init tsconfig file

Solutions on MaxInterview for init tsconfig file by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "init tsconfig file"
14 Sep 2018
1// source from
2$ tsc --init
3// Try to run in your console the following to check the version:
4$ tsc -v
5// If the version is older than 1.6 you will need to update:
6$ npm install -g typescript
7// Remember that you need to install node.js to use npm.
06 Oct 2016
2  "compilerOptions": {
3    "module": "esnext",
4    "target": "es2016",
5    "jsx": "react-jsx",
6    "strictFunctionTypes": true,
7    "sourceMap": true,
8    "outDir": "./build",
9    "lib": ["dom", "dom.iterable", "esnext"],
10    "allowJs": true,
11    "skipLibCheck": true,
12    "esModuleInterop": true,
13    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
14    "strict": true,
15    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
16    "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true,
17    "moduleResolution": "node",
18    "resolveJsonModule": true,
19    "isolatedModules": true,
20    "noEmit": true
21  },
22  "exclude": ["node_modules", "**/node_modules/*"],
23  "include": ["src", "electron/renderer.ts"]
25 Apr 2018
2  "compilerOptions": {
3    "target": "ES2015",
4    "module": "commonjs",
5    "lib": [ "ES2015", "dom" ],
6    "sourceMap": true,
7    "outDir": "./script", 
8    "strict": true, 
9    "strictNullChecks": true, 
10    "strictFunctionTypes": true, 
11    "noImplicitThis": true, 
12    "alwaysStrict": true, 
13    "noImplicitReturns": true, 
14    "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true,
15    "esModuleInterop": true,
16    "experimentalDecorators": true, 
17  }
queries leading to this page
sample tsconfigtsconfig json includetsconfig json require allowtsc use config filetsconfig 24tsconfig json express 40tsconfig 2fnode14 2ftsconfig jsontsconfig include all ts filestsconfig json stricttsconfig locationelementary tsconfig json filetsconfig lib json locationtsconfig dev jsontypescript tsconfig file location globaltsconfig project rootinclude html tsconfighow to make a tsconfis json filetsconfig path compiler optionstsconfig toptionstsconfig json npmbest tsconfig settingstsconfig json node moduleswhat is tsconfig file node jstsconfig references exampletsconfig import pngtsc build tsconfig jstsconfig rulestsconfig path with jstsconfig reacttsconfig excludetsconfig compileroptionsshowing error in tsconfig filetypescript configurationnode tsconfig inittsconfig include d ts globaltsconfig as js filetsconfig excliudets node tsconfig pathtsconfig paths for tsxmodule commonjs tsconfigmy tsconfig not workingtsconfig sourcetsconfig compile all fileschange from jsconfig to tsconfighow to generate tsconfig jsontsconfig json default optionstsc not using tsconfig jsontsconfig json output type definitions 22 d 22tsconfig flagshow to set up tsconfigtsconfig node16typescript generate tsconfig jsontypo3 tsconfig set defaulttsconfig json compileroptionstsconfig apitypescript 22tsconfig 22 best practicestsconfig include selfadd tsconfig to package jsontsconfig include support patternangular import tsconfigts get path to tsconfigtsconfig example es6tsconfig compiler options angular 10make tsconfigtsconfig for browsertsconfig include excludetsconfig jontypescript scrit tsconfigtypescript enable ts file tsconfigtsconfig default initiliazetsconfig set defaulttypescript config optionscreate tsconfig file of typescript add d ts to tsconfigbest tsconfig file 22types 22 3a 5b setting in tsconfig jsontsc tsconfig jsontsconfig exclude d tsts config filetsconfig include samplestsconfig include filestsconfig dev versionno ts config filetsc init tsconfigd ts tsconfiglit tsconfigtsconfig json orderbest ts config filetypescript tsconfig filehow to set path for typescript import i tsconfig jsontsconfig json include exampletsconfig json 22files 22tsconfig for typescriptglobal tsconfigwhat is tsconfig json in angulartsconfig build index d tstsconfig files