outline button css

Solutions on MaxInterview for outline button css by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "outline button css"
03 Jan 2018
1In need of a button, but not the hefty background colors they bring? 
2Replace the default modifier classes with the .btn-outline-* ones to 
3remove all background images and colors on any button.
5<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary">Primary</button>
6<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">Secondary</button>
7<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-success">Success</button>
8<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-danger">Danger</button>
9<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-warning">Warning</button>
10<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-info">Info</button>
11<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-light">Light</button>
12<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-dark">Dark</button>
06 Sep 2016
1<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="#">Primary</button>
02 Apr 2018
1.btn {
2  border: 2px solid black;
3  background-color: white;
4  color: black;
5  padding: 14px 28px;
6  font-size: 16px;
7  cursor: pointer;
10/* Green */
11.success {
12  border-color: #04AA6D;
13  color: green;
16.success:hover {
17  background-color: #04AA6D;
18  color: white;
queries leading to this page
disabled button bootstrap 4bootstrap class to make button disablelabel in button bootstrapbtn color bootstrap 4bootstrap btn alt1boostrap outline button cssbootstrap 4 button sizeoutline button bootstrap 5btn styles in boobootsrap button colors outline 3cinput class 3d 22 hidden btn btn success btn block 22 id 3d 22form button 22 type 3d 22submit 22 value 3d 22continue 22 3e not hidingbootstrap 4 btn activeboostrap 4 button colorbtn outline success bootsterapoutline buttons bootstrapsmall button buttoncreate button as link in bootstrap 4approve reject button bootstrapbutton small bootstrap 4nice control buttons bootstrapwhite button outlinebootstrap rounded button outlineprimary outline button in html without bootstrapbootstrap button decorationbootstrap 4 btn successbouton bootstrapadd link in button bootstrapbootstrap for submit buttontransparent button bootstrapbootstrap3 button outline blackbootstrap create buttonbootstarp small buttonbootstrap 4 button 5cbootstrap wide buttonbuttons styles bootstrapborder color of bootstrap buttonbootstrap diabled buttonbootstrap 4 button outlinecolor button bootstrap 4reset button bootstraapoutline on button cssbutton lg bootstrapbtn outlinebutton outline htmlbootstrap button outline stylehtml standard button outlinehow to setbutton bootstrapoutline button bootstaa tag by btn class bootstrapbootstrap4 button group no borderred border button 2b bootstrapexample bootstrap buttonbootstrap button without outline 3cinput type 3d 22submit 22 class 3d 22btn btn danger 22 value 3dbtn bootstrap 4 tagbtn bootstrap 4set buttons down of the page bootstrap 4 button with label in bootstrap 4bootstrap edit buttonbtn background color bootstrapbootsratp bouton themebootstrap button classbootstrap button stylesmatfabmenu does not display primary button colormake a disabled button black css bootstrapbtn outline bootstrap 5buttons in bootstarp4bootstrap button typesbtn class bootstrapboosttap full width buttonbutton inactive bootstrapremove outline from button css bootstrapbotton bootstrapbootstrap toggle button outlinebootstap buttonbtn full width bootstrap 4html css button outlinebootstrap home buttonbtn red bootstraphow to remove button outline in bootstrabutton without border bootstrapbootstrap outline button buttton bootstrapbutton classbtn xs bootstrap 4bootstrap buttons with no bordersuccess button bootstrapbootstrap outline btnbootstrap button lgbootstrap 4 link button styledisable class bootstrapbootstrap btn outline infobootstrap botton stylebrtn bootstrapbootstrap radius buttonboot strap buttonsbutton link botstrapbtn outline bootramake a boot strap button cssbutton bootstrap activebootstrap button change color greybootstrap like buttonoutline bootstrapbootstrap button textadd button outline csslarge button bootstrap 3bootstrap buttons sizesa button without an outline