infix to postfix conversion c 2b 2b

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Sara Sofía
31 Nov 2019
3#include <iostream>
5using namespace std;
9class Stack{
15    char A[5];
16    int Size;
19    int top;
20    Stack(){
22        top=-1;
23        Size=sizeof(A)/sizeof(char);
25    }
29    bool IsFull(){
31        if(top==Size-1){
32            return true;
33        }
34        else{
35            return false;
36        }
37    }
39    bool IsEmpty(){
41        if(top==-1){
42            return true;
43        }
44        else{
45            return false;
46        }
47    }
49    char peek(){
51        return A[top];
52    }
54    void Push(char val){
56        if (IsFull()==false){
57            top++;
58            A[top]=val;
59        }
60        else{
61            cout<<"\nThe Stack is Full"<<endl;
62        }
63    }
65    char Pop(){
67        if(IsEmpty()==false){
68            char temp=A[top];
69            A[top]='0';
70            top--;
71            return temp;
72        }
73        else{
74            return '-1';
75        }
77    }
79    void Show_Stack(){
82        for(int i=0;i<top+1;i++){
83            cout<<A[i];
84        }
87    }
92int Search(char A){
95    string CHAR[]={"([","{)","]}","+-","*/","^$"};
96    int Size=(sizeof(CHAR)/sizeof(string));
98    for(int i=0;i<Size;i++){
100        if(A==CHAR[i][0]){
101                if(i+i>=6){
102                    return i+i;
103                }
104                else{
105                    return i+i+0;
106                }
108        }
109        else if(CHAR[i][1]==A){
110             if(i+i>=6){
111                    return i+i;
112                }
113                else{
114                    return i+i+1;
115                }
116        }
117    }
118    return -1;
125void Display(char ch,string vari, Stack &s){
127    int;
130    cout<<"\n   "<<ch<<"           ";
131    s.Show_Stack();
132    for(int i=0;i<10-Size;i++){
133        cout<<" ";
134    }
135    cout<<vari<<endl;
140int main(){
142    Stack STACK;
143    char temp;
144    string exp;//"A+B*C";
145    cout<<"Enter Your Expression :";
146    cin>>exp;
148    string out="";
149    cout<<"\n\nExpression   Stack   Postfix\n"<<endl;
150    for(int i=0;i<exp.size();i++){
152        temp=exp[i];
154        int ab=Search(temp);
156        if (ab!=-1){
158            /* If We ENCOUNTER CLOSING BRACKETS*/
159            if(ab<=5 && ab>=3){
163                while(Search(STACK.peek())>2){
164                    char val=STACK.Pop();
165                        out=out+val;
167                    Display(temp,out,STACK);
168                }
169                STACK.Pop();
170                Display(temp,out,STACK);
171                }
172            /* Search Precedence*/
173            else{
174                if (Search(temp)>=0 && Search(temp)<=2){
175                    STACK.Push(temp);
176                    Display(temp,out,STACK);
177                }
179                /* If TOP < Temp */
181                else if(Search(STACK.peek())<ab){
183                        STACK.Push(temp);
184                        Display(temp,out,STACK);
185                }
186                else{
187                    /* if STACK= +,* and temp= + then we have to remove two times */
190                    while(Search(STACK.peek())>=ab){
192                        char val=STACK.Pop();
193                            out=out+val;
194                        Display(temp,out,STACK);
195                    }
196                    STACK.Push(temp);
197                    Display(temp,out,STACK);
198                }
199            }
200        }
201        /* If an Alphabet */
202        else{
204            out=out+temp;
205            Display(temp,out,STACK);
207            }
210    }
211    while(STACK.IsEmpty()==false){
213        char val=STACK.Pop();
215            out=out+val;
216        Display(temp,out,STACK);
218    }
219    cout<<"\n\nFINAL STRING : "<<out<<endl;
26 Jun 2016
1Best Solution
4using namespace std;
