mechanize python xe 2319

Solutions on MaxInterview for mechanize python xe 2319 by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "mechanize python xe 2319"
21 Nov 2020
1def sqli(target, sqli_list):
3  sqli_list = open(sqli_list)
4  for sqli in sqli_list.readlines():
5    sqli = sqli.rstrip()
6    br = mechanize.Browser()
7    br.set_handle_equiv(False)
8    br.set_handle_redirect(False)
9    br.set_handle_referer(False)
10    br.set_handle_robots(False)
12    br.select_form(nr=0)
13    time.sleep(2)
14    for field in br.form.controls:
15      if field.type == "text":
16        br.form[] = str(sqli)
17    print br.form#"! injecting {0}, in the form {1}, on the page: {2}".format(str(sqli), str(, str(target))
18    request ="submit")
19    response =
20    if response.code == 200:
21      print "No dice... 200 OK response"
22    if response.code == 500:
23      print "500 Internal Error, potential SQL with {0}".format(str(field)) 
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mechanize python xe 2319