javascript map return array with distinc values

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showing results for - "javascript map return array with distinc values"
31 Jan 2017
2let array = [
3  { "name": "Joe", "age": 17 },
4  { "name": "Bob", "age": 17 },
5  { "name": "Carl", "age": 35 }
6]; => item.age)
8  .filter((value, index, self) => self.indexOf(value) === index)
10> [17, 35]
03 Nov 2019
1const unique = [ Set( => item.age))];
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javascriptpull uniques objects from two array jsjavascript unique array of objectsjs array of unique values from key in array of objectsjs unrepeated array numberreturn unique values from objects in array in javascriptget uniq values from object arrayjs distinct keys objectunique array javascroptjavascript unique object all properties return whole objectjs distinct from arrayreturn unique array of stringsarray of oject make unquehow to extract only unique values from property in object javascriptget unique items by key from list js foreach filter distinct jsgenerate unique id from string javascriptmake key value pair unique in javascripthow to get unique values in array of objects in react jsjavascript get all the unique id from array of objectsjavascript array unique objecthow to get distinct values from an array of objects in javascripthow to get unique keys from an object in javascriptjs get unique elements of arrayget unique values from array of abjectunique results in a array of 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javascriptget unique value key from object javascriptarray object unique javascript setget item by unique key jskey value pair unique key javascriptprint unique value by key in javascriptjavascript filter object unique stringsshould have a unique key in array of object in javascriptobject unique javascriptget unique from array javascript unique 28 29 javascriptarray unique key javascripthow to get unique key from new date 28 29 in javascripthow to make get unique objects based on value javascriptjavascript dictionary get only unique valuesget unique values from object arry javascriptjavascript get distinct objects from array based on one propertyselect distinct values filter javascript array of objectshow to return distinct values in array map function jsjavascript get all unique values from object arraydistinct objects by property value from an array of objects javascriptunique key javascriptjs get unique keys from array of objectsjavascript array get values with unique property 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show the unique data from the map in javascriptjavascript unique objects in objectsjavascript array distinct by propertyjavascript distinct array of objectsjavascript 2b filter array of objects 2b keep uniquehow to iterate through object and check if unique valuesfilter unique values on object javascriptjavascript unique data attributejavascript map return array with distinc values