merge dataframe in python

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showing results for - "merge dataframe in python"
17 Aug 2016
1df_merge_col = pd.merge(df_row, df3, on='id')
08 Mar 2019
1# Stack the DataFrames on top of each other
2vertical_stack = pd.concat([survey_sub, survey_sub_last10], axis=0)
4# Place the DataFrames side by side
5horizontal_stack = pd.concat([survey_sub, survey_sub_last10], axis=1)
16 May 2020
1# Joins with another DataFrame
3df.join(df2, ==, 'outer').select(
4, df2.height).collect()
5# [Row(name=None, height=80), Row(name=u'Bob', height=85), Row(
6#   name=u'Alice', height=None)]
8df.join(df2, 'name', 'outer').select('name', 'height').collect()
9# [Row(name=u'Tom', height=80), Row(name=u'Bob', height=85), Row(
10#   name=u'Alice', height=None)]
12cond = [ ==, df.age == df3.age]
13df.join(df3, cond, 'outer').select(, df3.age).collect()
14# [Row(name=u'Alice', age=2), Row(name=u'Bob', age=5)]
16df.join(df2, 'name').select(, df2.height).collect()
17# Row(name=u'Bob', height=85)]
19df.join(df4, ['name', 'age']).select(, df.age).collect()
20# [Row(name=u'Bob', age=5)]
26 Jan 2018
1>>> df1.merge(df2, left_on='lkey', right_on='rkey')
2  lkey  value_x rkey  value_y
30  foo        1  foo        5
41  foo        1  foo        8
52  foo        5  foo        5
63  foo        5  foo        8
74  bar        2  bar        6
85  baz        3  baz        7
24 Apr 2020
1In [46]: result = pd.merge(left, right, how="right", on=["key1", "key2"])
17 Jun 2019
1In [1]: df1 = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['A0', 'A1', 'A2', 'A3'],
2   ...:                     'B': ['B0', 'B1', 'B2', 'B3'],
3   ...:                     'C': ['C0', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3'],
4   ...:                     'D': ['D0', 'D1', 'D2', 'D3']},
5   ...:                    index=[0, 1, 2, 3])
6   ...: 
8In [2]: df2 = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['A4', 'A5', 'A6', 'A7'],
9   ...:                     'B': ['B4', 'B5', 'B6', 'B7'],
10   ...:                     'C': ['C4', 'C5', 'C6', 'C7'],
11   ...:                     'D': ['D4', 'D5', 'D6', 'D7']},
12   ...:                    index=[4, 5, 6, 7])
13   ...: 
15In [3]: df3 = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['A8', 'A9', 'A10', 'A11'],
16   ...:                     'B': ['B8', 'B9', 'B10', 'B11'],
17   ...:                     'C': ['C8', 'C9', 'C10', 'C11'],
18   ...:                     'D': ['D8', 'D9', 'D10', 'D11']},
19   ...:                    index=[8, 9, 10, 11])
20   ...: 
22In [4]: frames = [df1, df2, df3]
24In [5]: result = pd.concat(frames)
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pd concat with unique columnmerge two pandas dataframes by ordercannot concatenate object of type 27 3cclass 27str 27 3e 27 3b only series and dataframe objs are validmerging df in pandasattach merge 2 dataframesmerge two dataframes with one common columnhow to concatenate pandas serieshow to concat multiple dataframes in pythondataframes mergejoin pandas dataframes by columnpandas combine two dataframe by columnspython use inner join to add column from one dataframe to anotherhow to merge two df pythondoing a join in pandaspandas dataframe append concatpandas merge right onpd merge docuunion pandas dataframesmerge vs concat pandaspd concat rows pandasefficient way to merge multiple dataframes in pandasconcatenate two arrays inside pandas dataframemerge and join in pandasconcat one df to anotherpandas multiple dataframes as databaseconcatener 2 dataframe pythonpandas concat two dataframes axis 3d0combine two data frames in python with different columns based on conditionmerge two data frames by column pythonmerge 2 df pandasdataframe mergecombine two dataframes into one pandasmerge two df based on coulmnpandas concatenate two data frmaes on columnspandas how to concatenate two columnspandas inner join mergemerge data pandaspanda merge onpandas dataframe merge joinpython pandas concat dfpython pandas combine data framesinner join dataframes pandashow to add two dataframes in pandasdataframe mergingonline pandas dataframe mergeconcatenate df pandaspandas merge with same column namespandas concatenate on a columnhow to concat two different pandas dataframenew dataframe combining other dataframesmerge two pandas dataframes on column produces more rowsconcat pandas dataframepandas left join indexcpandas concatenate two serieshow to combine two dataframesconditional merge of dataframe pandasmerge two dataframes by one columnpd merge inner join pandasmerge documenttationdataframe pd concat in pythonhow to merge dataframesmultiple dataframe in one pandas df2 mergejoin two pd dataframeconcat two dataframes in pythonpandas append two tablesmerge multiple dataframe with how 3dinner in pandaspython dataframes concat two dataframe same columnshow to make 1 data frame have comatible collumns with anotherhow to combine to dataframes in pandaspd merge check how many mergedpython dataframe concatenate two columnspandas concat two dfconcatenating datfra 2cesin pandasmerge indicator pandashow to concatenate dataframes in pythonpandas concat two dataframes horizontallypandas concat two columns dataframepandas concat two dataframe select columns into new dataframehow to concat two data framepandas concat two seriescombine df pandaspd merge columnscombine two dataframe in pythonpandas join dataframes on column valuemerge dataframes in pythonmerge 2 pandas on same columndifferent merging data frameshow to concat dataframes in pandasmerge rows dataframehow to merge two dataframes on two columnsjoin in one column from dataframe to anotheradd datafframe togeterhow to merge to dataframes in pandaspython concatenate more than two data framesmerge two dfs on columnhow to combine two pandas dataframesjoin df in pythonpandas merge rows onto larger dataframejoin series pandashow to combine various data frame into pythondf merge multiple data framespandas merge onmerging two dataframes in python pandasmerge 2 pandasadd two merge pandaspandas concat with keyspd series joinpython combine multiple dataframe into onemerge two dataframes pandas based on columnpd concat keys examplemerge two dataframe pandasmerge two columns pandaspandas merge datamerge data on index pythonpanda join two dataframesmerge 2 pandas dataframe with conditionconcat and merge in pandaspd concat pythonhow to concat df in pandaspython join two dataframes based on column namehow to merge multiple dataframe in pandas pythonjoin two dataframes pandas based on columnhow to merge two dataframes in pandas based on conditionpython code to merge two dataframespandas combine two dataframestypeerror 3a cannot concatenate object of type 27 3cclass 27numpy float64 27 3e 27 3b only series and dataframe objs are validpd merge outerpd