how to use open weather weather api for pytho

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26 Jul 2018
1# importing requests and json
2import requests, json
3# base URL
4BASE_URL = ""
5# City Name CITY = "Hyderabad"
6# API key API_KEY = "Your API Key"
7# upadting the URL
8URL = BASE_URL + "q=" + CITY + "&appid=" + API_KEY
9# HTTP request
10response = requests.get(URL)
11# checking the status code of the request
12if response.status_code == 200:
13   # getting data in the json format
14   data = response.json()
15   # getting the main dict block
16   main = data['main']
17   # getting temperature
18   temperature = main['temp']
19   # getting the humidity
20   humidity = main['humidity']
21   # getting the pressure
22   pressure = main['pressure']
23   # weather report
24   report = data['weather']
25   print(f"{CITY:-^30}")
26   print(f"Temperature: {temperature}")
27   print(f"Humidity: {humidity}")
28   print(f"Pressure: {pressure}")
29   print(f"Weather Report: {report[0]['description']}")
31   # showing the error message
32   print("Error in the HTTP request")