mcrypt decrypt php 7 2

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showing results for - "mcrypt decrypt php 7 2"
08 Jun 2018
3echo substr('abcdef'1);     // bcdef
4echo substr('abcdef'13);  // bcd
5echo substr('abcdef'04);  // abcd
6echo substr('abcdef'08);  // abcdef
7echo substr('abcdef', -11); // f
9// Accessing single characters in a string
10// can also be achieved using "square brackets"
11$string 'abcdef';
12echo $string[0];                 // a
13echo $string[3];                 // d
14echo $string[strlen($string)-1]; // f
18//substr() function returns certain bits of a string 
22 Jan 2016
1array_fill ( int $start_index , int $num , mixed $value ) : array
02 Jan 2020
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