how to get the first character of a string in javascript

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showing results for - "how to get the first character of a string in javascript"
20 Oct 2016
1let str = 'John Wick'
2let firstChar = str.charAt(0) 
3console.log(firstChar); // "J" 
21 Sep 2017
1var str="Hello Folks!"
2var firstStringChar = str.charAt(0); //H
18 May 2020
1let myStr = "Hello World"
2let firstWord = myStr.split(" ")[0]
28 Aug 2020
1const string = "0123456789";
2console.log(string.slice(0, 2)); // "01"
3console.log(string.slice(0, 8)); // "01234567"
4console.log(string.slice(3, 7)); // "3456"
28 Sep 2017
1String.substring(0, 10);
05 Nov 2016
1var x = 'some string';
2alert(x.charAt(0)); // alerts 's'
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charatnodejs get characterget first elements from string javascriptcharat 28 29 in jsjavascript first letterjavascript get first char from stringjs get first char from stringjavascript pic the first 10 characters of stringjavascritp get 5 first letters of stringjavascript cut a stringget first caracter of string jsget the first string of charget only first fifty word of string javascriptjs cget string first charjs get first x charsget first n character jsjs get first 3 letters of stringhow to get only first letter in javascriptjavascript first letter namehow to get only the first letter in jsget first character string javascriptjs 5 first of stringget substring from stringhow to take letters from the front of a string and put it at th back jsget char from stringhow to extract a string from a string javascriptacess certain index of string javascriptjavascript only first 3 lettersget 4 first character in string jsget first letter of name javascriptget the first letter from a 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javascriptjavascript print first 20 characters of stringhow to get first character of a string javascriptcheck string first letter jshow to return the first few characters of a string jsjavascript accessing letters in stringjavascript how to refer to first character in s astringhow to print only first 10 letters in jsjavascript string char atjavascript first letter from stringreturn specific letter from string javascripthow to check javascript first characterfirst character in a straing jsfirst letter from string javascripthow to use charat with a variable javascriptcharater at jsjavascript first letters of stringjavascript string get first x charactersjs get first wordreturn the first character in a string javascriptjs first character of stringget first letter from string jsstring first element javascriptget first character from string in javascripthow to access first character of a string in jsget first letter of all thw word in a string javascriptjavascript get first letter of namesjavascript how to find first letter of a stringcut string up to n javascriptselect first 3 characters in jsget firsts character of stringhow to get first two characters of a string in javascriptfirst 2 characters jsget part of a string javascriptjavascript substring first characterjavascript access first character of a stringget from string first letterget first number of string letter javascriptjavascript find letter in string by indexfind first char of string in jshow to get part of string in javascriptget first charecter of string in jsget first 5 characters of a string jshow to get the first letter of a string in javascriptfirst 20 characters of string javascriptjs first n character of stringjavascript first 3 charactersextract first letter from a stringsubstring first character in angularget first x chars jsreturn first character of stringfirst letter of stringcharacter at first javascriptcheck string first character in jshow to take first 4 letters of a string javascriptjavascript first 2 letters of stringjavascript get first 5 sentences from stringaccess first letter of a string javascriptjavascript extract substringhow to return string thats has first char javscriptaccess first letter in a string javascripthow to get the first letter of a string jsjs get first char of stringhow to take a first letter of a word in javascriptjs get first name letter of stringget first 5 characters string javascriptget character index javascriptstring cut javascriptways to get only the first letter of a string js javascript get the first wordget a first character of a string javascriptget starting character of string jqueryget first character in a string jsjs returns a character in string for indextake first lettre of stringstring first char jsjavascript print first 50 characters of stringget first part of string before a given character javascriptfirst letter of a stringextract part of string in javascriptget last two characters string javascriptget the 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at index javascripthow to access letters in a string javascripthow to get first char in javascriptjavascript take only first 5 charactersjs get first 10 characters from paragraphjs text first letterget first letter of string javascriptjavascript check that last characters matchhow to get first two character of the full name jsget first 6 letter javascript 5brtget first char in jsget the first char of string typescriptjs compare first charfirst char in the string java w3schooljavascript get first values from stringjs getting first letters of strings in array of stringshow to get the first letter of word jsstring substring from endcut first 100 letter of string javascriptjs take 20 first stringhow get only first word from sentence in jshow to get the string with the index javascriptfirst characters of string javascriptget the fist 2 characters of a string jscharat 28 29 3bjs first 3 letters of stringcheck the first letter of a string in jshow to get the first letter of a string javascirpthow to cut str jsjavascript get characters position in stringjavascript get first 5 characters of stringjs get first char of name and surnamejavascript first character 0 of stringget a substring in javascirtptfirst letter string javascripthow to read string elemtn in jsonly get first 3 words in string javascriptjs get character in string by indexget first charcter javascriptgo to substring in javascriptfirst string letterget first letter javascriptfind the first letter in a string jsjs first charaterget 3 first char jsjs get string 10x of a charget the first character of a stringjs get first three characters of stringjs get 1st letter in stringget first char of stringfirst char in jsjs string char taget first letter in stringnode take first character from stringjavascript get first n characters from stringmethod javascript to get the first 20 characters of stringnodejs print first characters of stringjs return first letter of stringselect first 15 characters from js stringjs get first character from stringfind the first character in a string javascriptget first few strings jsjavascipt get first letter of stringcharat javascript w3schoolsjs get letter i in stringhow to get string first character in javascriptget first char of string jsget first word of string till a character javascriptget char at in string jshow to get the first letter of a number in javascriptfirst letter of item javascripthow to extract string in javascriptread just first word in string js chroup characters in a string in three javascriptjs get char at index in stringjavascript log 1st character of stringget first letter of string arrayhow to cut string in javascriptcharat index javascriptjavascript how to get first 6 charactersjs only use first word in stringjavascript string