mysql union

Solutions on MaxInterview for mysql union by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "mysql union"
04 May 2019
1SELECT supplier_id, supplier_name
2FROM suppliers
3WHERE supplier_id <= 500
5SELECT company_id, company_name
6FROM companies
7WHERE company_name = 'Apple'
10 Jan 2020
1Combines the results from 2 or more SELECT statements and returns only
2distinct values.
3Example: Returns the cities from the events and subscribers tables.
4SELECT city FROM events
6SELECT city from subscribers;
Ana Sofia
15 Feb 2016
2 SELECT City FROM Customers
4SELECT City FROM Suppliers
6 ORDER BY City;
28 Jul 2019
1SELECT a.* FROM ((SELECT id FROM mes_report_flow_card) UNION ALL (SELECT id FROM mes_report_part_work_order )) AS alimit 0,10;
queries leading to this page
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