2 <head>
3 <title>Selection Inputs</title>
4 </head>
5 <body>
6 <form>
7 <label for="selector"> <!-- Can add label if want -->
8 <p>A "select" element allows users to input from a selection:</p>
9 <select id="selector"> <!-- Use "select" to create object -->
10 <option>Option 1</option> <!-- Add all applicable options -->
11 <option>Option 2</option>
12 <option selected>Option 3</option> <!-- add selected to change default from first option -->
13 <optgroup label="Group"> <!-- To create nested options for categories use "optgroup" -->
14 <option>Option 4</option>
15 <option>Option 5</option>
16 </select>
17 </label>
18 </form>
19 </body>