join two concatright index pandas pythonnon union pandasconcat pandas dataframe on columnpandas merge 2 dataframepandas df outer joinmerge dataframes togetherhow to merge dataframe in pythonjoining dataframes in pythonpandas concat two rowspandas merge join concatmerging one column of a dataframe with another in pythonconcatenation of 2 columns dataframe pandacombine 2 dataframes in pythondataframe concat multiple dataframespandas joinmerge two dataframes in pandasconcat columns in pandasconcat ignore indexpandas join 2 tables and select columnshow to combine 3 dataframes in python pandas data frame from multiple data framesmerge pandas dataframe columnsmerge dataframe rows pandashow to merge pandas dataframespandas merge dataframescannot append series cannot concatenate object of type 27 3cclass 27str 27 3e 27 3b only series and dataframe objs are validmerge two tables pandaspython pandas concat by indexhow do i merge two data frames in pandasmerge data from 2 different tables in pandas dataframeinner join pandas dataframeconcatinate right join pandashow to concat multiple dataframes in pandasapply join column pandasmerging pandas fdpython dataframe left join keydf inner join pandaspython pandas how to add 2 dataframes togetherhow do i add two dataframes together pandaspython pandas merge full outer joinmerge 2 rows in pythonpandas dataframe concat two dataframesmerge two dataframe with columncombine two data frames in pythonconcat 2 dataframedmerge multiple dataframesconcatenate two df pythondataframe join 28 29 pythonconcatenate dataframes pythonpandas merge set default valuepd merge example left joinpandas merge names columnsmerging dataframes python to onejoin to dataframeshow to merge 4 dataframes in pythonmerge function python pandasmake one dataframe from twohow to concatenate new columns to dataframeappend dataframe columns pandasjoin tables based on match column pandashow to merge data from two dataframes in pandasconcat dataframe pythonhow to add two data frames in pandasdataframe merge multiple data frame on one columnsmerge multiple df pandashow to merge in pandasmerge 2 data framehow to concat two dataframes in pandashow to merge two data frames in pythonmerge two dataframes on column pandaspd merge in pythonmerging with prefix pandapandas combine two lists into dataframehow to concatenate pandas dataframe pythonhow to merge two dataframe via row combining two dataframes in pandasmerge three dataframes pandaspandas vertical mergeconcat dataframe frames seriescombine two pandas seriesconcat two pandas dataframesusing on to merge two columns of a dataframe pythonpandas combine two data framespd merge pandaspd concat multiple dataframespandas concatenate two dataframes axishow to combine 2 dataframe to make 1 pythonconcat 2 dataframespython pandas merge dataframe by columnhow to combine between two data frames in pythoncombinig datasets pandaspd merge pythonhow to i know that frames concatenate dataframes pythonmerge 1 3am pandasmerge dtaframes using 26 26or function on two dfsmerge multiple dataframe with how in pandaspandas merge parametersmerge dataframe to other dataframehow to join two rows in a dtaframecombining two dataframes in python joinpandas join 2 dataframesmerge two df on column pandasjoin column pandaspandas merge syntaxpd merge on multiple columnsmerge to dataframe pandasindicator panda mergepandas merge tablesadding 2 dataframes pandaspython join records based on column valueappend two dataframremerge two dfjoin python dataframesmerge by index pandasmerge two df by command column using pandaspd merge pandas dataframespython code to combine multiple dataframespandas jointconcat creating two rows dataframeconcatenation of two dataframes in pythonpandas concatenate two columnsjoin two df in pandasjoin on pandasconcat 2 dataframepandas contactmerge df in pythonconcat two dataframes one below the otherhow to merge two dataframes by columndataframe merge on indexmerge how outerconcat dataframe pandas and add new colummerge 2 dataframes pythonconcat two pandas witgh keyconcatenate two dataframes pythonunion two dataframe just like inner join combine two dataframes pandas into one dfjoin a column from another dataframe to the other dataframepython combine dataframepandas concatenate row valuespandas join two dataframespandas combine 3 rows eachpandas join dataframesmerging df pandasconcatenate dfs pandashow to merge two dataframehow to add two dataframeshow to merge data frames in pythoncombine 2 dataframes to make a tablemerge two tables together with a join pythonconcat multiple dataframes in python python merge dataframedataframe join two dataframes keycombine two pd series into dataframepandas same columns functionspandas concat two columnspandas union two dataframesdataframe merge documentationadding 2 dataframe rowspython pandas concatenate multiple dataframespython pandas dataframe concathow to join two dataframeshow to merge two dataframe columnhow to concat two pandas dataframes togetherhow to combine 2 dataframes in pythonjoin two columns in pythonconcat python pandaspandas pd joinpandas how merge two data framescombine dataframe inside pandasconcat dataframes in pythonadding 2 dataframes in pandasdataframe combine two dataframesmerge two dataframes but rows are differentpandas combine many data framesmerge 2 dataframes pandasmerge function pythonpandas merge by concatmerger 2 data frame pythonjoin two dataframes using concat pandaspandas concat many dataframesconcat pdpandas merge two dataframes on timejoin concat joinpandas append multiple dataframesmerge a selection of columns into one variable using pandasto dataframe concatpandas merge to dataframesmerge two series pandasmerge 2 dataframe python rowshow to concat tow dataframe in pandasmerge multiple data frames pandascombine data frames python pandaspd merge two columns in 1 dataframepython pandas mergepython dataframe concatenate two dataframespandas concat add rowsmaking two df into onemerge df pandas on a columnmerge two dataframes pandas based on conditionpandas merge two dataframes on columnmerge python dataframespython concatcombine two dataframes pandas based on columnhow do you join two dataframes pythonmerge vs join pandashow to stack dataframes in pandastypeerror 3a cannot concatenate object of type 27 3cclass 27pandas core indexing ilocindexer 27 3e 27 3b only series and dataframe objs are validrmerge pandasconcat 2 data frameshow to combine tables from dataframe in pythonjoin tables pandas dataframepandas concatenate 2 dataframesmerge and joinmerge like sql join pandasmerge two columns dataframehow to concatenate two pandas core seriesmerge on pandaspython pandas dataframe mergehow to merge dataframes pythonpd merge by keypython pandas merge columnpandas merge inplaceusing apply and merge