optioncreate tsconfig jsoncompiler options tsconfig exampleeslint cannot read file tsconfig jsontsconfig tsbuildinfotsconfig compile for domtsconfig checkjtsconfig nodejs tsconfig build action contenttypescript specify tsconfigtsc tsconfigtsconfig which module to usehow to use lib tsconfigtsconfig compile with errorstsconfig json include some dirtsconfig json where to findtypescript config filetsconfig 22extends 22 3a 22 40tsconfig 2fnode14 2ftsconfig json 22tsconfig project set upnoimplicitany tsconfigtsconfig watchoutdir tsconfigts config tsextends tsconfigwhat is tsconfig json in angular modulejsonconfig for typescript checkingtsconfig tsts config type that used to config typescripttsconfig roottsconfig for the webtsconfig spec json includetsconfig types exampletsconfig folderwhat is files for typescript tsconfigtsconfig import any contenttsconfig target servertypescript without tsconfigmake tsconfig file finalts cli specify config filetsconfig base configtypescript tsconfig json targettsconfig json react nativetsc inline tsconfigtsconfig json documentationtsconfig path withtsconfig paths tscinclude in comipler options tsconfigtsconfig 21goutdir in tsconfig jsontsconfig module optiontsconfig for linttsconfig generatetsconfig include teststsconfig exclude exampleextends tsconfig jsontsconfig all propertiestsconfig d ts filestsconfig parameterstsconfig json order importstsconfig displaytsconfig importsconfiguration tstsconfig target optionstsconfig what does filesglob dotsconfig import typestsconfig pathsallowjs tsconfigtsconfig 40typests app configtsconfig paths jsonnode15 typescript tsconfig settingrecommended tsconfigtsconfig allow jsjose tsconfigtypescript config file exampletsconfig point to global d tstsconfig strict configurationtypescript specify tsconfig json pathtsconfig modulestsconfig composittsconfig compileroptions moduletsc custom tsconfig pathtsconfig not workingnpm create tsconfig jsoncompileroptions in tsconfig jsontsconfig json file in angulartsc using tsconfigtsconfig d ts pathinstall tsconfigtsconfig include defaultpage tsconfigtsconfig ignore filetsconfig add folderwhat is tsconfig base json and tsconfig jsontsconfig entry pointsadd custom types to tsconfigtsconfig json output type definition tsconfig lib prod jsontsconfig node jsinclude type files tsconfigtsconfig exapleinclude in tsconfig jsontsconfig global typestsconfig definition filesignore tsconfigtsconfig exclude filestsconfig include 3a 5bcompile typescript with tsconfig jsontsconfig json angular 12tsconfig paths in jstsconfig include declaration not workingtsconfig es6tsconfig json reactdo i need tsconfig json and next config bothtsconfig unused tsconfig include folderstsconfig definition filecreate ts config filetsconfig for nodejstsconfig json pathsimport json file tsconfighow to initialise tsconfigwhere to find tsconfig jsontsconfig best compiler optionsts node with tsconfigtsconfig example reactwhat does 2a 2a mean tsconfig 22cannot read file tsconfig json 27 22tsnd tsconfigtsconfig include meainclude tsconfig documentationtsconfig js pathstsconfig es5 app jsonmost updated tsconfigts get json configtypes typescript configno tsconfig json file foundts node specify tsconfigtsconfig complie for webreact typescript tsconfighow tsconfig extends workhat does the typescript build 28using the 60tsconfig json 60 included in the project 29 tsconfig export constantstsconfig file inittsconfig in angularinclude tsconfigtsx configtypes tsconfigtypescript confighow to create tsconfig json automaticallytsconfig paths packagehow to install tsconfig jsoncannot read file tsconfig jsontsc ignores tsconfig jsonrun tsconfig jsontsc create tsconfig jsontsconfig esmodulesshould i publish tsconfig on npmhow to create tsconfig jsontsconfig js filestsconfig gor node jstsconfig libswhat is the use of tsconfig jsontsconfig lib optiontsconfig overviewtsconfig types in modulestypescript config custom typeswhere i can find tsconfig jsontsconfig build