jest invalid or unexpected token

Solutions on MaxInterview for jest invalid or unexpected token by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "jest invalid or unexpected token"
01 Feb 2020
1Add this in your package.json jest config.
3"transform": {
4      "\\.js$": "<rootDir>/node_modules/babel-jest"
5    },
6Let me know if the issue still persists.
23 Jan 2020
1npm test -- --transformIgnorePatterns "node_modules/(?!(your-untranspiled-module|some-other-module)/)"
queries leading to this page
syntaxerror 3a invalid or unexpected token jestjest encountered an unexpected token import typescript jest encountered an unexpected tokenjest encountered an unexpected token errorjest encountered an unexpected token cssjest encountered an unexpected token 2b exportjest syntaxerror 3a unexpected token syntaxerror 3a unexpected token in jestexport const jest encountered an unexpected tokenjest unexpected tokenresolve jest encountered an unexpected tokenjest encountered an unexpected token importjest encountered an unexpected token exportsyntaxerror 3a unexpected token in js jest syntaxerror 3a unexpected token in jestjest syntaxerror 3a unexpected token 7bjest encountered an unexpected token import reactjest encountered an unexpected tokensyntaxerror 3a invalid or unexpected token jest importjest encountered unexpected tokenjest encountered an unexpected token typescriptjest encountered an unexpected token react nativenpm link jest encountered an unexpected tokenjest 22v8 22 react jest encountered an unexpected tokenjest syntax error unexpected tokenjest unexpected token 3d 28 29 jest encountered an unexpected tokentest suite failed to run jest encountered an unexpected token syntaxerror 3a unexpected token 27 3c 27jest encountered an unexpected token reactpreact jest encountered an unexpected tokenjest invalid or unexpected tokenjest encountered an unexpected token for type scriptreact jest encountered an unexpected tokenjest invalid or unexpected token