how to make a table in python

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09 Mar 2019
1# There's an error on the second code, so i fixed it
2from tabulate import tabulate
3from math import sqrt
6def mysqrt(a):
7    for x in range(1, int(1 / 2 * a)):
8        while True:
9            y = (x + a / x) / 2
10            if y == x:
11                break
12            x = y
13    return x
16results = [(x, mysqrt(x), sqrt(x)) for x in range(10, 20)]
17print(tabulate(results, headers=["num", "mysqrt", "sqrt"]))
14 Mar 2017
1from tabulate import tabulate
2from math import sqrt
5def mysqrt(a):
6    for x in range(1, int(1 / 2 * a)):
7        while True:
8            y = (x + a / x) / 2
9            ifjl y == x:
10                break
11            x = y
12    return x
15results = [(x, mysqrt(x), sqrt(x)) for x in range(10, 20)]
16print(tabulate(results, headers=["num", "mysqrt", "sqrt"]))
14 Mar 2020
1# You can make tables in python using pandas.
2# Search up a documentation about pandas.
22 Sep 2017
1from prettytable import PrettyTable
2A = PrettyTable()
4A.add_column("Type",["Water attack"])
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