdo fetch all data from selectphp fetch arraypdo fetch datapdo 3a 3afetch obj as defaultget rows from database pdopdo select fetch assoc allselect in pdofetch in js phphow to fetch data from server pdophp fetch 28 29 function 24stmt 3efetch pdophp 3efetch 28 29 3bphp api fetchphp get result from pdo mssql insert and select 24stmt 3efetch get row idpdo 3afetch arrayphp echo result of pdo fetch objectphp fetch sql resultfetch from api in phppdo fetch object arrayfetch all php pdo 3efetchall 28pdo 3a 3afetch assoc 29 3bfetch sql php pdo fetch all contntmethode fetch php php7 mysql fetch podpdo fetch where no resultphp pdo select queryrecho result of pdo phpfetch record from database in php pdophp return to fetchuse pdo to fetch data from pgsql dbpdo 3afetch as arrayphp fetch objectphp mysql fetchphp fetchphp pdo fetch from dbfetch pdo as sting in phpmysql fetch syn phpphp pdo fetch as objectfetch all phpphp fetch infophp fetch functionsphp fetch equivalentjavascript php fetchfetch class pdophp oci fetchdisplay the fetch in pdofetch assoc for pdophp pdo get data from databasefetch api and phppdo fetch foreachint 24fetch style php valuesfetch all pdophp and fetch php fetch from apipdo queryfetch statement in phpphp catch qurey fetch errorfetch assoc array php pdosql query fetch object pdophp pdo get row dataselect foreach php pdopdo fetch assoc arrayhow to get data from database php pdofetch api php 24query 3efetchall 28pdo 3a 3afetch obj 29 3bphp return pdo fetch result typepdo fetch 28 29pdo while fetch row index numberfetch sql tesult phpwhat fetch 28 29 return in phppdo fetchall what is itwhile pdo fetch pdo result fetchphp fetch queryarray fetch in phphow to fetch the data in php using pdo in table formatphp fetch sqlfetch attributes pdo api fetch phpfetch all necesary for query php pdopdo fetch querypdo fetch class examplpdo and fetch apipdo fetch namepdo select query phppdo table php fetchpdo fetch query in phpphp fetch requestfetch data with pdopdo table fetch phppdostatement 3efetch 28 29 231 7bmain 7d thrown inphp pdo statement fetchget php function with fetchpdo fetch optionspdo 3a 3afetch obj 29while row fetch php pdohow to get data by select statement in php using pdo php select data pdomysql pdo fetch allphp fetch rest apifetch en phpphp get fetch arrayhow to get data with pdo in phpjs fetch 28 29 to phparray fetch php examplefetch all at once pdo php 24stmt 3efetch 28pdo 3a 3afetch assoc 29 3bfetch object phppdo fetch assoc view result with index numberphp pdo fetchallpdostatement 3efetch 28 29fetchrow pdophp pdo fetch assoc datapdo fetch phpuse query pdo to fetch data into a tablepdo fetch stylepdo fetch returns truepdo fetch return falsephp pdo 3a 3afetchfetch com phpphp pdo fetch data with filterpdo statment fetch 24row 3d 24stmt 3efetch get row idfetch js php getphp pdo retrieve data from databasefetch obj in pdopdo fetch objectfetchall 28pdo 3a 3afetch assoc 29get data in select ll in pdopdo fetch singlephp pdo select rowsjs fetch php functionpdo sql fetch in while 3efetch 28 29 pdosql fetch from pdoquery 3efetch phpphp stmt fetchphp pdo fetch assocpdo options fetch modefetchinto phpfetch data with pdo phppdo fetchfetch api with phppdo 3a 3afetch class 29fetch assoc php pdophp pdo fetch datapdo get sql querypdo 3a 3afetch 28pdo 3a 3afetch assoc 29pdo while fetch row index number index phpuse of fetch in phpphp fetch and fetchallphp query 3e fetchphp fetch getphp fetch row pdophp fetch then 24user 3d 24stmt 3efetch 28 29 3bphp mysql fetch defaultfetchall phpphp pdo fetch all contntselect pdo fetch phpphp fetch resultquery fetc each 10 php mysqlfetch array in phpphp using pdo read data from databasepdo fetch func examplepdo fetchallarray search query pdo php pdodataphp pdo fetchonephp pdo get sql queryfetch assoc in php pdopdo select results phpfetch mehtod in phppdo while loop fetchphp pdo fetch columnfetch in pdofetch to php 3efetch 28 29 in phpmysql fetch method in phphow to prepare a pdo statement and fetch dataphp fetch all pdophp mysql fetchfetch in pdo by idfetch from api phpfetch parameters phppdo insert into fetchclass const fetch phpquery fetch phpclass php for fetch data pdo fetch only string from pdo phpfetch php sqlfetch string phpfetchall or fetch pdorequete fetch phppdo fetch 28 29 and fetchall 28 29get result from pdopdo fetch arrayphp pdo fetch return falsepdo select from databasepdo fetch certain data from databasepdo fetch adn querywhat is in pdo fetch 28 29php pdo display all data from database 3efetch 28 29 phppdo fetch assoc while phppostgres php pdo select difference between fetch and fetchall in phpmysql fetch result pdo phpphp mysql fetchpdo fetchobjectpdo 3a 3afetch assoc phpphp array fetchfetch assoc pdo phppdo fetch valuefetch data using pdo in phpfetch assoc php pdofetch 28 29 phpfetch single data from database in php pdopdo fect stylehow to fetch data use prepare pdostatement fetch phpphp pdo get select statement as objectfetchall pdo examplefetch array phpfetching techiniques using pdopdo fetch assoc view result with indexphp fetchall pdofetch php mysql 5cphp fetch apisphp fetch 28 29 pdo fetch assoc examplefetch data in php pdofetch obj pdohow to use pdo to connect to a database and fetch dataphp pdo fetch rowhow to fetch in pdopdo fetchorfirstfetch and echo results in pdopdo set fetch modepdo fetch countopp fetch phpphp pdo while fetchpdo stmt fetch assocpdo fetch without keyfetch 28pokemon 3a 3afetch class 29 3bphp pdo mysql queryphp fetch mysqlfetch object 28 29 3ecode in phphow to get pdo datastmt fetch array indexdata fetch in phppdo fetch requesthow to fetch data from database using pdophp fetch data from mysql pdopdo 3efetch 28 29fetch assoc pdofetch in phpphp fetch api 24stmt 3efetch php 24data 3d 24q 3efetch 28pdo 3a 3afetch assoc 29 3bphp fetch asfetch row in pdo phpphp pdo statement select 2 pramspdo fetch assoc view result with result position examplepdo fetch objfetch pdo select how to fetch data from database in php pdophp fetch sql requestuse fetch with php functionhoe to fetch row pdophp sql fetch 28 29php pdo fetch assoc vsphp pdo with while fetchallpdo fetch returns falsephp equivalent fetch methodpdo fetchall fetch intomethodes fetch phphow to fetch array in pdo phpphp pdo select wherephp 2bmysql 2bpdo 2bfetch 28pdo 3a 3afetch obj 29 single columnarray to query pdo phpfetch api on phpphp pdo fetch object 3efetch 28pdo 3a 3afetch assoc 29select pdoquery fetch pgpresponse fetch in phpfetch in javascript 26 phpphp fetch apdo fetch as arrayphp fetch numphp pdo how to fech onepdo fetch 28pdo 3a 3aphp fetch methods pdowhat is mysql fetch object in phppdo fetchall what does ithow to fetch data from database using pdo in phppdo fetch