bootstrapbootstrap back buttonoutline button bootstrapbutton border bootstrap classhref button bootstrapget bootstrap 4 buttonadding href to bootstrap buttonbootstrap remove outline buttonbutton delete bootstrapprimary button in bootstrap without outlinebootstrap 4 link buttonbtn outline primary bootstrap cssbootstrap bouttonbutton bootstrap classesbootstrap small outline buttonbutton sizes bootstrap 4button bootstrap 3bootstrap 4 buttons simple bootstrap buttonsbootstrap color buttonbootstrap button border colorcss bootstrap 4 buttonboostrap outlinebootstrap 4 btn classesbootstarp 4 button sizebtn outline mdn bootstarp codedisable bootstrap class actionbutton bootstrap outlinebootstrap back buttomedit button in grid bootstrap 4bootstrap samll butotonhow to override a bootstrap outline button classbootstrap anchotbootstrap button no stylebootstrap4 buttonbootstrap button addon click eventbtn bootstrap css bootstrap button disablebutton bootstrap4bootstrap button greenbootstrap make button outline purplebootstarap buttonbutton style bootstrapbootstrap gray buttonremove the outline bootstrap buttonbutton sm in bootstrapbutton style outlineinfo button bootstrapbootstrap active buttoncss btn outlinebutton full width bootstrapboostrap buttonbootstrap 4 anchor stylebootstrap hyperlink buttonanchor tag class in bootstrap 4bootstrap 4 button templatebootstrap btn classhtml button with outlinebootstrap full witdht buttonbootstrap button outline and filllink to button in bootstrapbootstrap button style no borderbootstrap button link to urlbootstrap a tag in buttonbutton code bootstrapbootstrap button blue outlinelogin outline bootstrap 4 bootstrap btn lgwrite text around the outline button bootstrapbootstrap button radiusbootstrap button border onlyhow to write custom bootstrap button outlinesmall buttonbotstrap4 buttonbootstrap doc buttonsbootstrap buttons cssbtn full width bootstrapbootstrap red buttonnice outline button cssbutton styles outlinebootstrap 4 link styled as a buttondisable button css bootstrap 4style button bootstraphow to create bootstrap btn outlinebootstrap 4 links as buttonsbootstrap disable classbuttonn bootstrapbootstrap class for link disableboostrap buttonsbootsytap4 buttonbtn lg in bootstrapbootstrap disabled classadd new item button bootstrapbootstrap style buttonoutline buttonbootstrap red btnbutton class bootstrap 4bootstrap 4 button for buybutton class larg andbutton as link in bootstrapbootstrap button outline whitechange bootstrap button outline colorcss button outlinebtn classes bootstrapbootstrap buttonr classbtn blockusing btn classes on div bootstrapget bootstrap button disablelarg bootstrap buttondisabled button in bootstrap 4how to get small carget button of bootstrap4 in spanbootstrap 4 button widthcss3 outline buttonbootstrap 4 outline buttondisabled in bootstrapbootstrap 5 outline buttonbootsrap button stylewhite button bootstrapbutton button bootstrapbootstrap btn disabledhow to create button in bootstrap 4button bootstrap 4 outlinebootstrap 4 button full widthborder color button bootstrapa btn disabled bootstrapbotones bootstrapactive button bootstrap classbootstrap delete and update button colorsoutline button examplebutton bootstrapbootstrap no btn outlinebtn danger bootstrapdanger button simpleoutline button bootstrap 3change border style of button bootstrapbutton outline cssbuttons in bootstrapbootstrap button outline dangerwhat is button outlinehtml buttons bootstrapbutton cancel bootstrapbutton green bootstrapbootstrap 4 button stylesbootstrap 3 outline buttonsbouton delete bootstrap 4btn lg bootstrap 4bootstrap fake buttonbootstrap secondaryno outline button bootstrapbootstrap delete buttonbootstrap 4 2b buttonbutton outline bootstrap 5cbootstrap delete button classhow to add button in bootstrapbootstrap blue outline when pressing buttonbutton outline in bootstrap 3 4 1bootstrap link buttonbootstrap outline button beautifulbootstrap 4 link into a buttonbootstrap button border stylebutton size in bootstrap 4bootstrap 4 use a href as form submit buttonadd button using bootstrapbootstrap 4 full width biuttonbootstrap button curvelogin button bootstrap 4btn successbootstrap 4 btn colorsanchor bootstrapprevent outline on button bootstrapbootstrap