together in pandaspandas combine dataframe based on columnhow to join two dataframes in python pandas4 way merge in dataframehow merge two dataframes in pythonhow to merge the two table in pandas 3fhow to join two dataframepandas merging dataframesmerge dataframe on indexpd merge pandas ignore columns and indexespandas merge typesjoin df pandasjoining two df in pandaspandas python mergepd concatouter mergepython dataframe concatpanda concatpandas concat dataframes make labelmerge on cloun from one table to another pandascan you merge more than 2 dataframes in pandasconcat dataframes above pandaspanda dataframe merge 2 dataframespandas left mergewhat does concantenation in pandas look likepython pandas combine dataframesjoin dataframe pandasjoin dataframes pandas on columnpandas html concatconcatenate df in pandasconcat multiple dataframe pandasconcate two pandas frameconcat 2 dataframe in pythonconcat two pandas series how to merge a row and a column dataframe in pandasjoining two dataframesconcentinate multiple functions while creating dataframe pythondf mergepandas how to combine two dataframespandas merge multipe dfhow to combine multiple dataframes in pandasjoining two dataframes in pythondataframes in python merge howconcatenate pandaspandas concat exampleright on merge pandashow to concat 2 dataframes in python python merge more dataframes on columnmerge concat pandasmerge left join pandasadd two pandas dataframes togethermerging multiple dataframes in pandashow to concatenate multiple dataframes in pythonhow to merge multiple pandas dataframeshow to merge two dataframes with different columns in pandasconcat 2 dataframes by pandashow to merge 2 large dataframes in pythonpython merge dataframespandas combine data framescombine vs concatinate in pythoncode example for joining two dataframes using pd concatconcatenate dataframe pandas by matching columnjoin outer pandasjoin two dataframe on a columnpanda dataframe mergewhat if we append dataframe with different structure in pandas concat 28 29 pandasjoin 2 dataframes pandas on columnmerge howpandas concathow to merge pd datasethow to concatenate two dataframes in python pandaspd merge 28 29python pandas merge data frames by columnpython merge two dataframescombine two data framespandas combine data framehow to append 2 dataframes in pandaspandas left join on columnhow to join two dataframes in pandasdataframe combine by row indexconcat 2 dataframes with different columnspandas mergemerge 2 dataframemerge 2 dataframe python pandas combine all dataframes inside pythonpandas df mergepadas stack two seriesconcatenate pandas dataframesjoin pandas addpandas dataframe combine string columnshow to merge columns in pythonconcatenate dataframes in pythonpyhton merge dataframe oncombine dataframew pandaspython join two dataframesjoin to pandas dataframespandas merge left on indexmerge data frameshow to merge dataframes in pythonhow to merge dataframes in pandashow to concat two columns in pandasmerge pandas pythonpython combine multiple data framemerge two df columnsdataframes merge pandasconcat two dataframes column wisepd dataframe combine columnsmerge dataframeswhich parameter of the merge 28 29 function specifies the type of join to be performed on the dataframes 3fjoin two dataframesconcatenate dataframe in pythonhow many dataframes in pandasmerge two df pythommerge two dataframesmerge two df pandasmerge two dataframe by column pythonhow to merge data in pandas in pythonpd concat two df how to merge to dataframes pandasmerge to dataframes in onepandas merge dataframes by indexpandas frame mergeconcat pythonpandas murge unique rowns onto dataframemerge two dataframes rows in pandaspandas merge on condition and concat other columnjoining pandas dataframesconcat two dataframes pandas horizontallymerge dataframe columns pandaspython pandas concatunion 2 dataframesright on pandashow to concat two dataframesmerge dataframe pandasconcatenate 2 df en pythonconcatenate multiple dataframes pandasconcat two columns pandasconcatener 2 dataframeconcat two dataframe with differen number of rowmerge two columns in dataframe pythonpython merge by indexpandas concatinating two dataframeshow to merge the dataframe in python using pandasconcatenate two dataframe in pandas dataframehow to merge dataframes togetherjoin two pandas dataframes on columnhow will you combine different pandas dataframes 3fadding two dataframes in pandashow to use pd mergein pythonmerging two dataframes in pythonmerge 3 dataframe in pandasconcat to a current dfp 5bd mergehow to merge two data framespd concat dataframesinplace for merge pandas 2cerge pythonconcat two dataframes pandas with serial number of rowspython join tw dataframespandas join 2 dataframepandas dataframe append concat columns 3dfastest way to merge dataframes pandaspandas merge and concatmerge datframes pandasmerging two df pandaspandas concatenate rowsmerging two data frameshow to add two dataframe in pythonjoin two dataframes pandascombine two float64 column pandasappend 2 dataframespandas concat two dataframespandas merge factorialpd merge prefixadd two data frames in pythonhow to join two dataframes together pythoncombine 2 pandas dataframesconcatenate dataframe pandaspython df concatpython pd concatjoin dataset in pythonpython concatenate 2 dataframesappend two dataframes pandas columnsdf merge two datasetspandas concatenate multiple dataframesmerge as of pandasindicator argument pandas mergemerge rows of two dataframes pandas2 dataframe mergepandas merge two columns on indexhow to combine data frames pandasmerge a dataframe in pandasconcat dataframe pandas pythonpd concat pythonpandas merge two dataframe documentationpands merge pythonmerge 2 dataframes rowsmerge rows in pandaspandas join on columnkoalas merge multiple dataframeswhat is pd concatpandas add two dataframes togetherpandas inner merge examplepandas append vs concathow to join two pandas dataframes on a columnadd two dataframeconcatenar dataframe in pandaspandas concat two columns one below the othermerging dataframes in pythonconcat in dataframe pythonconcat different dataframesmerging 2 dataframes in pandasmerge dataframe in pandasmerge a bunch of dataframes togetherhow to merge to df in pandasmerge data frames with same columns pythonmerging data to pandas dataframemerge index in pandaspd merge 28using merge in pandashow to concatenate columns in pandas in same dataframeinner join in pandaspandas how to merge two dataframespandas combine two df columnsphyton combine tablescombine 2 categorical dataframes with same columns pythonhow to join two pandas dataframescombine 2 dataframes pandasjoin two pandas dataframepython join dataframepandas df concat rowscombine multiple dataframes pandascombine 3 dataframes in pandasmerge dataset in pandasdf