how to make a linked list in c

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10 Aug 2019
1#include <stdio.h>
2#include <stdlib.h>
4struct node 
6    int num;                        //Data of the node
7    struct node *nextptr;           //Address of the next node
10void createNodeList(int n); // function to create the list
11void displayList();         // function to display the list
13int main()
15    int n;
16		printf("\n\n Linked List : To create and display Singly Linked List :\n");
17		printf("-------------------------------------------------------------\n");
19    printf(" Input the number of nodes : ");
20    scanf("%d", &n);
21    createNodeList(n);
22    printf("\n Data entered in the list : \n");
23    displayList();
24    return 0;
26void createNodeList(int n)
28    struct node *fnNode, *tmp;
29    int num, i;
30    stnode = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
32    if(stnode == NULL) //check whether the fnnode is NULL and if so no memory allocation
33    {
34        printf(" Memory can not be allocated.");
35    }
36    else
37    {
38// reads data for the node through keyboard
40        printf(" Input data for node 1 : ");
41        scanf("%d", &num);
42        stnode->num = num;      
43        stnode->nextptr = NULL; // links the address field to NULL
44        tmp = stnode;
45// Creating n nodes and adding to linked list
46        for(i=2; i<=n; i++)
47        {
48            fnNode = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
49            if(fnNode == NULL)
50            {
51                printf(" Memory can not be allocated.");
52                break;
53            }
54            else
55            {
56                printf(" Input data for node %d : ", i);
57                scanf(" %d", &num);
59                fnNode->num = num;      // links the num field of fnNode with num
60                fnNode->nextptr = NULL; // links the address field of fnNode with NULL
62                tmp->nextptr = fnNode; // links previous node i.e. tmp to the fnNode
63                tmp = tmp->nextptr; 
64            }
65        }
66    }
68void displayList()
70    struct node *tmp;
71    if(stnode == NULL)
72    {
73        printf(" List is empty.");
74    }
75    else
76    {
77        tmp = stnode;
78        while(tmp != NULL)
79        {
80            printf(" Data = %d\n", tmp->num);       // prints the data of current node
81            tmp = tmp->nextptr;                     // advances the position of current node
82        }
83    }
24 Nov 2016
1typedef struct node{
2    int value; //this is the value the node stores
3    struct node *next; //this is the node the current node points to. this is how the nodes link
6node *createNode(int val){
7    node *newNode = malloc(sizeof(node));
8    newNode->value = val;
9    newNode->next = NULL;
10    return newNode;
05 Jun 2016
1// for the full
2// implementation of every basic function
4typedef struct Node 
6  // Void pointer content of this node (to provide multityping).
7  void* data;
9  // Points to the next Node in the list.   
10  struct Node* next;  
11} Node;
13Node *llNewList(void* data, Node* next)
15    Node* result = 
16        (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
18    result->data          = data;
19    result->next          = next;
21    return result;
25 Oct 2017
1#include <stdio.h>
2#include <string.h>
3#include <stdlib.h>
4#include <stdbool.h>
6struct node {
7   int data;
8   int key;
9   struct node *next;
12struct node *head = NULL;
13struct node *current = NULL;
15//display the list
16void printList() {
17   struct node *ptr = head;
18   printf("\n[ ");
20   //start from the beginning
21   while(ptr != NULL) {
22      printf("(%d,%d) ",ptr->key,ptr->data);
23      ptr = ptr->next;
24   }
26   printf(" ]");
29//insert link at the first location
30void insertFirst(int key, int data) {
31   //create a link
32   struct node *link = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
34   link->key = key;
35   link->data = data;
37   //point it to old first node
38   link->next = head;
40   //point first to new first node
41   head = link;
44//delete first item
45struct node* deleteFirst() {
47   //save reference to first link
48   struct node *tempLink = head;
50   //mark next to first link as first 
51   head = head->next;
53   //return the deleted link
54   return tempLink;
57//is list empty
58bool isEmpty() {
59   return head == NULL;
62int length() {
63   int length = 0;
64   struct node *current;
66   for(current = head; current != NULL; current = current->next) {
67      length++;
68   }
70   return length;
73//find a link with given key
74struct node* find(int key) {
76   //start from the first link
77   struct node* current = head;
79   //if list is empty
80   if(head == NULL) {
81      return NULL;
82   }
84   //navigate through list
85   while(current->key != key) {
87      //if it is last node
88      if(current->next == NULL) {
89         return NULL;
90      } else {
91         //go to next link
92         current = current->next;
93      }
94   }      
96   //if data found, return the current Link
97   return current;
100//delete a link with given key
101struct node* delete(int key) {
103   //start from the first link
104   struct node* current = head;
105   struct node* previous = NULL;
107   //if list is empty
108   if(head == NULL) {
109      return NULL;
110   }
112   //navigate through list
113   while(current->key != key) {
115      //if it is last node
116      if(current->next == NULL) {
117         return NULL;
118      } else {
119         //store reference to current link
