mock api inside react component jest async

Solutions on MaxInterview for mock api inside react component jest async by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "mock api inside react component jest async"
22 Feb 2018
1export const waitFor = (callback, { interval = 50, timeout = 1000 } = {}) =>
2  act(
3    () =>
4      new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
5        const startTime =
7        const nextInterval = () => {
8          setTimeout(() => {
9            try {
10              callback()
11              resolve()
12            } catch (err) {
13              if ( - startTime > timeout) {
14                reject(new Error('Timed out.'))
15              } else {
16                nextInterval()
17              }
18            }
19          }, interval)
20        }
22        nextInterval()
23      }),
24  )