javascript ajax post send an object

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showing results for - "javascript ajax post send an object"
08 Jul 2017
2   url: 'ajaxfile.php',
3   type: 'post',
4   data: {name:'yogesh',salary: 35000,email: ''},
5   success: function(response){
7   }
18 Nov 2020
1function makeRequest (method, url, data) {
2  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
3    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
4, url);
5    xhr.onload = function () {
6      if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300) {
7        resolve(xhr.response);
8      } else {
9        reject({
10          status: this.status,
11          statusText: xhr.statusText
12        });
13      }
14    };
15    xhr.onerror = function () {
16      reject({
17        status: this.status,
18        statusText: xhr.statusText
19      });
20    };
21    if(method=="POST" && data){
22        xhr.send(data);
23    }else{
24        xhr.send();
25    }
26  });
29//POST example
30var data={"person":"john","balance":1.23};
31makeRequest('POST', "",data).then(function(data){
32              var results=JSON.parse(data);
15 Jul 2019
1function postAjax(url, data, success) {    var params = typeof data == 'string' ? data : Object.keys(data).map(            function(k){ return encodeURIComponent(k) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[k]) }        ).join('&');
2    var xhr = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");'POST', url);    xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {        if (xhr.readyState>3 && xhr.status==200) { success(xhr.responseText); }    };    xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');    xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');    xhr.send(params);    return xhr;}
3// example requestpostAjax('', 'p1=1&p2=Hello+World', function(data){ console.log(data); });
4// example request with data objectpostAjax('', { p1: 1, p2: 'Hello World' }, function(data){ console.log(data); });
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javascriptjquery callajax various way to post datahow to set ajax post datajavascript get ajax callsend data jquery ajax postajax method 3a 22post 22 2chow to send ajax request as we typehow to pass data in ajax post methodpost data to api with jquery ajax 24ajax post examplejavascript ajax post data objectcan we send object through ajaxsend parameters ajax post javascripthow to send data on post ajaxajax post call using javascriptsending post request javascriptget data send with response in axiosajax d ont get post datajquery ajax send json data to serverajax post in jshow to pass post data in ajax vanilla jspost data using ajax to apipost via ajax jquerysend the body in ajax post requestpost data using jquery ajaxjs ajx send data jasonajax post javascriptcallback in post ajaxpost api ajaxajax post request with data javascriptrequest javascript postajax send data in postjs ajax send post dataajax post request exampleajax post data and get responseajax js send jsonhttp post request in javascriptpost data in ajax call formajax post data examplehow to set post with ajaxpost data through ajax jqueryhow to get data from ajax request in javascripthow to get the response of a post using ajaxinject body into post ajaxjquery ajax post form dataajax post request 24 javascript get ajax request urljs ajax send jsonjquery ajax post examplehowto make ajax send a post and get requestajax post request w3schoolshow to post the data using ajaxpost javascript object ajaxsend post data to php using ajaxpost request in jspost data to url using ajaxjquery ajax post parameterpost request in javascripthow to use ajax request to send post in java servletjavascript get post dataajax http requestajax call postsending ajax request jsajax post method data pasjquery ajax post backendsend data to post ajaxhow to send data in ajax post methodajax post in javascript 24 post 28url 2c data 2c function 28result 29 with filesend post request ajax javascriptajax paranmeter jqueryajax post valuessend json object in post ajax requestc 23 send body postajax get post on bothpost ajax javascriptajax post method with data jsonhow to make post request in ajaxpost send data array ajaxajax request javascript postuse javascript to do ajax postsend pure json object in ajaxhow to post using ajaxsend data with out get or post request ajaxhow to post the data in ajaxupload data using ajaxhow to pass post data in ajaxpost request with xhrajax post send data get responsesend object using ajaxhow use ajax to post valueget request js ajaxxmlhttprequest sending info to serverjavascript ajax getajax post request in javascriptja ajax receive post datapost requests javascript php get data send from ajax postpost ajax request javascriptjavascript send post requesthow to send data with ajax requestajax post request tutorialsend data in ajax postajax call to post dataajax call post data jsonsend data ajax postsend data in ajaxajax params postajax get posthow make a post ajax callhow to send ajax request with jsjavascript post request examplesend data with jquery ajax post nodejssend object in post ajax requestajax how to access post dataxmlhttprequest post examplepost and ajaxpost data using ajax in javascriptwhat is a post request javaschow to send post data to php with ajaxajax post request javascript exampleajax post method javascriptajax get post examplehow to make a post request in xmlhttprequestsend data using post ajaxan ajax request to api post methodget ajax jsjavascript ajax post bodyxmlhttprequest example postmethods of sending data in get request javascript ajax send body in postjavascript ajax post examplejavascript ajax post to get datasend data in ajax post javascripthow to send form data through ajax post requstajax post datajquery ajax sending options instead of postuse ajax to just post dataajax sendxhr postdata post via ajaxajax sendpost requste ajaxajax post objectexample post data with ajax javascript without jquerypass data with ajax postget response ajax post 24 ajax post examplepassing data using http post in ajaxjs send ajax request postpost ajax in jsjavascript ajax post requestajax send post to urlhow to send post data from ajax to nodejspure javascript ajax post request dataajax post htmlpost method ajax javascriptsend objects ajaxajax call for post methodpost request ajaxajax post frombodysend post parameters in ajax requestjavascript ajax call post datasend ajax request javascriptjs send post requestjquery ajax post with data and responseajax post request syntaxget return of javascript function to ajax dataajax post method call with form datasend data to server using ajax postajax send objectsend data in post ajaxajax method post exampleajax send json javascriptxhttp post requestsending ajax post to serverajax post the data in https requestajax handling post requestsrequest open in javascriptjavascript ajax postsend 28 29 in ajaxhow to send data with xmlhttprequestis ajax post data backendjquery ajax data json send as formget data from server ajaxsending data using post method ajaxajax get send datajquery ajax post samplejquery ajax post form data exampleweb api post call with ajaxajax send datahow to hit post request from ajax call in jquery functionpost in ajaxpost data via ajaxajax post request send datahow to use data from ajax postajax send data as json js ajax post send parameterssend data with jquery ajax post node jssend object with ajaxajax post request samplexhr post requestpost request in javascript using ajaxjavascript ajax post data stringpost request code ajax javascriptajax post return data javascriptajax post response datahow to pass an object to javascript ajax post datapost request using ajaxjquery ajax post get response datahow to send a file in ajax requesthow to send post data form value using ajaxajax javascript request postajax post jajavascript ajax post send an objecthow to send json data in post request ajaxwhen to write xhttp or other value in ajax open 2cmethodsend json data in post request ajaxreturn data to post ajaxsending ajax post request in the browserget data from post in ajaxquery ajax post dataajax get requestjavascript send post data with ajaxajax post calljquery ajax post on vanilla jsajax post to jsjavascript ajax get and postajax setrequestheaderrequest open 28 post url true 29jquery to post data using ajaxajax request post to htmljavascript ajax method postajax post request with parameters examplepass parameters post method ajax jqueryajax post pure jsjquery create data ajax posthttp post javascriptuse ajax with html post requestjquery ajax 24 post with datajavascript ajax post send an object