concat two df togetherhow to join a column at another position in pandascombile 2 dataframes pandasconcat df pandaspython concat two dataframesusing a joining table pandaspd merge en pandascombine 2 dataframespd concat multiple dataframesmerge function in pythonhow to concat 2 pandas dataframespandas join rowshow to merge data in pandaspython panda combine data framesconcat data framesmerge dataframe into other dataframepandas concatpython dataframe join on examplehow to merge a dataframe in pandasconcat axis 1 and 0pandas dataframe merge 2 dataframesconcatenar 2 pandasjoin two python dataframesjoin two pandas dfhow to merge two dataframes in pandas on indexjoin dataframe with sequencepandas merge two dataframes rowsjoin to dataframes pandashow merge tables pandasdf merge with other df on idpython pandas merge by columnpd merge left outer joinmerging dataframes in pandasmerge two dfs pandaspandas merge leftjoin dfs pandas and group by combine 2 dataframecannot concatenate object of type 27 3cclass 27tuple 27 3e 27 3b only series and dataframe objs are validhow to merge two tables in pythonpandas dataframe union rowshow do i merge 2 pandas dataframes 3fdataframe join in pythonmerge data series pandasmerge 3 columns python dataframeconcat pandas dataframe columnscombine two pandas datasetspandas merge by columnhow to add two dataframes in pythonpd merge pythonpandas merge examplesconcatenate two variables pandasmerge two rows without join pandaspandas merfgecan we merge in data framejoint two df pandashow to concat two dataframes in pythonmerge 2h dataframe pythonmerging and join in pythonhow to concatenate two dataframe rowdf merge onpandas concat multiple dataframepandas merge withconcatinate columns 2 tables pandaswhat is merge in pandaspandas merge multiple dataframespython mergepandas series concatenate two columnspandas union dataframespd merge documentationhow to concat dataframes in pythonouter merge pythonunion join pandashow to merge three dataframes in pandasmerge two dataframes python how to combine dataframes in python with 2bpandas merge using indexappend dataframe pandas lexicographical orderpandas merge n dataframespandas concat columns to dataframeleft join two pandas dataframespandas inner joinpanda merge two dataframemerge two columns in a dataframe pandasappending two dataframes in pandashow to combine dataframe in pandasmerge more than 2 data frames in pandashow to add 2 dataframes in pandaspython dataframe combinepandas merge two dataframemerge dataframe columnsconcat two df columns pandaspandas left joinhow to combine 2 data frames in pythonhow to merge combine dataframes in pandasmerge 2 data framesmerge 2 dataframes using 2 columns pandaspd concat along rowpanda concat two dataframes rowjoin different dataframes pandasconcat 3 dataframespandas merge with prefixjoin one dataframe to anotherjoins in python pandasmerge two dataframes with same column names pandasmerge two datasets pandaspd merge left join exampleconcat python dataframeconcat two dataframes pythonconcat two dataframes into onecombine 2 dataframes pythonpython merge multiple dataframesmerge dataframe and seriesmerge pandas dataframesconcat dataframe with series in pythonouter join two columns in pandas dataframehow to concatenate or append dataframes in pythonmerge dataframe by columnpandas concat dataframe on columnconcatenating multiple dataframes in pandasmerging on index pandasconcatenate 2 pandas dataframesadd two pandas dataframespython pandas joinmerge 2 dataframesappend 2 df pandashow to concat two pandas dataframesconcatenate two df pandasconcat two dfpandas merge exampleinner join of dataframeshow to join dataframes in pandaspandas combine multiple dataframespd concat vs pd mergepython merge two dataframehow to concat two dataframeconcat dataframe along rowsmerge two pandas dataframesappending multiple dataframes in pandas with unique namesconcat two dataframespandas join multiple dataframesconcatenate 2 dataframes in pythondataframe merge multiple data frameshow to merge multiple columns in pandasmerge with a conditon dataframepython pandas concatenate two columnscreate a new df from concatenate pandaspandas concatenate data framesmerge multiple dataframes in a list pandasmerging two columns above in pandasmerge method data frame python pandasmerge two dataframes pandashow to concatanate dfs in pandasmerge dataframes in pandas on indexleft on pandas mergeadd two dataframes pythonpandas concat with namecombine 3 dataframes pandaspd merge on indexcombine two datasets into a single dataframe how to concatenate 3 dataframes in pandascombine datasets pandasdf left join pandasmerge two df on columnmerge pandas dataframes on columnpandas join on column with number as namemerge to dataframes pandassuffixes pandaspandas merge 2 data framesmerge concatenate join pandaspandas merge two dataframes on columnshow to combine dataframes in pandasmerging three dataframes pandasappend the contatination of two python pandas dataframeshow to merge two dataframes in pandas based on columnjoin columns in pandasmerge in pandaspandas join multiple dataframes on columnspython dataframe join columnspython merge dataframe on indexpandas full outer joinpython combine two dataframe rowsjoin two dataframes pandas base on two columnspd mergeconcate two df to one df pythonjoin dataframe on column pandas merg documentation in pythonjoin multiple dataframes pandasjoin dataset pandas on indexpandas concat by columnhow to merge four data framespd merge by columndf join in pythonmerge a list of dataframes pandaspandas code to concatmerging data in pandastypeerror 3a cannot concatenate object of type 27 3cclass 27int 27 3e 27 3b only series and dataframe objs are validjoin tables in pandashow to concat dataframe in pandascombine columns of dfs pythonpd concaet pythonmerge two dataframes in pythonpython merge dfconcatenate dataframes in pandascombine 2 df in pandasstack dataframes pandaspandas concat with different columnsconcat all dataframesmerge time series columns pandasmerge two data framesdataframe concat pandasmerging two dataframes pandasconcatimate two dataframes pandas panda while concating two df add column to tell which oneconcat dataframespandas concat with shared columncombine two df in pandaspandas dataframe join wherecombine two dataframespandas dataframe merge rowspandas concatenate two dataframesjoin function in python pandascommand use to join two dataframes pandasdataframe merge two dataframesdf join df2 pythonmerge pandas examplecombine two data framemerge two columns in dfpandas merge on two columnsjoin dataframe by rowsunion join dataframe pythonpd merge suffixesconcat dataframehow to merge two dataframes in pythonconcatenate two dataframemerge in pandas dataframepandas concat 2 dataframespandas merge