not workingnoimplicitany in tsconfig jsontsconfig asset filestsconfig for webtsconfig checkjsts node cli path to tsconfigtsconfig default json valuesangular tsconfig jsontsconfig json vs tsconfig app json vs tsconfig spec jsonnpm tsconfigtsconfig json configstsconfig tschow to define declaration files for tsconfigtsconfig type assertionchange tsconfig pathtsconfig liberror in tsconfig jsontsconfig paths compiletarget in tsconfigbest tsconfigtsconfig es versionstsconfig with webpackts config libts config include files 22tsconfig json 22 22paths 22angular tsconfig json compileroptionshot reload tsconfig jsontsconfig for one filetsconfig json filesinclude files in tsconfigtsconfig json exclude not workingtsconfig filesglobtsconfig errortsconfig json for simple tsconfig jsontype script build according to tsconfigtsc context tsconfig jsonts generate tsconfiggenerate tsconfig jsoninitialing tsconfigtsc use no tsconfigtsconfig target nodeinstall ts and add a 60tsconfig json 60 fileuse of tsconfig json in angularchange configuration in tsconfig jsontsconfig defaultadd node config types of filed in your tsconfigdefault tsconfig es6create tsconfig json in typscriptinclude all typescript files in src folder tsconfig jsontsc use tsconfigtsconfig include foldertsconfig use recommendedtsconfig import jsoncreat tsconfigtsc build tsconfig jsontsconfig path with 2finitialize tsconfigtsconfig app json types arraytsconfig options explanation tsconfig include in tsconfig jsontsconfig noimplicitanytsconfig json not getting createdtypescheck tsconfigcreate tsconfig json in current directory 22 40 2f 2a 22 3a 5b 22 2a 22 5d tsconfigtsconfig roleadding js package support to tsconfigtsconfig loadertsconfig spec json include directorytsconfig bundle cjstsconfig json baseadd default tsconfigtsconfig set typescript versiongenerate tsconfig jsontsconfig allowjstsconfig conditionaltsc point to tsconfigtsconfig module angular 11no tsconfig json file found reacttsconfig define pathstsconfig buildinfopatern 3a tsconfigtsc custom tsconfig json pathtsconfig json commandtsconfig spec json moduletsconfig for non nodetsconfig exclude node modulesgenerate tsconfigtsconfig example for nodejsjsconfig json vs tsconfig jsonts import confighow to build a tsconfig jsonwhats is use of tsconfigtsconfig 2a 2a meansinclude and files in tsconfigtsconfig using both require and export in same typescript filetsconfig with webpack exampletsconfig json templatetsconfig output one file include src typescript tsconfigtsconfig json ignore errorsgood config tsconfigtsconfig propertiestsconfig specify inputscreating a tsconfigtsconfig docstsconfig app jsonhow to create ts configtsc create configtsconfig nullhow to use tsconfig json file at root to compile ts files in 27src 27tsconfig spec json type librarytsconfig json output type definitions 22 d 22tsconfig webpackcompileroptions tsconfignode16 typescript tsconfig settingtsconfig json and tsconfig app jsontsconfig no consttsconfig jsontsc custom tsconfig jsontsconfig exampletsconfig exclude js filestsconfig dependenciestsconfig compiler options pathconfigure tsconfig json for story bookhow to create a tsconfigts node tsconfig pathstsconfig sampletsconfig compiler errorstsconfig base jsonnpm include different tsconfig 22tsconfig 22 22display 22tsconfig consttsconfig basuerltsconfig paths npmtsconfig custom modulecreating tsconfig json from clicreating tsconfig jsontsconfig export constrainttsconfiog jsontsconfig use es6node tsconfigtypescript ignores tsconfigtarget tsconfigtsconfig cannot read fileglobal d ts tsconfigtsconfig pathuse jsconfig and tsconfig in same applciationtsconfig root filetsconfig point to globalstsconfig json file locationtsconfig json format for compilingts node tsconfiguse config with tstypescript specify configconfigure import module tsconfigdownload typescript version in tsconfigtypescript tsconfig es6tsconfig json templateconfiguration typescript projecttsconfig for typescript coding