javascript find element with focus

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27 Jun 2016
1var currentElementWithFocus=document.activeElement;
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javascript get element which has focuswhen an object is at the focushow to know which element is in focus during a click in jsfind input in focus javascriptactiveelement javascriptdocument get element by id focus 22focused 22 property javascriptactive elementvanilla js get focused elementgetelementbyid focus jsjavascript get input with focusget focus javascriptjs check which element has focusjavascript get focus elementget the element on focusjs return object focus eventjs find what element is in focusset focus in es6document getelementbyid focusget focused element javascriptgetelementbyid focuscheck which element is activejs get user current focushtml dom element with activeget active element javascriptdocument current focushow to get the form element with focusget focus of element focusjavascript current focus elementjs vanilla document activeelementjs when enter out of focusjs find active elementjavascript active elementhow to get currently focues elementhtml dom activecheck focus 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