javascript add div to body with class

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showing results for - "javascript add div to body with class"
10 Jan 2018
1var elem = document.createElement('div'); = 'position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;opacity:0.3;z-index:100;background:#000';
06 Mar 2018
1// correct me if im wrong
2var MainDiv = document.createElement('div');
3var ChildDiv1 = MainDiv.createElement('div');
4ChildDiv1.className = 'contextmenu_contextMenu_3_a2Z contextmenu_ContextMenuFocusContainer_2thYU';
5ChildDiv1.tabIndex = "0"; = "visibility: visible; bottom: 56px; right: 68px;"
7var ChildDiv2 = ChildDiv1.createElement('div');
8ChildDiv1.className = 'contextmenu_contextMenuContents_1yyTu';
9var DivButton1 = ChildDiv2.createElement('div');
10DivButton1.className = 'contextmenu_contextMenuItem_CBC-y contextMenuItem';
11DivButton1.value = "Upload an Image";
12var DivButton2 = ChildDiv2.createElement('div');
13DivButton2.className = 'contextmenu_contextMenuItem_CBC-y contextMenuItem';
14DivButton2.value = "Share Your Trade Offer URL";
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