mongoose geospatial schema options

Solutions on MaxInterview for mongoose geospatial schema options by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "mongoose geospatial schema options"
14 Jun 2019
1const citySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
2  name: String,
3  location: {
4    type: {
5      type: String, // Don't do `{ location: { type: String } }`
6      enum: ['Point'], // 'location.type' must be 'Point'
7      required: true
8    },
9    coordinates: {
10      type: [Number],
11      required: true
12    }
13  }
13 Feb 2016
2  "type" : "Point",
3  "coordinates" : [
4    -122.5,
5    37.7
6  ]
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