pass props in react

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showing results for - "pass props in react"
29 Jun 2020
1/* PASSING THE PROPS to the 'Greeting' component */
2const expression = 'Happy';
3<Greeting statement='Hello' expression={expression}/> // statement and expression are the props (ie. arguments) we are passing to Greeting component
5/* USING THE PROPS in the child component */
6class Greeting extends Component {
7  render() {
8    return <h1>{this.props.statement} I am feeling {this.props.expression} today!</h1>;
9  }
07 Sep 2019
1const Header = (props) => {
2    return (
3        <header>
4            <h1>{props.title}</h1>
5        </header>
6    )
9export default Header
26 May 2016
1const Label = props => <span>{props.children}</span>
2const Button = props => {
3    const Inner = props.inner; // Note: variable name _must_ start with a capital letter 
4    return <button><Inner>Foo</Inner></button>
6const Page = () => <Button inner={Label}/>
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