1@decorator_authorized_user # This decorator should make sure the user is authorized, like @login_required from flask-login
2def editprofile(nickname = None):
3 # Prepare the form and user
4 form = EditProfile()
5 form_action = url_for('profile.editprofile')
6 my_user = Users.get(...) # get your user object or whatever you need
7 if request.method == 'GET':
8 form.username.data = my_user.username
9 form.email.data = my_user.email
10 # and on
11 if form.validate_on_submit():
12 # This section needs to be reworked.
13 # You'll want to take the user object and set the appropriate attributes
14 # to the appropriate values from the form.
15 if form.username.data == nickname:
16 query = EditProfile(form.username.data,
17 form.email.data,
18 form.about.data,
19 form.website.data,
20 )
21 print query #debug
22 db.session.add(query)
23 db.session.commit()
24 flash('User Updated')
25 print "added"
26 return(url_for('profile.editprofile'))
27 return render_template('profile/add.html', form=form,
28 form_action=form_action, title="Update Profile")