how to make a div sticky using js

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showing results for - "how to make a div sticky using js"
27 May 2018
1.fixedElement {
2    background-color: #c0c0c0;
3    position:fixed;
4    top:0;
5    width:100%;
6    z-index:100;
01 Oct 2017
1<!DOCTYPE html> 
5    <title> 
6        How to make make a div stick to  
7      the top of the screen once it’s  
8      been scrolled to? 
9    </title> 
10    <style> 
11        .sticky-div { 
12            background-color: green; 
13            position: relative; 
14            width: 100%; 
15            padding: 10px 0px; 
16        } 
18        .start { 
19            height: 100px; 
20        } 
22        .end { 
23            height: 500px; 
24        } 
25    </style> 
29    <h1 style="color: green"> 
30    GeeksforGeeks 
31  </h1> 
32    <b> 
33    How to make make a div stick 
34    to the top of the screen once 
35    it’s been scrolled to? 
36  </b> 
37    <p class="start"> 
38        A Computer Science portal for geeks. 
39      It contains well written, well thought 
40      and well explained computer science and 
41      programming articles, quizzes and  
42      practice/competitive programming/company  
43      interview Questions. 
44    </p> 
45    <div class="sticky-div"> 
46        This is div will stick to the top when it has been scrolled past 
47    </div> 
48    <p class="end"> 
49        A Computer Science portal for geeks.  
50      It contains well written, well thought  
51      and well explained computer science and 
52      programming articles, quizzes and  
53      practice/competitive programming/company 
54      interview Questions. 
55    </p> 
56    <script> 
57        stickyElem = 
58            document.querySelector(".sticky-div"); 
60        /* Gets the amount of height 
61        of the element from the 
62        viewport and adds the 
63        pageYOffset to get the height 
64        relative to the page */ 
65        currStickyPos =  
66          stickyElem.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset; 
68        window.onscroll = function() { 
70            /* Check if the current Y offset 
71            is greater than the position of 
72            the element */ 
73            if (window.pageYOffset > currStickyPos) { 
74       = "fixed"; 
75       = "0px"; 
76            } else { 
77       = "relative"; 
78       = "initial"; 
79            } 
80        } 
81    </script> 
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