matplotlib label axis

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showing results for - "matplotlib label axis"
02 Jun 2020
1# Basic syntax:
2plt.xlabel("X axis label") # Add ", fontsize = #" to control fontsize
3plt.ylabel("Y axis label")
5# Example usage:
7plt.xlabel("X axis label")
8plt.ylabel("Y axis label")
9plt.title("Figure title", fontsize = 20)
11# Note, xlabel and ylabel come from matplotlib.pyplot and plt is an 
12# 	abbreviation for this, e.g. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Juan Esteban
09 Jul 2018
1fig = plt.figure()
2ax = fig.add_subplot(...)
4ax.set_title('Title Here')
6ax.set_xlabel('x label here')
7ax.set_ylabel('y label here')
8ax.set_zlabel('z label here')
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