mongodb replace string

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showing results for - "mongodb replace string"
28 Sep 2016
1db.mycollection.find({}).forEach((doc, index) => {
2  doc.myStr = doc.myStr.replace('foo', 'bar');
05 Feb 2018
1try {
3      { "name" : "Central Perk Cafe" },
4      { "name" : "Central Pork Cafe", "Borough" : "Manhattan" }
5   );
6} catch (e){
7   print(e);
16 May 2018
2   <filter>,
3   <replacement>,
4   {
5     upsert: <boolean>,
6     writeConcern: <document>,
7     collation: <document>,
8     hint: <document|string>                   // Available starting in 4.2.1
9   }
queries leading to this page
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