multiple line input python

Solutions on MaxInterview for multiple line input python by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "multiple line input python"
12 Apr 2018
1print("Enter the array:\n")   
2userInput = input().splitlines()
04 Sep 2017
1import sys
2userInput = sys.stdin.readlines()
10 Feb 2019
1# taking multiple inputs at a time separated by comma
2x = [int(x) for x in input("Enter multiple value: ").split(",")]
3print("Number of list is: ", x)
17 Jan 2019
1lines = []
2while True:
3    line = input()
4    if line:
5        lines.append(line)
6    else:
7        break
8text = '\n'.join(lines)
queries leading to this page
multi input in pythontwo input in single line in pythonread multiple lines from input pythoninput python in two line 22int 28input 29 22 python multi line inputtake multiple input in python in one linepython get multiline inputtaking multiline input in pythonhow to multiple input from different lines in pythonhow to get multiple line input in python2 inputs in single line in pythonhow to take multiple inputs in a single line in pythoninput 2 numbers in python in one linehow to receive 2 inputs python one linehow to input multiple values in single line in pythonmultiline input tk pyinput multiple new line statementhow to take two inputs in two line in python 3python golf multi line inputhow to take input from multiple lines in pythonhow to take multiple input in single line in pythonpython input by line2 input in one line pythonpython multiple input in one linemultiple lines of input pythonpython print all user input separated by newlineget multiple inputs in python single line python 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