how to make input field empty in javascript

Solutions on MaxInterview for how to make input field empty in javascript by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "how to make input field empty in javascript"
03 Oct 2017
1const inputFeilds = document.querySelectorAll("input");
3const validInputs = Array.from(inputFeilds).filter( input => input.value !== "");
5console.log(validInputs) //[array with valid inputs]
30 Nov 2016
1Assuming the element you want to change has the id question, so you can do
3document.getElementById("question").value = "";
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how to input value is empty javascriptcheck if input text is not empty javascriptcheck if input is not empty jsjavascript function to test textbox is epty or notformrepeater input value emptyjavascript check if input field is emptyjs if input is empty set valueset input empty jsjavascript check if all inputs are filledjavascript check input is emptyis input is empty do not submit javascripthow to check empty input field in javascripthow to check input type text is empty in javascriptvalue of input in javascript when it is emptyhow to check empty number fieldjs if input is emptycheck if 28input is empty javascript 29how to validate a field if its not empltyinput text empty validation javascriptjavascript check if input value is empty javascript objecthow to check if a field is empty in javascriptcheck if all input are empty javascrihow to check if input is emptyjavascript empty input field checkcheck if an input is emptycheck if input value is empty javascripthow to check if input is 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