how to hide turtle in python

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14 Oct 2016
1import turtle
3wn = turtle.Screen()
5wn.title("Python Turtle Movement")
7def playerUp():
8  player.sety(player.ycor()+10)
9def playerDown():
10  player.sety(player.ycor()-10)
11def playerRight():
12  player.setx(player.xcor()+10)
13def playerLeft():
14  player.setx(player.xcor()-10)
16player = turtle.Turtle()
17player.speed(0) #this will make your player created instantly
18player.shape("square") #set player shape
19player.color("red") #set player color
20player.penup() #prevent drawing lines
21player.goto(0,0) #set player location
23wn.onkeypress(playerUp, "w") #function, key
24wn.onkeypress(playerDown, "s")
25wn.onkeypress(playerRight, "d")
26wn.onkeypress(playerLeft, "a")
28#update the window
29while True:
30  wn.update()
20 Mar 2017
1>>> turtle.hideturtle()
29 Apr 2018
1t = turtle.Turtle() # ht() = hideturtle()
29 Jul 2019
1>>> turtle.hideturtle()
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