showing results for - "javascript code speed test"
11 Apr 2020
1var iterations = 1000000;
2console.time('Function #1');
3for(var i = 0; i < iterations; i++ ){
4    functionOne();
6console.timeEnd('Function #1')
8console.time('Function #2');
9for(var i = 0; i < iterations; i++ ){
10    functionTwo();
12console.timeEnd('Function #2')
15 Jun 2019
1function quickSortMain2(array) {
2    console.log("array", array);
3    var l = array.length;
4    if(l <= 1) return array;
5    const pivot = array[l-1];
6    const leftArr = [];
7    const rightArr = [];
8    for (const el of array.slice(0, l-1)) el < pivot ? leftArr.push(el) : rightArr.push(el);
9    if(leftArr.length > 0 && rightArr.length > 0) return [...quickSortMain2(leftArr), pivot, ...quickSortMain2(rightArr)];
10    else if(leftArr.length) return [...quickSortMain2(leftArr), pivot];
11    else if(rightArr.length > 0) return [pivot, ...quickSortMain2(rightArr)];
13var items = [5,3,7,6,2,9];
14var sortedArray = quickSortMain2(items);
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