lua while loops

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03 Nov 2019
1--// Basic while true do loop
3while true do
5	--// Looped text
6	print("Looped Text")
8	--// Time the loop waits before looping again
9	wait(1)
04 Jan 2020
3   statement(s)
01 Nov 2018
2There are two types of lua for loops.
3There is the generic definition, (pseudo-)expression, increment,
4and there is one that allows the use of iterators.
7-- The first kind can be used like this:
8for a = 0 --[[Define a as 0]], 10 --[[Continue until a reaches 10]], 2 --[[Increment by 2 each iteration]] do
9	print(a); -- 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.
12-- The second kind requires an iterator. There are two commonly used built-in ones.
13-- pairs and ipairs.
15-- pairs uses the built-in next function, which gets the next key in a table given a previous key.
16-- pairs can be used both for pure arrays and non-numerical indices (ie. maps).
17for i,v in pairs({["A"] = 5, ["B"] = 10}) do
18	print(i, v); -- A 5, B 10.
21-- ipairs is different in that it can only loop over tables with numerical indices (ie. arrays) hence the name *i*pairs.
22for i,v in ipairs({5, 10}) do
23	print(i, v); -- 1 5, 2 10.
26-- You can read more about iterators here:
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