standardstsconfig outdir disttsconfig setup foldersts configconfigure ts without jsontsconfig progressts configurationnode with typescript ts configtypescript tsconfig es6 samplereact tsconfighow to set up a ts configmodule in tsconfigtypescript types config d tstsconfig json for nodeangular 11 tsconfigtypescript config includeuse different tsconfig for different filestsconfig spec json how to inlude all filesexport config in tstsconfig json absolute pathuse include in tsconfigtsconfig json module resolutiontsconfig extendtsconfig examle filetsconfig standardtsconfig reader 22types 22 3a 5b setting in tsconfig jsontsconfig jsontsconfig css filesangular 9 tsconfigincluding type declarations tsconfigtsconfig types propertytsconfig customizetsconfig libtsconfig setuptsconfig copy non ts filestsconfig filestsconfig spec jsontsconfig json importstsconfig json is redassets tsconfighow to configure tsconf aithow to connect tsconfig to projectto generate our tsconfig jsonwhy use tsconfig with webpacktsconfig show versionhow to add node tsconfigangular tsconfigtsconfig what is includetsconfig files d tsoutfile in tsconfignode find tsconfigtypescript 4 tsconfigtsconfig build actiontsconfig no outfilesinclude a file ts configtsconfig 3f featuretsconfig file not loadingangular tsconfig worketsconfig nodetsconfig include assetstsconfig example koajshow to create tsconfig json in typescript filecompileroptions in tsconfig json libtsconfig json debuggertsconfig filetsconfig not include package jsontsconfig referencesmost complete tsconfiginclude in ts configtsconfig localtsconfig d tscreate typescript confighow to connec a ts file to a tsconfigtsconfig ignore js filesglobal tsconfig locationinit tsconfigtsconfig json file clidefault tsconfig file downloadminification in tsconfigtsconfig json vs tsconfig app jsontypescript config no anydifference between tsconfig and package jsonhow to get tsconfig jsonexample tsconfigtsconfig include js file on distchange tsconfig json filemultiple tsconfighow to create a new default tsconfig jsontsconfig moduletsconfig allow any file typetsconfig with reactinit tsconfig filetsconfig ecmascript versiontsconfig include imageadd tsconfig with npmtsconfig ptsconfig json 22angularcompileroptions 22 tsconfig paths for tsx file tsconfig jsdom tsconfigtsconfig compile with imagestsconfig for filestsconfig include d tstsconfig mintsconfig pathsstsconfig ignore importcreate 2 tsconfig filesfile config in ts confignext tsconfig json fot typescriptdo you need a tsconfig file and weback config filetsconfig what should be in lib 3ftsconfig json in reactreferences tsconfignot using tsconfig filetsconfig options angulartsconfig angular compiler optionstypescript tsconfig referencestsconfig json how to compile typescript to use it in htmlts config path 2a 2f 2awhy tsconfig json is requiredhow to init tsconfigtsconfig javascript featuretype in tsconfig moduleuse tsconfig json in rollupoutfile tsconfig jsontsconfig no includetsconfig run second tsconfigtsconfig json output type definitionstsconfig for testtsconfig assetstsconfig json trace 3a truehow to setup tsconfigtarget keyword in tsconfig jsontsconfig set outputcompiler options directory tsconfiginclude d ts files tsconfigtsconfig spec json exampletsconfig how to add png files in buildtsconfig json vs codetsconfig include doesn worktsconfig paths setupconfig file in tstsc use default tsconfig jsonadd tsx files in tsconfigtsconfig json nodejstsconfig lib compileroptionstsconfig json optimisationstsconfig example nodejstsconfig best practiceyou have both a tsconfig json and tsconfig json if you are using typescript please remove your tsconfig json file tsconfig path 40componentshow do i add a typescript config filetsc with tsconfigtsconfig json in angulartsconfig output directorytsconfig production jsontsconfig json include exclude usagehow to set up a tsconfig jsontsconfig declaration truets configtsconfig json file in reactts node custom