showing results for - "jquery ajax promise"
18 Feb 2019
1function doTheThing() {
2  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
3    $.ajax({
4      url: window.location.href,
5      type: 'POST',
6      data: {
7        key: 'value',
8      },
9      success: function (data) {
10        resolve(data)
11      },
12      error: function (error) {
13        reject(error)
14      },
15    })
16  })
08 Jan 2018
2  .then((data) => {
3    console.log(data)
4    doSomethingElse()
5  })
6  .catch((error) => {
7    console.log(error)
8  })
27 Jan 2021
1function ajax(options) {
2  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
3    $.ajax(options).done(resolve).fail(reject);
4  });
13 Apr 2018
1function doTheThing() {
2  $.ajax({
3    url: window.location.href,
4    type: 'POST',
5    data: {
6      key: 'value',
7    },
8    success: function (data) {
9      console.log(data)
10    },
11    error: function (error) {
12      console.log(error)
13    },
14  })
15 Jun 2019
30 Jan 2020
1  $.ajax({
2    url: "/someurl",
3    method: "GET",
4    data: { 
5      a: "a"
6  })
7  .done(function(data) {
8    console.log('success callback 1', data) 
9  })
10  .done(function(data) {
11    console.log('success callback 2', data) 
12  })
13  .fail(function(xhr) {
14    console.log('error callback 1', xhr);
15  })
16  .fail(function(xhr) {
17    console.log('error callback 2', xhr);
18  });
queries leading to this page
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