multiple assignment python

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showing results for - "multiple assignment python"
18 Jan 2020
1a = b = c = "Hello, World"
6# Hello, World
7# Hello, World
8# Hello, World
10b = "foo"
11c = "bar"
16# Hello, World
17# foo
18# bar
16 May 2016
1#Instead Of
2a = 1
3b = ('Hello")
5#You Can Do
6a,b = 1,'Hello'
14 Jan 2019
1r = kindle = H = 24 
2#The Three Variables Are All Equal To 24
04 Jan 2018
1var1, var2, var3 = 1, 'superman',3.7
22 Jul 2020
1a, b = 100, 200
4# 100
7# 200
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