tsconfigtsconfig typo3 2a 2a tsconfigtsconfig pathtsconfig for nodewe detected typescript in your project and created a tsconfig json file for youtype in tsconfig where is tsconfig json locatedthat does the typescript build 28using the 60tsconfig json 60 included in the project 29 node 16 typescript tsconfigtsconfig json commonjstsconfig add typesmake tsconfig json explicittsconfig replace filetsconfig options angular12tsconfig tsnode compiler optionsadd tsconfig jsonhow to tsconfigtsconfig moduleresolutionhow to generate tsconfigpart of 27files 27 list in tsconfig jsontsconfig app json files node modulestsconfig different configurationstypesafe config configdescriptor 22types 22 setting in tsconfig jsontsconfig compiler options moduletsconfig validate javascripttsconfig json in angular compileonsavetsconfig json jquerytypescript tsconfig typetsconfig at sign for pathtsconfig optionaltsconfig ignoretsconfig js filetsconfig source rootcannot read file in tsconfigtsconfig importtsconfig allow csstypescript tsconfig phathtsx to js tsconfigvetur cannot find tsconfig json or tsconfig jsontsconfig extendstypescript tsconfig jsontsconfig compile jsones6 tsconfigtsconfig point to d tstsconfig for reactconfig typescriptfor what tsconfig is used fortsc ignores tsconfigtsconfig with npmtsconfig json for reacttsconfig json exampletsconfig default values 22tsconfig json 22 22paths 22 22code analysis 22tsconfig all optionstsconfig compilerrules in tsconfigtsconfig include html filestsconfig include patternlibrary tsconfig in angular jsontsconfig node configurationtsconfig 22types 22tsconfig pasttsconfig truetsconfig createtsconfig includestypescript global tsconfig dir windowstsconfig parse js filestsconfig allow export consthow to tsconfig json excludetsconfig import pathtsconfig schematsconfig for expresstsconfig allow 3ftsconfig not including js filestsconfif allow jstsconfig files directorywhat is target in tsconfig jsontsconfig json in react nativetsconfig assets exampletsconfig jstypescript not reading tsconfigtsconfig angular shorttsconfig jsconfigconfig json in typescriptts loader set tsconfigtsconfig json file generate tsconfig pathstsconfig optionstsconfig json aliasreact import modules tsconfighow to pass tsconfig flag on ts nodetsconfig copy json filesjsconfig and tsconfigts config filtsconfig lib jsontsconfigrecreate a tsconfigtsconfig json errortsconfig or 2f 2f 2f 3creferenceallow any tsconfigwhere is the tsconfig json searchtypescript tsconfigtypescript types configtsconfig add node to pathtsconfig entry pointcannot read tsconfig jsontsconfig include custom typestsconfig disabletsconfig json not generatedtsconfig specify d ts foldercommand to create tsconfig filetsconfig custom type definitionsshare tsconfigtsconfig for node 14tsconfig json init with errortsconfig include index d tstsconfig js excludewhat is files for typescript configtsconfig inittsconfig files vs includetsconfig test jsontypescript generate configtsc tsconfig pathbuild 3atsc tsc how to input tsconfig json in scriptstsconfig json custom types filetsc specify tsconfigtsconfig angularfiles tsconfigmain tsconfigtsconfig include global d tstsconfig when should you use the types fieldtsconfig being added automaticallytsconfig compiler options outdirmy tsconfigtsconfig lib propertytsconfig no anytsconfig build types alsotwo tsconfigtsconfig paths exampletsc build tsconfig jsontsconfig angularcompileroptions 22tsconfig build 22tsc generate tsconfigreact tsconfig filetsconfig spec json module typestypescript import types configcan not read file tsconfig jsontsconfig projectdeclare module react and typescript tsconfig jsonusing two tsconfig fileswhen tsconfig devnodejs typescript tsconfigtsconfig allow jsonts config includetsconfig ts node include filestsconfig optins explanationbest tsconfig compiler optionstsconfig for local moduletsconfig declarationinstall ts configtsconfig confighow to get tsconfigtsconfig trong typescripttsconfig added