btn outline primarysmall button bootstrap outlinebootstrap flat buttonboostrap input submut classbutton border outlinebtn outline border color bootstrapbootstrap large buttonbtn outline class in bootstrap 4button bootstrap smhow to give button outline in bootstrapresponsive btn bootstrapround button info bootstrapbuttons bootstrapbootstrap primary button cssbootstrap buttons classbtn roundboostrap 4 buttonbtn outline class in bootstrap 3btn labeloutline on btnbootstrap button xlbtn primary outlinebtn block bootstrapbootsrap button outline nonebootstrap 4 back buttonbootstarap button outlinew3school outline buttonbootstrap 4 big buttonbtn dangerbootstrap button with no outlinebootstrap documentation buttonshref bootstrapbootstrap 4 button disabledbutton classes in bootstrapbootstrap button red outlinebootstrap 4 btnbootstrap 4 buttnbtn outline bootsrapbootstrap remove button outlinebootstrap bottonsbootstrap 4 button colorbootstrap stylish buttontype btn bootstrapbtn btnbtn default bootstrap 4bootsrap button classdark bootstrap bottonbutton outline color bootstrapbtn btn primary bootstrap 3bootstrap button active outlinebootstrap btn light borderbootstrap button smallbuttom in bootstrapbootsratp boutonbootstrap submit buttonbootstrap buttonsoutline colorbootstrap button no bordera href button in bootstrapbtn md bootstrap 4botstrap buttonbootsrap button acive outlinebutton html bootstrapbootstrap button radius classbutton classes bootstrapbootstrap button as a linkbootstrap login buttonbtn outline secondary cssbtn very small in bootstrap 4outline button custom cssbootstrap tag with delete buttonbootstrap 4 link stylebootstrap button white outlinebutton bootstrap 4 with linka class button bootstrapbootstrap full width buttonbuttons css bootstrapbootstap buttonsbootstrap button classesblock button bootstrapbottsrap button outlinelink disabled bootstrapbuttons bootstrap blockbutton border bootstrapbootstrap 4 button classboostrap btn btn outline primaryboot straps buttona simple bootstrap 4 page with single buttonresponsive button bootstrap 4button outline remove bootstrapoutline button with border cssbtn size small bootstap 4bootstrap anchor element to add buttonbuttons in bootstrapla href with button bootstraphtml button outlinehow to make button responsive in bootstrap 4bootstrap anchor button remove click effectweb button outlinebootstrap button designbootstrap button click inputbutton with href bootstrapboostrap button outline remakeboostrap4 buttonbtn primarybootstrap button outline csshow to change outline of bootstrap buttonbootstrap small buttonbtn default bootstrap 4 outlinebtn outline dangerbootstrap btn group active errorbtn style bootstrap 4bootstrap buttosbutton border none bootstrap bootstra small buttonbootstrap 4 buttons largeprimary outline bootstrapbootstrap4 buttonsbutton responsive bootstrap 4bootstrap button outline classesbtn outline bootstrapcolors btn bootstrapbouton bootstrap 4bootstrap 4 button blockbootstrap 4 btn 27bootstrap default keychange button outline css 5cbootstrap 4 buttons sizeset outline none button bootstraphow to make outline buttonbootstrap span button with a hrefbootstrap toggle active button on clickdelete button bootstrapwhite button bootstrap with borderconst styles 3d 5b 27btn primary 27 2c 27btn outline 27 5d 3bbootstrap btn focus outlinebootstrap button outline blackbootstrap outline primaryremove button bootstrapbutton outline with add bootstrap buttonbootrsap info buttonbootstrap button lightremove button outline of bootstrapbootstrap 4 button disabled stylebutton border color bootstrapbootstrp class btn btn dark 5dbootstrap btn outline border lightbootstrap 5 outline default buttonbtn outline bootstraphow to do outline for html buttonbootstrap buttooutlined button bootstrapoutline buttons cssoutline css buttonprimary button in bootstrapclass for white outline button bootstrapbootstrap 4 flat buttonbootstrap 3 button outlinebootstrap outline button classboostrap btn outlineback button css using bootstrap 4outline in buttonbutton with border bootstrapbtn secondary cssbootstrap button outline removebootstrap button class with border colorbootstrap outline button cssbootstrap btn smremove button outline bootstrapoutline on button click