axismerge dataframes by columnshow to concatenate two data framesmerge dataframe pandas por indexconcatenate rows over columns pandashow to concatnate two pandas dataframes ihow to combine multiple dataframe into onemerge on key pandasconcat dfs pandasmerge function in pandasjoin type pandashow to combine rows to dataframe in pythondataframe concat two dataframeshow to concat the dataframepandas combine multiple dataframes into one with common columnsmerging in pandasfind series object to merge inner join pythonpd concat vs appendpandas add two dataframespandas merge two data frames on columnmerging pandas dataframesconcatinate 2 dataframeconcat python dataframespandas merging daaframesjoin two series pandashow to join two dataframes as onepandas merge vs joinpandas merge tables on indexpandas merge optioninner merge dataframeswhich function is used to combine two dataframe in pandastype of join two dataframes pandasconcatenate 2 dataframejoin dataframespd merge innermerge to pandas dataframeshow do i merge two dataframes in pandaspandas merge vs joinjoining two dataframes in pandasmerging and joining datasets in python pandas examplesconcat2 same dataframemerge dataframepd merge two dataframespandas merge without onpandas combine two dataframes into onedf joinjoin two pandas dataframeeshow to use the inner join in pandaspython panda merge data framesconcatenate in pandas how to merge to dataframes in pythonconcatenate 2 dataframes pandasconcat many dataframes pandasimport pandas python concatenate dataframespandas union multiple dataframesmerge dataframes on columnhow to combine two dataframes in pythonpd join vs pd mergepandas concatemerging dataset in pandasmerge 2 dataframes based on columnpandas join two tables togetherhow merge works in pandasto merge two dataframespython pandas merge two dataframes by columnhow does merge function work in python dataframepandas merge vs concathow to combine data frames in pandasmerge two columns of dataframe in pythoncombine 2 rows in pandas dataframemerge series with dataframe pandasdf concat same columnshow to combine many to a dataframe in pythondf merge pandasmerge pandas dataframe ilocpandas concat 2 columnsmerge multiple dataframes pandasmerge data columns pandaspandas concat column namespandas joining two dataframespython pd merge examplepandas concatenate columns of two dataframnespython merge pandas dataframessimple join pandas series to dataframemerging dataframedataframe mergerhow to merge more than two dataframes in pandascombine 2 dataframes with same columns pythondf merge two dfhow can merge two dataframes in panadasperform full join on 2 pd dataframes pandas using multiple join keyspandas outer merge merge the data from two dataframesconcat dataframe by columnsconcat 2 dataframes pandaspd merge pandas for unionpd merge argsadd dataframes together pandaspandas series join on lefthow to combine tables pandaspd merge more than two dataframesconcat two same dataframemerge and concat in pandaspd series joinconcat multiple df pandaspandas merge datasetsadd two dataframes togetherleft mergeconcat 2 pandas dataframespandas dataframe concat columns 3dpython how to combine dataframessave two dataframes in two sheets pandaspython concat two dataframejoin 2 dataframes pandasunion two dataframes pandaspandas mergejoin pandasmake 2 dataframes pandaspython dataframe mergehow merge function merges the two dataframeshow to combine two dataframe columnsconcat pyhon pandaspython join columnsmerging data with pandasjoin dataframe on index pandaspandas inner join merge examplehow to concatinate to dataframecancat two dataframe in row axishow to joint tables using pandaspd concat on specific columnhow to merge two dataframes in pandas by rowscombining two dataframe into onemerge more than 2 dataframes in pandaspd concat two dataframesjoin a column in a dataframepandas concatnate two dataframepandas add two data frames by columnpandas merge rowmerging data pandasdataframes concatjoin in python dataframeconcatenate dataframe pandas of same columnsconcat dataframes pandaspandas combine dataframes with same columnsconcatenate two pandas datafremhow to merge two dataframes pandasmerge an array with dataframepandas ignore indexpandas merge data on a columnpython join onpython join mergedataframe merge on concat a dataframe to anotherexample of pandas merge inner joindataframe joineshow can you append two columns object in pandas dataframedoes pandas have join methodpd concat vs mergecombine pythonpandas join by column namepandas merge x joindataframe concat pythonmerge panda dataframes pythonpython concat dataframespandas join two dataframes on columnhow to concatinate your dataframe in phythonconcat two dataframes cudfdataframe merge pandasmerge vs join panadspd merge pandashow to merge rows in pandashow to merge two dataframe pandas how to stack two dataframesjoin two dataframes pythonpandas merge two dataframes based on columnpandas mergedunion 2 dataset pandasjoin two tables pythonpython merge two dataframe query two seriespandas merge two dataframes columnscombine two pandas dataframesmerge datasets on column and indexpd concatenate two dataframespandas dataframe mergecreate dataframe two dataframespython df mergepandas concat data frames with different columnscombine 4 dataframes in pythonhow to left join pandas dataframeconcat inner join pandaspandas concat a dataframehwo to combine multiple dataframespandas concat more than 2 dataframesconnect two dataframes pandaspython pandas merge dataframes on diffrencesspd marge df joinpandas merge dfjoin function python dataframedf 3d pd concat 28 28get df 28f 29 for f in tqdm 28root files 29 29 2c ignore index 3dtrue 29merge dataframes on inpd concat two dataframes columnsconcat in pandas dataframepandas join 28 29join dataframes pandascombine 2 df pandasmerge ruight pandaspd merge get statistics of joinconcat two df columnsconcat pandas more than three data framesjoin one column in another dataframe pandasmerge datasets pandasmerge in pythonmerge documentation pandasdrop parts of merge in pandaspandas concatenate two dataframes with same columnsapply join as new column pandasconcat inner join in pandas on columnsjoin on column value pandasmerge note text in pandasmerging dataframes in pandas pythonpandas merge na valuespandas join two series by indexconnect 2 col from 2 data frames pandasmerge suffixes pythonpandas conditional merge dataframeshow to merge dataframe pandaspandas append 2merge function to join the dataframepandas joinconcat different dataframes pandas with equal columnsjoin data frames pandashow to merge columns in pandacombining two dataframes pandasmerge data frames in pythonmerge 2 df in pandas according to conditionhow to concatenate dataframes pandasdataframe pandas mergepd concatconcatinate 