automaticallybasic tsconfigwhat is ts config jsontsconfig 22 2f 2a 22tsconfig historyreact typescript defult tsconfig filetsconfig compile cjstsconfig compileroptions assetsjavascript import modules tsconfigtsconfig specific fileincludes tsconfigts config no anytsconfig doccreate tsconfigtsconfig for node projecthow tsconfig workstsconfig add pathstsconfig json explainedtsconfig for js filestsconfig typerootwhy tsconfig json showing errortsconfig reference apthtsconfig files templatets node tsconfigtsconfig define types folderts node set tsconfigtsconfig accept d tstsconfig in reacttsconfig json nmpjstsconfig not creating new js filestsconfig configurationconfig npm typescriptangualr tsconfig server jsond ts in tsconfigts loader doesn load tsconfig jsontsconfig set shortcuttypescript config options typetsconfig specify complete type for filetsconfig add tsx filesadd types to tsconfigtypescript tsconfig add extentions tsconfig templatedifferent tsconfig for teststypes setting in tsconfig jsontsconfig targetconfigurart tsconfigtsconfig typestsconfig globalstsify plugin tsconfig jsonhow to exclude file in tsconfig ts filethe file is in the program because tsconfig jsontsconfig all source filestsconfig app json vs tsconfig json 22extends 22 3a 22 40tsconfig 2fnode12 2ftsconfig json 22hthe cmd to create tsconfig jsonpaths tsconfigexpress typescript tsconfighow to reference custom typings d ts files to tsconfig jsontsconfig build jsontsconfig types js filetsconfig can 27t write js configtsconfig modulesimple tsconfigtsconfig json nodejstemplate for tsconfig react tsconfig optionsfile upload tsconfig jsoncreate tsconfig fileconfig typescript in jstsconfig json include excludetsconfig force versionrun tsc on files with tsconfigtsconfig includetsconfig productiontsconfig compile with filestsconfig default libuse of tsconfig json file 22exclude 22 3a 5b tsconfig jsontsconfig bundle filestsconfig compileroptions assets not workingautomatically create tsconfig jsontsconfifg targetcannot read file tsconfig jsontsconfig compiler optionstsconfig json file not foundset typescript version in tsconfigtsconfig amd using exampleconfiguration ts addtsconfig json set pathinstall config for tstsconfig per environmenttsconfig json for testingtsconfig file best practicestsconfig commandexclude tsconfigtsconfig import helpers 40tsconfig 2frecommended 2ftsconfig jsontsconfig json targethow to update tsconfig json to include typeswhat is present in tsconfig filetsconfig for pure javascripttsconfig buildinfotsconfig add html filestsconfig vs angular jsontsconfig consoletsconfig allow everythingtypescript tsconfig module extensionshow to config file tsconfig jsontypescript ignore file tsconfigtypescript tsconfig allow any packagetsconfig define file extensiontsconfig allow any typetsc use tsconfig jsontest tsconfigtsconfig create multiple filestsconfig json consoletsconfig environment variablesrecommended tsconfig 2021config in typescriptadd 22 24 22 to the 22types 22 section of tsconfig app json tsconfig for builddefault tsconfigts standard configtsconfig ts nodetsconfig typerootstsconfig file in angularnode 16 typescript tsconfig settingcannot find tsconfig jsontsconfig node js pathstsconfig base jsontsconfig global d tstsconfig compiler options targettypescript tsconfig json target support require and importtsconfig index moduletsconfig ignore filetsconfig modeltsconfig styleshow to install from tsconfig jsontsconfig decs d tstsconfig json not workinghow to use tsconfig jsontsconfig json referencestsconfig referencetsconfig should be enabledtsconfig buildtsconfig outdirexample tsconfig rtkts node read tsconfig jsontsconfig dont compilewhat is tsconfig spec jsontsconfig allow anyrun tsc with tsconfigtsconfig json for nodejstsconfig json for typescript and javascript same projecttsconfig rule filetsconfig ignore folderdownload all from tsconfig fileallow ts ignore tsconfig jsontsconfig specify complite type for fileinit tsconfig file