js start with

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showing results for - "js start with"
19 Jan 2019
1const str = 'Linux is great';
2console.log(str.startsWith('Linux is'));// true
3console.log(str.startsWith('Windows is'));// false
4console.log(str.startsWith('ux is', 3));// true
12 May 2016
1var str = "Hello world, welcome to the universe.";
2var n = str.startsWith("Hello");
10 Jan 2017
1//checks if a string starts with a word
2function startsWith(str, word) {
3    return str.lastIndexOf(word, 0) === 0;
5startsWith("Welcome to earth.","Welcome"); //true
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7e javascript start withstarts with javascript stringstartswith jascheck start with jsis or starts with javascriptjs strign starts withcheck string starts with jsstring python startswithcheck string startswith javascriptjquery striung start withjs startsstring javascript startswithstartswith number javascriptjavascript word starts withsearch string for a start and end key jsjs if string starts withstring beginswith javascriptjavascriptif startswithjavascript filter string starts withnodejs strarts withvalue startswith javascriptcheck starts with in javascriptstring startswith in jsjavascript startsiwithstartswith node jsfind word start with x javascriptnode js start stringjs startswith numberstring array text startswith javascriptif string startsstartswith htmlhow to define starstwith jsstartswith js stringget all string starts from 22 40 22 and ends with 22 2c 22 in jsstartswith method in react start using javascriptstartswith 28 22 5c 22 22 29string startswith javascript and 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jsif string starts with a or b javascripthow to check starts with in jscheck if a string starts with jscheck string staring with in javascript startswith 28 29 javascripthow to check string starts with in javascripthow to do starts with in javascriptjavascript array startswithjs startstartswith string jsjava script start withstring not startswith jsjs startswijavascript value starts withstart with javascriptjavascript stars data placemnt ts startswith not found on string prototypejavascript string startsjavascript use startswith after separatorcall a function in javascript beginswithstartwith 28 29 in jscheck if a string starts with a substring javascriptusing startswith in javascriptjs function startswith 28 29 or contains 28 29es6 string starts withjavacirpt starts withjs startswith mehodjavascript string method startswithjavascript string begins withstartswith in jsstarts with character javascriptstartswith javascript functionjavascript find startswithnodejs if string begins 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