how to make a github api using react

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showing results for - "how to make a github api using react"
11 Apr 2016
1    class GitHubSearch extends React.Component {
2       constructor(props){ 
3         super(props); 
4          this.state = { 
5           username: '',
6           userrepo: '',
7          };
8       }
10       getUser(username) {
11          return fetch(`${username}`)
12          .then(response => response.json())
13          .then(response => {
14            return response;
15           })
16      }
18       getUserRepo(userrepo) {
19         return fetch(`${username}/repos`)
20         .then(response => response.json())
21         .then(response => {
22          return response;
23        })
24      }
26       async handleSubmit(e) {
27           e.preventDefault();
28           let user = await this.getUser(this.refs.username.value);
29           this.setState({ avatar_url: user.avatar_url,
30           username: user.login,
31           followers: user.followers,
32           following: user.following,
33            url: user.url,
34       });
36     let repo = await this.getUserRepo(this.refs.userrepo.value);
37        this.setState({ name:,
38        description: repo.description,
39        git_url: repo.git_url,
40        stargazers_count: repo.stargazers_count,
41        forks_count: repo.forks_count,
42        open_issues_count: repo.open_issues_count,
43        size: repo.size,
45     })
47  }
49     render() {
50       let user;
51       if(this.state.username) {
52          user = 
53          <div className="resultBadge">
54            <img src={this.state.avatar_url}/>
55            <p className="userInfo">
56             Username: <br/>
57             {this.state.username} 
58            </p> 
59            <p className="followerInfo">
60             {this.state.followers} Followers
61            </p>
62            <p className="followingInfo">
63              Following {this.state.following} users
64            </p>
65          </div>
66      }
68      let repo;
69        if(this.state.userrepo) {
70           repo =
71             <div className="repoResults">
72                <p>
73                  {}
74               </p>
75             </div>
76         }
78           return (
79              <div className="GitHubSearch">
80                <header className="Search-header">
81                  <h1>Github User Search </h1>
82                </header>
83                <form onSubmit={e => this.handleSubmit(e)}>
84                   <input ref='username' type='text' placeholder='username' />
85               </form>
86               <p className="Search-intro">
87                  {user}
88               </p>
89      <p>
90        {repo}
91       </p>
92      </div>
93   );
94 }
98ReactDOM.render(<GitHubSearch/>, document.getElementById('container'));
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