showing results for - "loop json jquery"
02 May 2019
1var someObj = { foo: "bar"};
3$.each(someObj, function(propName, propVal) {
4  console.log(propName, propVal);
14 Jul 2017
1var agents = [
2               {
3                  "id": "007",
4                  "agent": "James Bond"
5               },                  
6               {
7                  "id": "006",
8                  "agent": "John Wick"
9               }
10             ]
11// iterate over the JSON array
12$.each(agents , function(index, item) { 
13    console.log("Agent Id: " +;
14    console.log("Agent Name: " + item.agent);
24 Feb 2018
1$.map(mapArray, function(val, key) {
2  alert("Value is :" + val);
3  alert("key is :" + key);
queries leading to this page
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