2 dataframes in pythonpandas concart all the dfmerge in dfconcat two dataframes pythonconacatenate columns to other dataframe pandaspython dataframe merge two dataframesuse panda sql on multiple data framshow to union two dataframe in pythonmerge the dataframe in python insidedataframe merge functionadd two dataframe pythonconcat list of dataframes pandaspandas concat two dataframepandas join on indexpandas concat dataframepython join 2 dataframesconcatente two atafram pandas dataframejoining two dataframes together pandasmerge column from one dataframe to another pandashow to merge 2 dataframes in python based on rowmerge two dataframes by column vluescombine pandas dataframespandas megre vs joinconcatenating 2 dataframes pythonpandas join two dataframes by column nameunion two pandas dataframespandaframe concatenate two columns functionpd mergeepandas join 2 resultsconcat two dataframemerge 2 dataframe pandas along columnscombine dataframes pandapandas concat two columns into onewhat does merge do in dataframecombine dataframes pandspython joining two dataframeshow to merge two dataframe series in one dataframehow to append two dataframesmerge dataframe pandas by columnpandas join two dataframes by columnhow to merge two dataframes in pandaspython join two columns indexconcatenate multiple dataframe pandascombine two dataframes pandas rowspandas row concatenationappend two dataframespandas join merge differencehow to merge two dataframes with same columns in pandashow to concat two columns in dataframemerge left and merge outer pandaspandas concat columnspandas merge add suffixupdate a dataframe with another dataframequick way to merge two dataframes in pandasjoins with another dataframemerge 2 dataframes in pythonhow to pandas merge dataframescombine two dataframes pandascombining dataframes in pythonpython panda merge two dataframesmerge 3 files in dataframehow do you merge data frames in pandaspandas merge dataframes into a newpandas merge dataframe columnspandas merge two dataframesadding two dataframes pandasmerge pandas dataframehow to join 2 dataframeshow to merge two pandas dataframes on a columncombine two pd dataframedf joinmerge two pd dataframehow to add two dataframe concatenate two data frameshow to combine two dataframes in pysparkmerge 3 data frames into one pandatsmerge two dataframes by column pandaspython data frame join columnsconcat 2 df pandaspandas joinsmerge pd dataframepandas join mergejoin dataframes in pythonhow to merge dataframe with a columns in pythonhow to merge two dataframes based on one column dataframepd dataframe mergedf concat indexpd merge 28 29 pythonaggaregate multiple dataframes pandaspandas two dataframe concat for loopjoin left mergemerge t pandasjoins using py dataframepd concat two dataframescombine two dataframes into onejoin two datafta 2cepandas union dataframehow to combine 2 dataframeignore index pandashow to join two dataframes in pandas using columscan you merge multiple dataframes pandaspandas join two dataframemerge two dataframes pandas on one columnmerge data in pandasmerge dataset pandaspandas merge on keyhow to join dataframesmerge columns pandaspd merge howperform join on two dataframes pythoncreate dataframe of 2 dataframespandas df left outer joinpandas left join dataframehow to join two datafram columns in pandasmerge columns in dataframe applypandas join dataframe on columpandas merge how to union two datasets in pandasconcat two dataframes pandasoin two df based on outer joinpandas join two dataframes innerconcat 2 df with same columnmegrge pandaspd concat pandaspandas concat 2 seriesmerge dataframe on multiplmerge two dataframe by one columnpd merge three dataframesmerge two dataframes pandas by columndifferent merges in pandasjoin dataframes in python pandaspandas combine two data frames using orconjoin dataframes data to time series pandasmerg two df with one column in oythonmerge pandas with indexconcatenate two dataframes pandasmerge values from rows pandashow to merge 2 dataframes in pandasreplace field dataframe joinpandas merge tables by columnpmnadas mergepython concat dataframemerge df by indexconcat dataframe pandaspd concat left joindataframe concat examplemerge pd dataframesmergning rows pandaspython concatenate two dataframesmerge data frames pandasone dataframe make two dataframemerge python dafrmeson indexhow to merge two dataframes in python pandasdataframe inner join two dataframespandas merge 2 dataframesmerge dataframe and series pandashow to concatenate dataframes with matching values in pythonconcat two dataframes in colpandas join dfmerge vs join pythonpandas how to concatenate two dataframesadding dataframes together pythonhow to merge dataset pandasconcat pandas dataframe with different columnspandas merge colums on 3dpython dataframe concat examplemerge pythonis join and index the same pythonhow to create a column where you have 2 rows joined pythonpandas mege or joinconcat 2 columns pandas dataframejoin dataframes based on column pandasmerge dataframe python examplehow to concatenate two pandas dataframeshow to join 5 dataframes as columnspd join two dataframesmerge two dataframedjango pandas mergepandas merge two dataframes with conditionjoin df pythonpandas merge dataframe and seriespandas multiple dataframesjoin pandas dataframe based on keyhow to concat two df with column value in pandasmerge two dataframe pythonmerging pandas data framespanda dataframe join 2 tables using columnhow to combine df in pandascocnat two dataframemerge on index pandasconcat multiple dataframes pandas for loopif we merge in a dataframe what happens 22pandas 22 two dataframe concat for looppython two dataframe mergehow to join a dataframe with a columnconcatanete two data framespd concat joincombine row pandasmay i concatenate the two or more data frames using append 28 29 in pandaspandas merge unioncombine dataframe pandaspandas concat based on columnpandas merge dataframes on columnmerge a dataframe in pythonpandas join dataframe with other dataframeconcatenate pandas dataframepandas inner join dataframesconcat pandas dataframes on column keyspanda dataframe merge using indexmerge dataframe by index pandasdf merge pandaspandas concat two dataframes on columnconcat multiple df in pandaspandas merge dataframebest way to concatenate multiple pandas dataframeshow to add two df in pandashow to merge dataframes in python if 2 coulmns are equalcombining two dataframes in pythonconcat pandas two dataframesleft merge pandasmerge 2 dataframe pandasadd on merge pandaspandas join vs mergecombine multiple data frame in pythonmerge onconcat two df in pandasmerge 2 dataframe pythoncombining two pandas dataframesmerge dataframes with same columns pandasmerge two columns in one dataframemerge two dataframes pandas on columnpd