mechanize python xe 2323

Solutions on MaxInterview for mechanize python xe 2323 by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "mechanize python xe 2323"
03 Jul 2016
1def __init__(self, shodan_api=None):
2        """
3        Initialize a new Bamf instance
5        `Optional`
6        :param str shodan_api:  Shodan API key
8        """
9        mechanize.Browser.__init__(self)
10        self._models = {}
11        self._targets = {}
12        self._devices = []
13        self._threads = []
14        self._backdoors = []
15        self._queue = Queue.Queue()
16        self._query = 'alphanetworks/2.23'
17        self._ports = [8000, 8080, 8888]
18        self._semaphore = threading.Semaphore(value=1)
19        self._database = sqlite3.connect('database.db')
20        self._database.executescript(self.__tbl_config)
21        self._database.executescript(self.__tbl_routers)
22        self._database.executescript(self.__tbl_devices)
23        self._shodan = self._init_shodan(shodan_api)
24        self.addheaders = [('User-Agent', 'xmlset_roodkcableoj28840ybtide')]
25        self.set_handle_robots(False)
26        self.set_handle_redirect(True)
27        self.set_handle_refresh(True)
28        self.set_handle_equiv(True)
29        self.set_handle_referer(True)
30        self.set_debug_http(False)
31        self.set_debug_responses(False) 
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