6int prec(char c) {
7    if(c == '^') {
8        return 3;
9    }
10    else if(c == '*' || c == '/') {
11        return 2;
12    }
13    else if(c == '+' || c =='-') {
14        return 1;
15    }
16    else {
17        return -1;
18    }
21string infixToPostfix(string s) {
22    stack<char> st;
23    string res;
25    for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
26    {
27        if((s[i] >= 'a' && s[i] <= 'z') || (s[i] >= 'A' && s[i] <= 'Z')) {
28            res += s[i];
29        }
30        else if(s[i] == '(') {
31            st.push(s[i]);
32        }
33        else if(s[i] == ')') {
34            while (!st.empty() && != '(')
35            {
36                res +=;
37                st.pop();
38            }
39            if(!st.empty()) {
40                st.pop(); // Popping '(' here
41            }
42        }
43        else {
44            while (!st.empty() && prec( >= prec(s[i]))
45            {
46                res +=;
47                st.pop();
48            }
49            st.push(s[i]);
50        }
51    }
53    while (!st.empty())
54    {
55       res +=;
56       st.pop();
57    }
59    return res;
62int main() {
63    string exp = "a+b*(c^d-e)^(f+g*h)-i";
64    cout<<infixToPostfix(exp);
65    return 0;
02 Nov 2017
1//Easiet way to solve infix to postfix expression
2bool isOperator(char c)
4	if(c=='+'||c=='-'||c=='*'||c=='/'||c=='^')
5	{
6		return true;
7	}
8	else
9	{
10		return false;
11	}
14int precedence(char c) 
16    if(c == '^') 
17    return 3; 
18    else if(c == '*' || c == '/') 
19    return 2; 
20    else if(c == '+' || c == '-') 
21    return 1; 
22    else
23    return -1; 
26string InfixToPostfix(stack<char> s, string infix)
28	string postfix;
29	for(int i=0;i<infix.length();i++)
30	{
31		if((infix[i] >= 'a' && infix[i] <= 'z')
32		||(infix[i] >= 'A' && infix[i] <= 'Z'))
33		{
34			postfix+=infix[i];
35		}
36		else if(infix[i] == '(')
37		{
38			s.push(infix[i]);
39		}
40		else if(infix[i] == ')')
41		{
42			while((!='(') && (!s.empty()))
43			{
44				char;
45				postfix+=temp;
46				s.pop();
47			}
48			if('(')
49			{
50				s.pop();
51			}
52		}
53		else if(isOperator(infix[i]))
54		{
55			if(s.empty())
56			{
57				s.push(infix[i]);
58			}
59			else
60			{
61				if(precedence(infix[i])>precedence(
62				{
63					s.push(infix[i]);
64				}	
65				else if((precedence(infix[i])==precedence([i]=='^'))
66				{
67					s.push(infix[i]);
68				}
69				else
70				{
71					while((!s.empty())&&( precedence(infix[i])<=precedence(
72					{
74						s.pop();
75					}
76					s.push(infix[i]);
77				}
78			}
79		}
80	}
81	while(!s.empty())
82	{
84		s.pop();
85	}
87	return postfix;
90int main() 
93  	string infix_exp, postfix_exp;
94  	cout<<"Enter a Infix Expression :"<<endl;
95  	cin>>infix_exp;
96  	stack <char> stack;
97	cout<<"INFIX EXPRESSION: "<<infix_exp<<endl;
98  	postfix_exp = InfixToPostfix(stack, infix_exp);
99  	cout<<endl<<"POSTFIX EXPRESSION: "<<postfix_exp;
101	return 0;
27 Apr 2018
2   initially push some special character say # into the stack
3   for each character ch from infix expression, do
4      if ch is alphanumeric character, then
5         add ch to postfix expression
6      else if ch = opening parenthesis (, then
7         push ( into stack
8      else if ch = ^, then            //exponential operator of higher precedence
9         push ^ into the stack
10      else if ch = closing parenthesis ), then
11         while stack is not empty and stack top ≠ (,
12            do pop and add item from stack to postfix expression
13         done
15         pop ( also from the stack
16      else
17         while stack is not empty AND precedence of ch <= precedence of stack top element, do
18            pop and add into postfix expression
19         done
21         push the newly coming character.
22   done
24   while the stack contains some remaining characters, do
25      pop and add to the postfix expression
26   done
27   return postfix
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