how to get user ip address in javascript

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showing results for - "how to get user ip address in javascript"
25 Oct 2017
2  .then(response => response.json())
3// Returns 
5 "ip": "user_ip"
11 Aug 2019
1// You can't extract the the public ip from with in the browser
2// but you CAN use a third party, there are a lot of them out there
3// I use
5// because, according to them:
7// 1. You can use it without limit (even if you're doing millions of 
8//    requests per minute). 
9// 2. ipify is completely open source (check out the GitHub repository).
14function getIP(json) {
15  alert("My public IP address is: " + json.ip);
18<script src=""></script>
20// as seperate script tag
21<script type="application/javascript" src=""> </script>
29 Jul 2016
1<script type="application/javascript">
2  function getIP(json) {
3    document.write("My public IP address is: ", json.ip);
4  }
7<script type="application/javascript" src=""></script>
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