kotlin vs java

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15 Sep 2018
2JavaScript can be used to do neat things like creating 
3animation in HTML. ... JavaScript code is run on a 
4browser only, while Java creates applications that run 
5in a virtual machine or browser. Java is an OOP 
6(object-oriented programming) language, and JavaScript is
7specifically an OOP scripting language.
30 Sep 2020
1chunk of code written in Kotlin is much smaller compared to Java, as it is less verbose and less code means fewer bugs. Kotlin compiles the code to a bytecode which can be executed in the JVM. Thus, all the libraries and frameworks made in Java can be moved and run in a Kotlin project.
25 Jan 2019
1// if is an expression, so ternary operation not needed
2val loaded = true
3val status = if (loaded) "Ready" else "Loading..."
4// "Ready
02 Jun 2016
1 setBackground(Color.cyan);   // sets predefined color cyan to background of frame
05 Sep 2020
1Kotlin is a language built on and entirely backwards-compatible with Java.
2While Java is Object-Oriented first, Kotlin supports a blend
3of OO and functional paradigms. For further information, refer to
22 Feb 2017
1kotlin is the fun... Kotlin is the best thing for android developer beginners.
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