for bootstrap buttonsboostrap design buttonbootstrap button only borderbootstrap btn pillbutton reset bootstrapbootdtrap buttonbootstrap button focus outlinesubmit button bootstrapbootstrap btn blockbootrap btn whitebutton outline bootstrapbootstrap 5 button outlineremove outline button bootstrapbootstrap button with no stylesset button border color bootstrapboostrap outline buttonbootstrap color buttonsbootstrap btn outline cssbutton border outline cssbootstrap bouton largebotones bootstrap 4bootstrap 4 mini buttonall btn outline class of bootstrapbtn bootstrap outlinebootstrap buuttonsbutton back bootstrapreturn button bootstrapget button styling on a tag bootstrapa tag as button bootstrapbootstrap button sizedisabled class bootstrapbootstrap 3 buttonbutton statistics bootstrapbootstrap button morecta bootstrapbutton bootstrap smallbootstrap outline button custom colorboostrap button outlinebootstrap 4 delete buttonsmall button bootstrap 4how to change the button outline in cssbtn btn outline bootstrapgray color in bootstrap buttonsbuton outline cssbootstrap button with oulinecreate outline buttonchange btn outline bootstrapbootstrap disabled outline button cssbootstrap 4 button typesabutton bootstrap htmlbutton anchor tag bootstrapcreate button outline botstrapbutton bootstrap borderbootrap button actionbootstrap class btnbootstrap btn transparentbootstrap button borderhow to make button active in bootstraphow to make bootstrap btn light button responsive for mobile screenbuttons bootstrap 4button primary i bpptstrapbootstrap buutinsstylish buttons in bootstrapbootstrap a href as buttonbutton boostapbutton bootstrap radiusbootstrap buttons are not designedbootstrap 3 outline buttonbootsrap btn outlinebouton lien bootstrap 4btn classbtn small bootstrapremove outline bootstrap buttonbootstrap buttons stylesbootstrap 4 small buttonsize of button bootstrap 4bootstrap button outline colorbootstrap button borderbt light bootstrapbootstrap button with white outlinebutton secondaryborder outline for buttonlike button in bootstraphow yo indicate in a bootstrap button where to gobootstrap 4 btn largeoutline bootstrap 4bootstrap disablebtn delete bootstrapbootystrap outline buttonsoutline buttons in bootstrap 4bootstrap button roundbutton without border bootstrap 4bootstrap btn outline defaultbtn outline bootstrap csschange bootstrap button outlinebootsrap button disabledbootstrap button stylebootstrap active button nonehow to create a button html css with an outlinebootstrap 4 delete btnedit button in bootstrapuncolored btn in bootstrap 4bootstrap outline buttonswhich css property applies on class of bootstrap btnoutline button css bootstrapbtn xs bootstrap 4add item button bootstrapbutton style in bootstrapbtn smbtn outline success cssbootstrap dark buttonbootstrap btn outline lightbutton styles bootstrap 4bootstrap outline buttons with custom colorbootstrap ctaclickable button bootstrapbootstrap btn outline invertedbootstrap outline butotonebootstrap 4 create btn colorblack color button in bootstrapoutline bootstrap buttonbootstrap btn outlinebtn lg css custombutton big bootstrap 4button bootstrapbtn btn success bootstrapbutton with with link bootstrap 4bootstrap button pill yes nobootstrap button custom outline colorbootstrap butttonbootstrap btn anchor tag bootstrap 4button outline bootstrap noneextra large button in bootstrap 4bootstrap btn outline nonebtn outline boostrapstyling button bootstrapcss button outline 3a nonebtn link bootstrap 4how to make a button outline of bootstrap in htmlhow to chnage btn outline in bootstrapbootstrap box with button effectboostrap edit buttonremove bootstrap button outlinebootstrap tag buttonbootstrap button exampledisable button in bootstrap 4bootsrap 4 class disabledbootstrap fluid homepage with buttonbutton diable boostrapbootstrap info buttonbutton plugin bootstrapbootstrap button disabled cssmore button bootstrapdanger buttonbtn outline primary cssprimary sm bootstrapbootstrap disabledbootstrap css class disabledbootstrap button linksecondary button bootstrapbootstrap button border color changebootstrap button whitebtn outline regbootstrap buttionsactive button bootstrapbtn outline bootstrap blackadd btn classhow to add outline to a button