laravel command not found

Solutions on MaxInterview for laravel command not found by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "laravel command not found"
16 Jan 2021
1export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin"
04 Aug 2017
1export PATH=~/.config/composer/vendor/bin:$PATH
3source ~/.bashrc
14 Oct 2017
1echo 'export PATH="~/.config/composer/vendor/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc
2# or
3echo 'export PATH="~/.config/composer/vendor/bin"' >> ~/.zshrc
15 Jan 2019
1#these commands executed on Ubunyu 20.04
2export PATH=~/.config/composer/vendor/bin:$PATH
3source ~/.bashrc
09 Jan 2019
1source ~/.bashrc
01 Jul 2020
1composer global require "laravel/installer"
queries leading to this page
404 error not found in laravellaravel artisan not foundubuntu laravel command not foundlaravel new command not foundlaravel command not found 3a npmwindows 10 laravel new command not foundartisan command not foundlinux command not found laravelphp artisan vendor command not found laravellaravel 3a command not found linuxlaravel command not found after installing laravellaravel new command not workinglaravel php 3a command not foundform class not found in laravelin ubuntu 20 laravel 3a command not foundlaravel installer command rm not foundrestart bashrclinux restart bashrc 22laravel 3a command not found 22node command not found laravel mac laravel command not foundinstall laravel installer ubuntu laravel 3a command not foundlravel command not found debian laravel command not found in ubuntu 18linux source bashrclaravel 3a commande introuvableglobal composer require bash 3a global 3a command not foundbash 3a artisan 3a command not foundbash npm command not found in laravel 8bash 3a laravel 3a command not found php artisan php command not found ubuntuartisan not found laravelbash reload bashrcbash script restart itselfcomposer 3a command not found laravel laravel 3a command not foundhow to restart bashrclaravel command not found ubuntu 20ubuntu laravel 3a command not foundunix how to restart bashrclaravel 3a command not found bash artisan 3a command not foundbash 3a laravel command not found windows 10centos laravel command not foundart laravel from terminal nor workinglarvel 3a command not foundlinux ubuntu how to source bashrcnpm command not found laravel 8restarting bashrc file in linux needs restartinglaravel artisan command not found windowscomposer global require laravel 2finstaller bash 3a composer 3a command not foundartisan not found in laravellaravel class not foundartisan not found jailshell 3a laravel 3a command not foundenvoy 3a command not foundlaravel command not found ubuntu 20 04php command not found in laravelubuntu how to source bashrcubuntu command line bashrc sourceubuntu open bashrcdocker composer laravel command not foundlaravel 3a command not found ubuntubashrc file ubuntubash laravel command not found windows 24 php artisan migrate bash 3a php 3a command not foundlaravel class command not foundlaravel command not found in listphp artisan serve bash php command not found windows 10command not found 3a laravel macbin bash 5 command not found laravel cron jobsafter installing laravel installer i get laravel command not foundbash 3a laravel 3acommand not found in cpanel bashrc ubuntularavel command not found in linuxsource bashrc ubuntulinux laravel 3a command not foundbash laravel command not foundphp command not found when using laragonubuntu where is bashrc fileubuntu bashrc examplephp command not found laravellaravel 3a command not foundlaravel 3a command not found cent oslaravel command not found ubuntuphp artisan vendor command not foundphp artisan serve bash 3a php 3a command not foundnpm command not found laravel bashrc file in ubuntularavel class not found exceptionubuntu shell bashrcmac os php artisan command not foundopen bashrc ubuntuphp artisan not foundcommand not found laravalwhere is bashrc file in ubuntuhow to fix bash 3a laravel 3a command not foundubuntu how to automatically source bashrclaravel command not found macphp artisan command not foundlaravel 3a command not found on linuxbash 3a npm 3a command not found laravellaravel not found cmdwhere is bashrc in ubuntuhow to open bashrc file in ubuntuhow to open bashrc file in ubuntumodule not found error laravel 8laravel new not workinglaravel command not found in ubuntularavel new laravel command not foundubuntu laravel not foundcomposer command not found bash 3a laravel 3a command not found ubbuntularavel create project command not workingmaking laravel command globalbash 3a laravel 3a command not found wopen bashrc in ubuntugit bash laravel new command not foundlaravel installer command not foundubuntu open bashrc filebash 3a npm 3a command not found in laravel 7create project not found terminal phpnew artisan command not foundlaravel is not a command ubuntubashrc ubuntucommand 27php 27 not found 2c but can be installed with 3a laravelcommand not found laravelcommand 22laravel 22 is not defined laravel globallaravel command not found path 3cx 3e laravel command not workinglaravel not found ubuntulinux laravel command not foundlaravel command not workingfind the command 3a command not found 3a laravellaravel not foundwhere is bashrc ubuntucommand not found 3a laravel all the timephp artisan php command not foundwhere to fint bashrc files in ubuntularavel new vueapp laravel 3a command not foundubuntu source bashrclaravel new the command rm was not foundopen bashrc file in ubuntularavel global commandcommande not found laravel maclaravel echo server 3a command not foundsudo command not foundlaravel laravel 3a command not foundlaravel new rm not foundlaravel command not found bash maccommand laravel not foundubuntu bashrccomposer laravel 3a command not foundlaravel command not found after installing laravel maclaravel command not foundlaravel new rm command not found bash 3a laravel 3a command not foundlaravel class file not foundcomnmand laravel not found from bashlaravel command not found maccommand new not found composer new blogrestart bashrclaravel 3a command not found but installedbash 2f laravellaravel 7 bash 3a laravel 3a command not foundlaravel new command not working maccommand not found 3a laravelopen bashrc file ubuntufile 27 not found laravellaravel new command not found ubuntu c3 a7 bash 3a laravel 3a command not foundlaravel command not found bash 27app 5cconsole 5cmysql 27 not found laravelterminal doesn 27t recognize laravellaravel new command doesnt worklaravel command not found windowslaravel command not found errorreload bashrclravel command not found bash 3a laravel 3a command not found laravel installationcreate project not found terminal php macbash 3a laravel 3a command not foundlaravel not found mac install global require laravel 2finstallerrestart bashrc in linuxhow to restart bashlaravel not found macbash 3a laravel 3a command not found when authenticatelaravel 3a command not found maclaravel command not found on maclaravel command not found