how to make a clock usig pytohn

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28 Apr 2017
1import sys
2from  tkinter import *
3import time 
5def times():
6    current_time=time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") 
7    clock.config(text=current_time)
8    clock.after(200,times)
17digi=Label(root,text="Digital clock",font="times 24 bold",fg="violet")
20nota=Label(root,text="hours   minutes   seconds   ",font="times 15 bold")
29 Jan 2020
1please subscribe my channel -
3from tkinter import *
4import time
5import playsound
7root = Tk()
12def clock():
13    main_time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S:%p")
14    lbl.config(text=main_time)
15    lbl.after(1000, clock)
17lbl = Label(root, text="", font=('Digital Display Regular', 90), bg="black", fg="cyan")
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