using bootstrapbootstrap button full widthbootstrap 4 for buttonsdisabled bootstrap button outliersbutton outline red bootstrapbootstrap4 colour buttonshow to style bootstrap buttonhow to make return button in bootstraplink like button bootstrap 4bootstrap block buttongetbootstrap buttonbootstrap 4 active class outline button clickbootstrap btn outline colorbtn smallboot starp button as a linkbootstrap link button with iconbootstrap 4 button highlight textyellow button outline bootstrapbtn outline cssoutline button bootstrap 4 btn primary outlineback button bootstrapbootstrap btn backbtn sm in bootstrap 4bootstrap style for buttonbootstrap button outline when hoveroverbutton boostrap 4bootstap 4 button classesbootstrap button style nonebootstrap buttons outlinebtn outline in bootstrap 4remove outline on button bootstrapbutton types in bootstrapbootstrap 4 button designbootstrap btn stylebootstrap buttonbootstrap 4 button classesbutton width bootstrapbtn btn primarybootstrap outlineboostrap outline buttonsbutton color bootstrap 4dispaly block button in bootstrap4button type reset bootstrapbutton class in bootstrapchange outline color of button bootstraphow to set custom color on bootstrap outline buttonb ootstrap active class btnbutton details bootstrapbtn btn outline none bootstrapbootstrap button clickcreate small button in form bootstrapbootstrap toggle button outline removebootstrap class btn get startedanchor in bootstrap 4bootstarp button borderbutton with outline bootstrapbutton border likes bootstrapbootstrap button useda href button bootstrap 4btn btn default for checkbox in htmlbootstrap 4 btn outlinebotstrap 4 buttonsfill btn primarybutton info outline bootstrapoutline buttons bootstrap 3button bootstrap 4how to add bootstrap buttonhow to display text in block inside button in bootstrap4bootstrap button cssbootstrap link stylebootstrap buttons radiusblack buttons bootstrap4outline button bootstrap nonebutton active bootstrapbutton bootstrtapa class bootstrap buttonbtn bootstrapblack button bootstrap classred border button bootstrapbootstrpa buttonbootstrap4 disablebootstrap btn alertwhen to use outline buttonsbootstrap styling buttonbtn outline in cssbootstrap thin buttonbtn outline border color bootstarpstyling button bootstrap 4bootstrap disable buttons stylehyperlink button in bootstrapbootstrap button qwith hrefbootstrap submit button smallbtn success bootstrap disabled enablebootstrap 3 buttonsbotstrat buttonbutton outline in booststrapboostrap button border outlinebootstarpbutton outlinebootstrap button colorscss draw outline on buttonstyle buttons in bootstrapbootstrap button with outlinebtn border bootstrapbutton outline bootstrap thicknessbutton big bootstrap4bootstrap outline button colorbutton active in bootstrapbootstrap 3ca 3e buttonbootstrap toggle button either orbootstrap 4 btn statesbootstrap green buttonbootstrap deactivate buttonbutton responsive in bootstrapbootstrap buttons 5ccustom button bootstrap 4bootstrap 4 button bordercss property button outlinerectangle button bootstrapbootstrap button outline hoverstop bootstrap button outlinebootstrap button with linkbootstrap 4 button typesforms with many buttons bootstrapbootstrap button outlinedisable a button bootstrapbtn bootstrap divbootstrap big buttonbootstrap transperaent buttonbootstrap 4 outline btnbootstrap button border in cssbootstrap button black outlinebtn outline primary bootstrapdisable bootstrap buttonsos button bootstrap 4bootstrap buttonmsbootstrap 4 buttons colorsbootstrap buttonsbootstrap white outline buttonhow to remove outline from bootstrap buttonbutton outline none bootstrapboostrap delet buttonbootsrap 4 small buttonbootstrap 4 no link style on buttonshtml bootstrap button classbootstrap btn smallcss for outline buttonbootstrap button focus outline noneoverride bootstrap outline button in cssbootstrap button outline nonebootstrap btnbtn sizea tag button bootstrapboostrap button outline colorbutton size bootstrap 4bootstrap buttoonbootstrap btn border transparentttypes of button bootstrapbutton link bootstrapcss bootstrap button linkcss btn outline secondary csshow to small in put button in bootstrap 4how to button border outline in bootstrap 4outline button cssstyle button