list sort python

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showing results for - "list sort python"
23 Jan 2018
1#1 Changes list
3#2 Returns sorted list
4sorted(list, reverse=True)
02 Aug 2016
1my_list = [9, 3, 1, 5, 88, 22, 99]
3# sort in decreasing order
4my_list = sorted(my_list, reverse=True) 
7# sort in increasing order
8my_list = sorted(my_list, reverse=False) 
11# another way to sort using built-in methods
15# sort again using slice indexes
18# Output
19# [99, 88, 22, 9, 5, 3, 1]
20# [1, 3, 5, 9, 22, 88, 99]
21# [99, 88, 22, 9, 5, 3, 1]
22# [1, 3, 5, 9, 22, 88, 99]
05 Jan 2018
1sorted(iterable, key=None, reverse=False)
3type(sorted(iterable, key=None, reverse=False)) = list
31 Jul 2018
1a_list = [3,2,1]
22 Jul 2020
1>>> a = [5, 2, 3, 1, 4]
2>>> a.sort()
3>>> a
4[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
30 Aug 2016
1>>> names = ['Harry', 'Suzy', 'Al', 'Mark']
2>>> sorted(names)
3['Al', 'Harry', 'Mark', 'Suzy']
4>>> sorted(names, reverse=True)
5['Suzy', 'Mark', 'Harry', 'Al']
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highest to lowest pythonpython lists to sortpython sort list asort the listpython sort list by keyorder pythonsort list ythonsort in descending order list pythonhow to sort set in pythona sort pythonsorted desc pythonsort items in a list of listpython list sort 28 29 in pythonchange direction of sorted pythonsort elements in a listalphapbetize function in pythonlist sort pythonpython sort libarrysort numbers in decending order pythonpython list sorted for inpython sort list least to greatestsorted ascendinghow to change a list to least to greatest in python 5dpython sort method sort by pythonsort built in function in pythonlist 3d sortedsorted listssort list in pytonmethod to sort a listsorting sets in pythonsorting set in pythonhow to sort list by value pythonsorted function python reversesort list by highest numbers pythonpython sort a listrhow to arrange a order inlist pythonpython sort bysort suntax pythonhow to sort an numpy list python in descending ordersort list fun in pythonhow to sort numbers in a list in pythonpython order listpython sort list manuallysort list onliensort elements listfsort array from greatest to leastythonsorting list in ascending order pythonsorting in list in pythonpython list sorted functionreverse sort list python functionsort from listin pythonways to sort a listreverse sort in python 3pyhton sort listpython list sort functionpython return new sorted listsort array in descending order pythonsort list pylist items sortsorted array pythonpython invert list ordersort list in poythonpython sort list bysort by name pythonsort a list containing in pythonhow to sort elements in a listpython sorted list data structuresort a python list in descending orderpython how to sort an item from a listsorted 28 29 in pythonhow to declare python list in descending order sort 28 29 in pythonlist sort fuctionlist sort key pythonhow to sort a 5b 5d in pythonarray sort pythonstructure to list sort in pythonsorting a list in pythinsort into listpython sort array by numbersorted with list in pythonpython sort list of numbersreverse 3d true pythonpython sort list descendingsort list decreasing pythonsort list of integers pythonsorted list of list pythonpython set sort by valuepython reverse 3d 29 truesort a list of numberssorted list of element pythonhow to sort a list backwardspython sort array reversepython sort asort array in ascending order pythonsort a list low to highpython sort an array of numberspython list in reversethe list is sorted into descending order 3a 2820 2c 15 2c 10 2c 5 2c 0 29sorted 28 29 function in python for listssorted function inpythonorder set pythonordered pythonreorder a list of numbers in python in descending ordersort list pytohnreverse sort of an array in pythonsort a set pythonpython order a listsorting a list in python that has listedhow to sorted a listreverse a list using sorted method in pythonpython sort list in pythonsort a list in python by reversed ordersort 28 29 revursepython sort revers orderlist sort by namesort list in puythonsorted in python list in listpthon3 sortedfunction python sortorder by list in pythonpython sort an array from least to greatest codesort function list pthonhow to sort numbers in a number list pythonsorted of listhow to sort elements in list in pythonpython sorted reverse 3dtruedata sorted list pythonsorting of list in pythonpython reverse sortedsort numbers in list pythonlist sort function in python 3 sorted 28 29 pythonpython descending listpython sort sorted 3fsort 28 29 in list pythonpython in place sort reverserevrse sort a listhow to sort a list of lists in pythonreturn sort list pythonpython sort keys manuallypython list sort bysorting lists in pythonsorting lists pypython dsortsort list by ascending pythonlist order pythonordering list pythonsort reverse pythonsorted 28list 29 pythonsort list of listlist sortsorting list of list sort in pythonpython sort descendingsort a list pythinsorted listsort a list in reversesort list in python 3python sort lists of list array list sortordered list in pythonsort a list in descending order in pythonsort descending order python listpython order by listsort list in listsortnig a listreverse sort in pythonuse of sort in pythonwhat is sort 28 29 in pythonsort list by pythonhow to return sorted list in pythonpython function to sort a list codearrange a listpython how to sort a list of numberspython function to sort a listorder list pythonhow to sort in reverse order in pythonsorting python listarrange in ascending order pythonprinting descending in pythonsort list function in pythonsort by pythonlist ascending order pythonpython list reverse orderhow to sort a list i pyhow to order a list of numbers in pythonsort descending in listlist sorted pythonhow to list sort in pythonhow to sort the list in ascending order in pythonlist sort byhow to get sorted list in pythonsort list python integerspython sort decendenind listsorted python list python sort lists in listhow to sort a 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