magento2 graphql cart

Solutions on MaxInterview for magento2 graphql cart by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "magento2 graphql cart"
17 Nov 2016
2  cart(cart_id: "REPLACE_CART_ID_HERE") {
3    email
4    billing_address {
5      city
6      country {
7        code
8        label
9      }
10      firstname
11      lastname
12      postcode
13      region {
14        code
15        label
16      }
17      street
18      telephone
19    }
20    shipping_addresses {
21      firstname
22      lastname
23      street
24      city
25      region {
26        code
27        label
28      }
29      country {
30        code
31        label
32      }
33      telephone
34      available_shipping_methods {
35        amount {
36          currency
37          value
38        }
39        available
40        carrier_code
41        carrier_title
42        error_message
43        method_code
44        method_title
45        price_excl_tax {
46          value
47          currency
48        }
49        price_incl_tax {
50          value
51          currency
52        }
53      }
54      selected_shipping_method {
55        amount {
56          value
57          currency
58        }
59        carrier_code
60        carrier_title
61        method_code
62        method_title
63      }
64    }
65    items {
66      id
67      product {
68        name
69        sku
70      }
71      quantity
72    }
73    available_payment_methods {
74      code
75      title
76    }
77    selected_payment_method {
78      code
79      title
80    }
81    applied_coupons {
82      code
83    }
84    prices {
85      grand_total {
86        value
87        currency
88      }
89    }
90  }