border bootstrapboostrap back linksbootstrap button dangerbootstrap 4 buttons primary secondarybutton style border style bootstrap button ghost bootstrapresponsive buttons bootstrap 4bootstrap disabled buttonbootstrap primary buttonsfull width button bootstrapdanger button bootstraptiny button bootstrap 4reset button bootstrapbootstrap 4 red buttonbtn btn out line primary in boottsrpabootstrap 4 small btnbootstrap more button open rest ofdisable class bootstrap4bootstrap bottonremove outline from bootstrap buttonoutline button htmlbutton a boostrapbootstrap button with labelboostrap button radiusbutton tag 3d btncss outline buttonbtn outline bootstrap 3button submit bootstrapchange button outline color bootstrapbootstrap display other buttons with other buttonbutton type submit bootstrapbtn success bootstrapbtn btn sizebootstrap white buttonbootstrap button designs cssbutton outline info bootstrap not workingsecondary bootstrapoutline button codetype buttons bootstrapwrite text in the outline button bootstrapbootstrap 4 reset button activebuton based from bootstrap 4css form button outlinebootstrap button design abootstrap outline butoonsstylish button in bootstrapbootstrap ractangular button 3cdiv class 3d 22buttons are medium 22 3e 3cbutton class 3d 22button 22 3eall 3c 2fbutton 3e 3cbutton class 3d 22button 22 3emedium 3c 2fbutton 3e 3cbutton class 3d 22button 22 3esize 3c 2fbutton 3e 3c 2fdiv 3eoutline for a buttonsmall btn bootstrapbutton outline in bootstrapbootstrap btn darkbootstrap 4 small small button bootstrap classes on buttoncta two bootstrap 4button long bootstrapsearch uotline bootstrapbootstrap butoondbutton disabled bootstrapbtn secondary bootstrapsubmission button bootstrapbootssteap buttonbootstrap button hrefbootstrap 4 disablehow to change the color in css for an outline button bootstrapbootstrap 4 button smallbootsrap button outlinebutton small bootstraplong button bootstrapbtn bootstrapremove outline from button bootstrapbuttons boostrap 4how to disable bootstrap buttonbootstrap danger buttonbootstrap 4 button longerbootstrap button no backgroundbootstrap button shapebootstrap outline button css snpetback button bootstrap 4outline buttonsbootstrap button remove outlinebootstrap set button outline and background colorbootstrap 3 btnclassbootstrap button active 3ca type 3d 22button 22 class 3d 22btn btn dark 22 onclick 3d 22button with border only bootstrapbutton remove bootstrapbootstrap style sheet for a buttonbootstrp button classcolor button in bootstrap 4bootstrap buttons colors with outlinebutton css booystraplarge button bootstraphow to change the outline button colour in bootstrapa href button bootstrapbutton outline none bootstrap 4bootstrap colors buttonclass 3d 22btn clear 22bootstrap btn borderbtn success bootstrap disabledbootstrap big buttonsbootstrap info button htmlbootstrap outline button css snipetwhen top use btn success bootstrapbootstrap disable buttonhow to give outline to buttonbootsrap button borderfavorite button bootstrapbootstrap borderless buttonchange bootstrap outline button colorbootstrap button no outlinebootstrap secondary buttonbtn rounded bootstrap 4btn secondary with cssbtn seconday bootstrapbtn a tag bootstrapbootstrap outline button with iconbootstrap 4 block button 23bootstrap 4 btn sizebutto bootstrap 4btn outline in bootstrapbootstrap button outline infodraw outline on button cssbutton styling outline in bootstrapbootstrap buttonbootstrap block level button groupbtn outline cssget started button bootstrapbutton outlinebutton in bootstrapbootstrap btn downloadbootstrap for buttonsbootstrap4 buttons widthcan i make a div on class btn bootstrapbutton in bootstrap 4bootstrap button outline on clickbootstrap button outline style csshtbtn bootstrap 4how to set custom color on bootstrap outline button classbootstrap btn outlinebootstrap btn secondaryborderless button bootstrapbootstrap btn lgoutline btn bootstrapboostraps btn outlineoutline button formclass for dark buttonbootstrap buttnsbootstrap link button to pagebtn default newest versionclass of button in bootstrap 4disabled button bootstrapbootstrap anchorbutton href bootstrapbootstrap btn info dangerbutton types bootstrapbutton border bootstrap 4outline button css