merge on index numberadd two df pandasjoin or merge pandaspd merge on indexconcat a few dataframesdataframe concatunion to pandas seriesjoin two dataframes in pythoncombine dataframe in pythonpandas pd merge exampleshow to concatenate two dataframes in pandasprefered option for merging in pandas 2cpands joinmerge dataframe with seriesinner join mergingpandas merge data framesmerge row by row pandas no idnexpandas join df on columnpd concat examplepandas concat dataframes with different columnspandas join examplehow to merge two dataframes based on two column pythonhow to connect two different dataframes in pandascombined dataframe pandashow to combine columns from dataframe in pythonconcatenate multiple columns in pythondf join two tablespandas merge dataframes with same column namescombine multiple dataframes pythonjoining multiple dataframes in pandashow to add two pandas dataframeshow to concatenate two dataframes in pythonhow to merge two dataframes in pandas based on condition in pythonadd 2 pandashow to combine two dataframes in pandasjoin many series in dataframe pandashow to combine dataframe pandaspd merge dfmerge two datframe pythonmerge all rows in python seriesdataframe merge examplepython code to concatenate two dataframesmerge python dataframehow to use concat in pandashow to combine data framespd concat suffixconcat two elements of dataframe pythonpd concat 2 dataframesconcate two dataframehow to concat 2 dataframes merge two dataframes into one dataframe pandasmerge dataframes pythonsave df 28 df list to readable 28 pd concat 28 5btest df 2c test rand df 5d 29 dropna 28subset 3d 5b 27stocks 27 2c 27weights 27 5d 29 2c 5b 27stocks 27 2c 27weights 27 5d 29 2c 27portfolio test 27 29marge dataframepandas join series to dataframe on indexdataframe join two dataframescombine two datasets in pandasmerging 3 dataframes in pandaspython concat several dataframe fileshow to merge two columns in dataframeconcatenate and merge in python pandasmarge df pandasmerges in pandaspandas perform joinmerge three dataframes in pandasmerge two dataframe reocords to onehow to combinbe 2 data framespandas concat two dataframes suffixespandas combine dataframeshow to concat three dataframes in pandasdataframe join on column valuespandas merge on column valuejoin dataframes on column pandashow to combine two dataframes into one in pythondf mergeconcat by column pandasjoin on id pandaspandas join dataframe by column valuesjoin a column from another dataframe merge in pandasjoin dataframes pdcombine data frames pandashow to change label of merge in join pandascombine dataframes in pythoninnerjoin pandaspandas merge one of indicesmerge pandas dataframes by indexpandas merge howjoin two dataframes pandas on columnconcat 2 dfpandas dataframe concatpandas merging three dataframespandas concatenbatepandas append two dataframesmerge dfpandas concat onpanda merge multiple data framesjoin pandas dataframemerge pandasdataframe mergehow to merge on index pandaspandas concat dataframesdataframe join rowscombined multiple pandas dataframepandas join strong columnpandas datafram merge leftconcat pandas dataframe rowspandas concatenate two column in oneconcatenate pandas arraysmerge data framehow to merge data from one column into another pandaspandas join tablesdataframe merge 2 dataframesadd dataframes togetherpython dataframe join two dataframesmerge two data fram in pandashow to join 2 dataframes in pythonmerge join concatenate pandasmerge two data frames pythonconcat 2 dfs rows pandashow to join two dataframes in pythonhow to merge 2 df based on a columnpandas how to join two dataframesconcat two series into dataframeconcatenate two db by one column pandasmerging data frames pandasmerge time dataframepd merge two dataframeshow to concat two columns pandasdataframe merge in pythonpandas concat datasetsjoin two pandas df on fieldleft join pandashow to combine to dataframes in pythonpython pandas concat dataframepython pandas merge two dataframespython merge data frametypeerror 3a cannot concatenate object of type 27 3cclass 27str 27 3e 27 3b only series and dataframe objs are valid 5chow to concatenate two dataframesindicator argument pandaspandas merge columns of two dataframesmerge dfs in pandascombile two dataframes pandaspanda mergepd joinmerge multiple dataframes in pandasmerge dataframe pythonhow to merge 2 dataframes in pythonpandas dataframe merge columnsopposite of pd concatpandas set column from mergehow to merge two dataframe by columnsmerge two or more dataframes pandasmerge two data frames with same columns pandashow to add a two dataframepython pandas concat multiple dataframesmerge dataframes pandaspd merge c3 b9pandas merge concatpython merge documentationhow to merge two data series in pandasconcat uneven dataframes pandaspandas dataframe joinpandas merge 2 datasets by a columnprogressive join pandasto merge multiple dataframe in pythonmerge 2 data frames pythonjoin on column pandasconcat more than 2 dfcombine pd df based on nameconcatenate two dataframes in pythonhow to combine two data frames in pythonjoin two dataframes by column pythonmerge df in pandashow to concatenante several dataframe rowspython pandas inner join concatenate rows df pythonhow to add two different dataframepamdas mergeconcatenate elements of two dataframes pythonmerge in dataframe pythonhow to concatenate two columns in dataframecombine df columns pythonconcatenate two pandas dataframesdataframe concatconcat pandas dataframes to onejoin merge concat pandas dataframepd concat 2 dataframes column wisemerge two df in pandaslist of df concatcombining two data framesquery merge left only pandaspandas merge on indexmerge 28 29how to merge 2 tables in pythonmerge 2 datafrakedataframe merge join pandashow to merge df in pandasdf concat two dfpandas merge dataframes by index of one dataframepd merge examplesfrom pd import concatcreate two datasets in pandashow to merge by a column in a pythonconcatinate multiple dataframes in pandascombine two pandas dataframes by columngenerate 28 27 27 join 28df 5b 27name 27 5d 29 29concat df in pandas by columnmerge two dataframes pandas on a columnpd merge 2 dataframesdf concatenate dfhow to merge multiple dataframes in pandashow outer left pandasjoin dataframes row in pythonpandas concatenate dataframesjoin two dataframeconcat two series pandaspandas concat two dataframes by columnpd mergdf merge show bothcombine two series pandaspython merge two dataframes based on columnconcat two dataframe pandaspd merge multiple data framespandas merge whereconcatenate two data frames pandasjoin datasets pandaspandas merge full outermerge python pandas concat in pandasmerge dataframes with 22or 22 pandasassign apply join df pandasmerge panda dataframes on indexmerge 2 df in pandasadd two dataframes