laravel livewire livewire js 404 not found

Solutions on MaxInterview for laravel livewire livewire js 404 not found by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "laravel livewire livewire js 404 not found"
20 Sep 2020
2in Laravel
3livewire.js can be 404 not found because your 
4root directory is not set on default
5to make it work:
61. go to config/livewire.php => find 'asset_url' and set it to your 
7	public folder, for example: 
8    'asset_url'  => "http://localhost/{you project's name}/public", run these command in command panel
10	php artisan config:cache
11    php artisan view:clear
12    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=livewire:config
13 these command just refreshing everything to make the changes come in effect try it.....i hope it will help
queries leading to this page
a livewire component was not found laravel 8blogcreate 3a467 get http 3a 2f 2flocalhost 2fvendor 2flivewire 2flivewire js 3fid 3d936e5d0fb0b76b631ba7 net 3a 3aerr aborted 404 28not found 29uncaught referenceerror 3a livewire is not definedlivewire not found laravelclass livewire 2flivewire not foundindex js 3a24 post http 3a 2f 2flocalhost 2flivewire 2fmessage 2fcheck 404 28not foundlivewire js not found laravel 2fvendor 2flivewire 2flivewire js not foundlivewire file not found at path 3a livewire tmplaravel livewire 404 not foundlivewire js not foundlivewire404 error not foundlaravel livewire errors route no foundlaravel livewire component not found on the serverpage not found laravel livewirelivewire 2fmessage 2fhome 404 28not found 29dashboard 3a387 get http 3a 2f 2flocalhost 2flivewire 2flivewire js 3fid 3deb510e851dceb24afd36 net 3a 3aerr aborted 404 28not found 29vendor 2flivewire 2flivewire js not foundlaravel livewire js not founderror 4040 livewireindex 147 uncaught referenceerror livewire is not definedlaravel livewire chipper livewire 2fmessage not found404 not found livewire clicklivewire 404 3a get http 3a 2f 2flocalhost 2flivewire 2flivewire js net 3a 3aerr aborted 404 28not found 29laravel livewire 404 on method calllivewire not found paget http 3a 2f 2flocalhost 2flivewire 2flivewire js 3fid 3d936e5d0fb0b76b631ba7 net 3a 3aerr aborted 404 28not found 29 blogcreate 3a473 uncaught referenceerror 3a livewire is not defined at blogcreate 3a473where to include livewire assestslaravel livewire js not working404 not found laravel livewireindex js 3a24 post http 3a 2f 2flocalhost 2flivewire 2fmessage 2fcheck 404 28not found 29update laravel livewire not workinglivewire js not foundlaravel livewire livewire 3aload not workinglaravel livewire js not found 22livewire 22 is not defined 28index 29 3a1179 get http 3a 2f 2flocalhost 2fsrj 2fthoughtbs 2fvendor 2flivewire 2flivewire js 3fid 3d936e5d0fb0b76b631ba7 net 3a 3aerr aborted 404 28not found404 not found laravel 8the requested url 2flivewire 2flivewire js was not found on this server 404 not found in laravel 8livewire is not definedlaravel livewire livewire js 404 not foundlaravel livewire livewire on not definedlivewire js not found laravelerror 404 not found on livewire clicklaravel livewire component not foundlaravel livewire not workingjs livewire not foundlaravel livewire livewire on not availablea livewire component was not found 28index 29 3a54 get http 3a 2f 2flocalhost 2fvendor 2flivewire 2flivewire js 3fid 3d936e5d0fb0b76b631ba7 net 3a 3aerr aborted 404 28not found 29class livewire not foundlaravel livewire livewire js 404 not found