javascript function multiple return

Solutions on MaxInterview for javascript function multiple return by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "javascript function multiple return"
22 Nov 2018
1//function that returns multiple values
2function getTopTwoColors() {
3    return ["blue", "pink"];
5var topTwoColors=getTopTwoColors();
6var firstValue=topTwoColors[0]; //get first return value
7var secondValue=topTwoColors[1]; //get second return value
21 Mar 2019
5     function getNames() {
6    // get names from the database or API
7    let firstName = 'John',
8        lastName = 'Doe';
10    // return values
11    return {
12        firstName,
13        lastName
14    };
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javascript return boolean from multiple valuesreturning multiple things from function javascriptjavascript returning multiple valuestypescript nodejs api return multiple modelhow to assign returned objects to different varaiables in jsjs multiple return valueshow to get two return value in javascriptcan you return multiple items in jsjavascript return two variablescan functions return multiple valuesjavascript for emailjs returning two values instead of three valuesjavascript return array from functioncan a function return more that one value 3f jsjavascript multiple return functionhow to write function in javascript to return 2 on xjavascript taking single list value as two valuejavascript how to have function that returns two valuesneed function to return two values in javascriptpass multiple return value javascriptreturn two functions javascriptnode multiple value betweenjavascript function return more than one valuehow to return mutliple values from a function in jshow to return two seperate numbers in javascriptjavascript return two values es6returning two values from a function in jscan you return two values from function jsjs return more than a valuemultiple returns in a function javascriptreturn tuple from function javascriptjs return more than one numberhow to return tuple react nativejavascript functions return several objectsjs returning multiplereturn 2 different objects typescripthow to return multible things in javascriptjavascript function return multiple variablesjavascript method which returns two itemsfunction returns two values javascript 5b 5d return more values without using array jsjavascript function to return multiple valuesjavascript func return multiplehow to return multiple value as a callback function in javascriptpython context manageer return multiple valuesreturn list in jsreturning two variables in javascripthwot o return two objects nodejsreturning multiple values in javascripthow to return two values in afunction in jsreturn tuples javascriptreturn two values in javascriptreturn muitple var jshow to return two values in function jscan a function return multiple values in javascriptreturn multiple things jsreturn multiple values from a function jsvascriptcan i write multiple return inside a function in jshow to return multiple function from single js how to return multiple values of javascript functionfunction return two arrayreturn multiple value javascriptjavascriptreturn two elementhow to return multiple values from single return statement in javascriptfunction multiple return valuejavascript return multiple values from a functionreturn 2 values nodejsreturn a two tuple from map javascriptfind object from multiple parameters value javascriptjs function return multiple valuehow to return multiple values from array object using map function in javascript map return multiple valuesjs return few stringsreturn 2 values javascript in functionjavascript return multiple thingsreturn multiple things javascript functionhow to return multiple values from a function in javascriptjs return 2 valuesreturn 2 values froma js functionhow to return multiple vars in js functionshow to return multiple objects in javascriptjs return multiple variableshow to write function with multiple return value in javascripthow do i return multiple values in jsreturn multiple values from a function javascriptreturn two different results with one api call javascriptjavascript function return multiplereturn multiple values from a method java scriptreturn two value jshow to make a variable take multiple values in node jsjavascript multiple return function understandreturn multiple variables from a function javascriptjavascript best way to return 2 valueshow to return twoo values in jsjavascript return two results at same timehow to return more than one value in javascriptjavascript returning two valuestypescript return multiple variables from functionstypescript return two objectshow to return 2 values jsjs function 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more than 1 value from function jshow to return 2 values in javascriptreturn array after multiple a number in javascriptreturn multiple values in javascript functioncan a javascript function return two valueshow to use multiple return statement in javascripthow to return multiple values from map function in javascriptjavascript return multiple values andget multiple values out of one jsjavascript function return multiple resultsreturn the number of good tupp 3bes jshow to return two values from a function javascriptcan a function return two values javascripthow to return two values in jshow to return more than one line in javascriptreact function return multiple valuesreturn 2 obj with out array javascriptjs can a function return two valuestwo return values in es6javascript function return two parametersjs return more than one valuehow to return multiple values from function jsjavascript function capture 2 valuesreturning multiple variables in function jsnodejs function return multiple 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in javascriptreturn multiple value in javascriptgetting multiple values from functionreturn multiple values from a function in javascriptmultiple returns jshow to return two variables from react functionyou can write multiple return statement inside the same function in javascriptreturn two values javascriptjavasript return multiple variablesnode return 2 valuesje methor return multiple valuesreturn many values javascriptfunction that returns multiple valueshow to return the two values using return statement in jsfunction return 2 values javascriptreturning multiple values in jshow to return 2 variables in javascriptreturn more than one value from a function jsjavascript function return value of 2 valuescan we return two values from a function in javascripthow to return 2 values in a function jsjavascript return 2 values from a functionreturn 2 values javascriptmultiple return in method jsarray with multiple values javascriptget value from two function javascript to other 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return multiple valuesreturn multiplle values javascriptjavascript set var to return value 4does js support multiple returns 3fjavascript return a listjs return more arrayreturn 2 value in jscan we return multiple from same function in javascriptget multiple variables in jscan i use multiple returns in javascriptmap to return two valueshow to read the multiple values from the javascriptsreturn multiple values jshow to access multiple return values from javascri 5bt functioncan function return multiple valuesarray multiple variables jshow to return multiple values in jsreturn multiple value object jsjavascript return a tuplefunction returns multiiple properties javascipt let instead of constfunction javascript return multiple values with propertiesnode js return multiple values from functionreturn two variables javascript with paramsbest way to return multiple values from a function 