pandasmerging 2 columns in pandasright join in pandaspython pandad merge data framepandas merge multiple columnshow to plot two dataframes in pythonjoin using pandaspandas series join on indexmerge df pandashow to join 2 dataframes in pandasconcat 2 dataframe columnsjoin vs merge pandasjoin 2 df pandascombine several dataframes in pandaspandas concat mergeput two dataframes together pythonmerge table on index pandasdataframe combine pandaspandas concat two dataframes in one rowcombine two same dataframepandas concat leftto merge multiple dataframe in pythoninner join multiple dataframes pandasjoin tables on common attrinutes python pandasmerge to df pandasconcat data frames in pandasleft join pandas dataframeconcat dataframe and seriespandas dataframe merge two dataframespython merge 5cpython combine dataframesjoin pandas dataframespd merge onhow to concat to datasets in pandashow to union two pandas dataframesmerge two dataframe on a fieldconcat to data fjoin pandas series to dataframemerge outter joinconcate 2 dataframes pandasconcat 2 dfs pandaspython union dataframepd concat multiple data framesstick two dataframes together pandasdataframe concat rowshow to merge dfmerge 2 dataframes in pandashow to combine dataframes pandascombining dataframes pandas pythondf concat pandasdataframe merge by indexhow to merge to dataframe in pythonpandas concat two dataframes combining rowscombining and merging dataframes in pandaspandas merge columns based on indexpandas merge dataframes on indexpandas merge two series with a stepmerge rdataframesconcat dataframes with different columnsconcat function pandasconcat dataframe in pandasdf merge vs df joinconcatenate multiple dataframes pythonpandas merge 3 seriesappend two dataframes pandasappend two dataframepandas concat based on indexmerge 4 dataframes pandasdf join dfpandas dataframe merge on columnhow to merge multiple dataframe in pythonhow to connect two dataframe in pythondata frame concatconcatinate two series pandashow to concat pandas dataframes together with one headerpandas left join two text filesmerge data dataframeset from inner join on pandas dataframepanda merge data frameconcat two df pandashow to merge 2 dataframe in oneadd two concatenated columns to a dataframe in pandapadas merge by indexhow to combine pandas dataframesmerge in dataframpandas how to concatenate two dataframes same columns combining 2 dataframes pandascombine two rows in dataframe in pythonpandas add 2 dataframes togethermerge dataframe pdwhich of the following argument is used to set the key to be used for merging two data frames 3fmerge comlumn datafra 2cepd merge 28connections 2cemployeesshort 2cleft on 3d 22query 22 2cright on 3d 22employee connectionsurl 22 2chow 3d 27left 27 29concat dataframe pandas into a newmerge four dataframes pandaspandas dataframe merge two columnshow to concat on the basis of particular columns in pandasjoin two pandas dataframesmerge dataframe in pythonpandas join columns of datafraeminner join pythnocombine two dataframe columns pythonconcat values of two columns pandascombining columns in pandasfull merge pandaspd concat dataframesmerge function pandasconcatenate two dfmerge two dataframe reocrds to onepandas merging dataframehow to merge two df and reatin all values in pythonmerge more than 2 dataframes and different columns in pandasmerge 28 29 pythontypeerror 3a cannot concatenate object of type 27 3cclass 27str 27 3e 27 3b only series and dataframe objs are valid pandas merge dataframe on columnmerge pandas by index concat 4 dataframesdf concatpands merge 2 dataframemerge by two columns in pandaspandas concat series to dataframe as row creates new columnconcat two data frameshow to join two panda dataframemerge right on and join how right pandashow to combine two dataframe in pandashow to merge to rows pandaspandas df concat axis rowsconcat in python pandasjoin two dataframes pandas on a columnadd 2 dataframescombine dataframes pandasmerge datafrme rows with columnsjoin suffix pandasmerge two dataframes on two columnshow to merge two dataframes based on a columntwo dataframe mergehow to join 2 dataframes pandaspandas how to merge various dfjoin data with pandascombine two columns into one pysparkpython pd concat columnsmerge to dataframesmerge based on index pandasconcatenate python dataframepandas concatenate three dataframespandas merge rows in columnpandas merge list new rowcombine two dataframe pythonmerge how left pandasunion left pandasconcat multiple dataframes pandashow to merge two dataframespandas mergepandas merge pythonadd two dataframes together in pythonpd concat dataframehow do you cancatenate data frame in pandascombine two dataframe in pandaspandas concatenatemerge collumns of dataframes pandasmerge two pandas dfleft join dataframe pandasnew dataframe merge other dataframescombine two different dataframeshow to combine rows in pandaspython pandas concatenate two dataframes by rowhow to merge more than 2 dataframes in pythoncombine dataframes pythonmerge pyhtopncombine dataframes in pandasmerge 2c join pythonhow to combine dataframes in pythonconcatenate 2 frames pandaspandas merge joinpandas concat two dataframes ignore sort column namestypes of pandas mergespython pandas merge dataframespandas merge by two columnsmerge concat documentation pandasconcatenate two df by one column pandas merge vs join vs concatentateconcat two dfs pandaspandas df mergepandas cncat merge column from one dataframe and duplicate data to another pandasmerge 2 data frames pandashow to merge to dataframescombine multiple df pandashow to use concat instead of merge pandas dataframehow to merge two dataframe based on rowhow to concat two columns together pandaspandas dataframe join examplepd mergepandas merge 2 datasetspandas merge nacombine two data frames pandashow to merge dataframes pandaconcat pandasmerge 3 dataframe in padas install pandas examples join columnspanda dataframe axis inner joinpandas merge two dataframes on string indexcombine dataframespython concatenar 2 dataframesmerge left on column with two right on pandasdataframe merge inner joinpandas join leftpd merge inner joinmerge tables pandasmerge as of indexconcat two dataframes pandas column wisemerge dataframes in pandasconcatenate 2 data framesconcat 2 dataframes in pythonpandas merge name columnsconcatenate columns in pandas dataframedata concat python from two dataframepandas join dataframes on columnpandas concat multiple dataframesmerge on column axis pandasunion to data frame pandasmerge as of in pandaspython merge join lefthow to combine multiple dataframes in pythonconcat two pandas dataframepandas join on a columnhow to concat style formate to the new data frame in pandaspandas two dataframesmerge df by index pandaspandas inner mergemerge dataframe in python