120         previous = current;
121         //move to next link
122         current = current->next;
123      }
124   }
126   //found a match, update the link
127   if(current == head) {
128      //change first to point to next link
129      head = head->next;
130   } else {
131      //bypass the current link
132      previous->next = current->next;
133   }    
135   return current;
138void sort() {
140   int i, j, k, tempKey, tempData;
141   struct node *current;
142   struct node *next;
144   int size = length();
145   k = size ;
147   for ( i = 0 ; i < size - 1 ; i++, k-- ) {
148      current = head;
149      next = head->next;
151      for ( j = 1 ; j < k ; j++ ) {   
153         if ( current->data > next->data ) {
154            tempData = current->data;
155            current->data = next->data;
156            next->data = tempData;
158            tempKey = current->key;
159            current->key = next->key;
160            next->key = tempKey;
161         }
163         current = current->next;
164         next = next->next;
165      }
166   }   
169void reverse(struct node** head_ref) {
170   struct node* prev   = NULL;
171   struct node* current = *head_ref;
172   struct node* next;
174   while (current != NULL) {
175      next  = current->next;
176      current->next = prev;   
177      prev = current;
178      current = next;
179   }
181   *head_ref = prev;
184void main() {
185   insertFirst(1,10);
186   insertFirst(2,20);
187   insertFirst(3,30);
188   insertFirst(4,1);
189   insertFirst(5,40);
190   insertFirst(6,56); 
192   printf("Original List: "); 
194   //print list
195   printList();
197   while(!isEmpty()) {            
198      struct node *temp = deleteFirst();
199      printf("\nDeleted value:");
200      printf("(%d,%d) ",temp->key,temp->data);
201   }  
203   printf("\nList after deleting all items: ");
204   printList();
205   insertFirst(1,10);
206   insertFirst(2,20);
207   insertFirst(3,30);
208   insertFirst(4,1);
209   insertFirst(5,40);
210   insertFirst(6,56);
212   printf("\nRestored List: ");
213   printList();
214   printf("\n");  
216   struct node *foundLink = find(4);
218   if(foundLink != NULL) {
219      printf("Element found: ");
220      printf("(%d,%d) ",foundLink->key,foundLink->data);
221      printf("\n");  
222   } else {
223      printf("Element not found.");
224   }
226   delete(4);
227   printf("List after deleting an item: ");
228   printList();
229   printf("\n");
230   foundLink = find(4);
232   if(foundLink != NULL) {
233      printf("Element found: ");
234      printf("(%d,%d) ",foundLink->key,foundLink->data);
235      printf("\n");
236   } else {
237      printf("Element not found.");
238   }
240   printf("\n");
241   sort();
243   printf("List after sorting the data: ");
244   printList();
246   reverse(&head);
247   printf("\nList after reversing the data: ");
248   printList();
21 Jan 2020
1// Node of the list
2typedef struct node {
3    int val;
4    struct node * next;
5} node_t;
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chow linked list workd in cexample for linked list in ccreate a list in ccreat link listsingly linked list implementation in csingly linked list code in cmake linked list in clink list programc linked listslist struct cuses of linked lists in ccreate a list cc 25 listlinked list source ccreation of linked list in cimplementation of linked list in c programc program linked list addresswhy pointer node variable is required in dynamic linked listlinked list with embedded ccreateing a linked list in cc lang list nextrhow give list of data to a ink list in chow to define a linked list in clinked list in c with functionslinked list c programminghow to add a node to a linked list in clist structure in clinked list in c using functioncreate new node in linked list in cwhat the different list and linkedlist in c c2 a3c lists witch functionsmake linked list in c appendinc how to implement linked list in cnode csingly linked lists in cusing lists in cdisplay function in c to linked liststruct linked list def in ccreating a node in linked list clinked list c languagelinkedlist explaination in csingly linked list in c example programcreate a node in linked list in cwhat is a node in chow to allocate a node in clinked list using node struct and list structcreate and insert and display to perform singly linked list in ccreate linked list in c loopstruct c linked listhow to make a list in cusing structure data type for linked list implementationhow to build linked list cgeeksforgeeks linked list cfunction to create a linked list in clinked list program in cc linked listc list implementationc program linked listlinear linked list in cimplementation of link listcreating a list in clinked list in c example codecreating a linked list in c with explanationc linkedlist methodswrite a c program to create and display singly linked listcreate a linked list in c algorithm for singlylinked list class clinked list node c 23 24c node structlinked list in example clist in c headlinked list cwrite a program to implement singly linked list in clinked list c intlinkedlist creation c 23 5clinked list node cc linked list programdisplay linked list clinked list cnode in ccode foe creating a linked list and diaplayeasy way to learn linked list in ccreate list in clinked list i n clinked list example clinked list implementation in c codec program linked list implementationstoring empty linked list in cwrite a program in c to create and display singly linked listinitliaze linkedlist c functionlist c 7bhow to make a linked list in c