3fhow to do several return in same function javascriptjavascript return multiple variablemultiple return 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values from javascript functionjs return two arraysjs function return 2 valuesjs return several variablecan i run two return values from a function in javascriptreturn multiple values object array javascriptreturn multiple values in function jsfunction return several values jsarray return multiple valueshow to return multiple function from single js using es6javascript return multiple values typeshow to return a list in javascriptjs return mutile valuesjavascript return more than one variablenew javascript receive 2 valuesnodejs get the greater value easy from two variablesjavascript function multiple returnsin java script what method that contains a multiple value and returns a single valuecan javascript return multiple values 3dreturn multiple values js with forreturning tupe lajavscripthow to make a variable take multiple values in an array javascriptreturn multiple function calls js how to return multiple variable jsreturn multiple values javascript function have function return multiple values javascriptreturn multiple function javascriptreturn two results with a single api call javascriptreturn two seperate value javascriptfunction multiple return values how to return two values from javascripts how return more than one value javascriptreturning two values javascriptreturn multiple statements javascriptjavascript how to return multiple function calls from with in functionreturn multiple variables in jsjavascript multiple return unpackreturn multiple values in jsjs return multiple values from function 3fjs how to return 2 valuesreturn multiple method in javascripthow to get multiple variable from a function javascriptreturn multiple values node jsreturn two arrays from a javascript functioncan you return two values in jshow to return two values is jsreturn multiple either values or from javascript functionhow to return multiple value from function in javascriptreturn multiple values javascript es6how to return the multiple values in the javascripts how to return multiple things jsjs multiple functions in return statementhow to return 2 values from a function javascript2 input with different result in javascriptreturn two values javascript functionreturn 2 objects from function typescriptnode js return 2 valuesnode js return two valuesreturn 2 functions jsjavascript return from two functionshow to return multiple values in node jsjs function return two valuesjavascript multiple returnsfunction returning multiple values from functionfunction return multiple values reactreturn two parameters javascripthow to return a tuple in javascirptreturn multiple variables javascripthow to return multiple values in a function jsnodejs return 2 valuesjavascript return multiple values from functionreturn multiple from function javas riptjavascript function returning multiple valuesjavascript functionr eturn multple valuehow to return multiple value from jshow to return multiple values from a function in node jshow to return multiple things in javascriptreturn multiple arguments javascriptreturn multiple of two numbers jsnode js function return multiple valuesreturn multiple jshow to return multiple value from function javascriptjs return multiplejs return multiples of numberjs function to return multiple variablesjavascript return muliple vlaluesjavascript return multiple values from array then return multiple valueshow i input multiple value in array from other functionsjs component return multiple valueses6 return multiple valuesapply function on multiple values jshow to have two variables return from a method in javascriptreturn statement multiple variables javascriptjavascript function return multiple argumentsreturn multiple values from function and access them javascriptreturn multiple valuesfunction returning two values in javascripthow to return multiple values from a function 3fjavascript multiple statements in returnjavascript return multiple functionjavascript function return multi valuereturn two things from 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javascriptjs get one var fromhow many returns can a function have in javascriptmultiple returns for javascriptreturn 2 different types javascriptreturn multiple elements javascripthow to return multiple values from function in javascriptreturn two values from a function jsreturning more than one value javascriptreturn multime values javascriptallow a function to accept multiple values in javascriptreturn 2 variables at once jsjs return tuplereturning two variables at end of a function javascriptmultiple return in javascriptjs return a list of valuesjavscript return two valuesreturn multiple value in jsreturn multple value from a function javascriptfunction return function js multiple variablesjs multiple returnhow to return 2 objects in javascripthow to return two statements from one function in jsreturn multiple variables from function jsjavascript multi variable returnjavascript multiple returnnodejs function return 2 valuessend multiple values as return javascriptjavascript method 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typescriptjsfunction to return multiple variablesget two values from return function javascriptreturn two arrays javascriptjavascript function with multiple return typeshow to return the multiple values from the javascriptsjs function return multiple valueshow to return multiple variables inside of a function in javascriptnode return 3 parametersreturn two values in a function jsmultiple return jsmy javascript emailjs returning two values instead of three valuesjavascript return 2 functionsreturn two values javascripjs function return multiplreturn tuple jsreturning two values in javascriptcan i return 2 values in jsjavascript return two itemsmy javascript emailjs returning two valuesfunction return multiple values javascripthow can get another function return multiple value in javascriptfunction javascript return multiple values from arraymultiple return in javascript functionreturn function js with 2 outputsnode js return multiple valuesreturn multiple values nodejsjavascript get 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javascript functionreturn multiple valuesw in jscan js function return two values 3freturn 2 things from function javascripthow to return two seperate integers in javascripthow to return more than one array in javascriptreturn multiple obj jsa funnction can return multiple values 3f 3ffunction javascript return multiple linesreturn multipele values from function javascripthow to return more than one value function java scriptget item and return it multiple times javascriptjavascript return two valuesjs function returning multiple valuesjavascript return two parameters from functionreturning many value in a function in javascriptreturn more than one value in js functionreturn multiple strings in javascripthow to return 2 things in javascripthoq to return 2 values in jsreturning multiple values with javascriptcan you return 2 then nodejavascript return multiple functionstypescript function return multiple valuesjavascript multiple element returnmultiple values in function returnnodejshow 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elements jsreturn value from another method laraveljavascript multiple return statementsjavascript function capture 2 values into arrayjs return listjavascript function return two valuesjavascript multiple return value functionreact return multiple values from functionget multiple output using 1 function in jsreturn multiple values on thefunctiondoes js support returning multiple valuesjavascript function multiple return