first 3 charactersget the first letter of a string in javascripthow to get first 10 letter of string in javascriptgetfirstcharacter jshow to get specific character from string in javascriptstring get first character from index javascripthow to get first char from every word in text jsget first value of string javascriptfirst 4 characters of a string javascripthow to extract first few characters of a string in jstake first three character of string jsjavascript get first number in stringpic first 2 letters of the string angularhow to select only first word from an string in jshow to read first character of string in javascriptcut sting jsonly select a part of string method javascripthtml show only first 10 characters of html pageget only the first x characters of a string javascriptfirst character javascriptget the first caracter string jsjavascript string first 100 charactersget first wordof string javascriptif first char jsjs get last letters in a string jsshow first letter js how to display from i th character in javascripttake a in js stringhow to match first letters of string javascripthow to return a character as another character in jsjavascript string first 2 lettersjavascript get first characterjs get only the first 10 character of a stringjavascript first characteor of stringjs how to get part of substringget string first character javascriptfirst character in string javascriptget the 3 first element of a string jsget string character by index javascripthow to get first character in string javascripthow to grab a character from a string in javascriptjs find first character in stringstring first letter find jsjavascript get first word in sentencefirst letter from a string javascriptjavascript text first word of the stringhow to make a string only 4 characters lodashget first letter name jsjs how get first letter of stringjs user first letterjavascript get first 10 characters from stringreturn only the first 20 character javascriptjavascript first 2 charactershow to get first two letter of a string in javascriptjavascript select first letter of stringhow to select first character of a string in javascriptjavascript last character pos in stringhow to get first 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characterjavascript charatget first 2 index of character in string javascriptletter of string javascriptget first and second character of string javascriptextract first char of string in jsget first letyter of string javascriptselecting from string javascriptfirst character from string javascriptjavascript get first three characters of stringonly consider the first letters of a stringstring get gust first letter javascriptjs get first in stringjavasctript chartathow to grab character by index in javascriptget first letter string javascriptjavascript if first character is thenget first 2 letters of string jshow can i get a subset of a string in javascriptjavascript get first two characters of stringget first 5 elements of string in javascriptjavascript show a string to a certain indexhow to capture the first letter in a stringhow do we access the character at the 3rd index of a string javascriptget first four characters of string javascriptsub string only show first character in 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cahracters of a string javascriptget certain part of string javascriptjavascript get first 3 characters of stringhow to get each character in a string in javascripttake first element of string javascripttake the first character from string javascriptjs get first of stringreturn only 1 letter from the str jsget only first 3 characters jsjavascript string get char at positionjs get only first wordjavascript get first 30 characters of stringjavascript get first word of a sentencejavascript string get first n charactershow to grab hte first 3 letters of a string in jaavascruiptjavascript get first 10 character of stringfirst letter in javascriptjs function to get the first 10 characters of a stringget first letter from first and last stringjavascript get first char on stringget first string from string javascriptjs str subsrtingjs get first 20 characters of stringhow to return the first character of a string in javascriptget first item in a string javascriptfirst character of string in javascriptjs string get first charstring from 3rd char jshow to get first 3 letter of a string in javascriptangular 8 first two characters of input should be 03javscript take first x character of stringjs string first n charactersfirst character of each string javascriptget first 4 letters of string js charathow to check first two digits of a string in jsstring cut to 20 letters in javascriptcharat javascriptcheck first char of string jsget first char from the string in jsjavascript first character of stringgrab only first character of string in javscriptfirst 3 characters of a sring jsstring charfrom jsjs get first word in stringhow to get first letter of string in jsnode js charat examplehow to get first four characters from string in javascriptfirst 10 chars of string jsin javascript how to get only first char from stringjavascript show only first 7 characters of stringjs get first 5 characters from stringdisplay initial from string javascriptget first name from string javascriptjavascript choose str 1 to str 2node first characters in stringjs how to get only the first letterfirst three characters of string javascriptget first 2 characters in string javascripthow to only include first 4 characters in a string javascriptfirst word of sting jsfirst char of a string in javascriptangular first 3 lettersjs get 3 char of stringfirst charatcter from a string javascripthow to check first 3 digits are 600 in jsjavascript get first characher of stringjavascript first three characters from array of string matchedstring cut in javascriptjavascript character in string 3fget starting char of string js2 first letter in string javascriptjavascript substr examplejs cut stringget first 2 characters from string javascriptjs taket he 2 first letter of stringsubstring first 4 characters javascriptstring first char javascriptget 10 first character of string javascriptcharat 0javascript check first word of stringget first three characters of array javascriptjavascript 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string javascriptjavascript return only first 20 charactershow to retrive first 4 lettres of the string in java scriptget first letter of a string javascriptselect character in string javascripttake frst letter after that stringsubstring in javascript from endget first word from a string javascriptget last 2 letters of string javascriptfirst letter in string javascripthow to check the first character in a string jshow to cahnge first letter in jscharat 280 29 javascriptcharat character in javascriptjavascript first to last character of a stringjavascript to get the first character of a stringget specific character in string javascriptstring get first charactergetting first character of a string javascriptjavascript return first character from each string in an arrayjs get characterread first part of a string jsjavascript character of a string by indexstring to char in javascripthow to get the first letters of a string in jshow to get the first three letters of a string in javascriptget first word o from string javascriptshow only3 chracter sting with javascriptget the first character of a string of array get three first letters from string javascriptget part of string from char javascriptget first letter of string javascirptjavascript check first letters of stringget 2 first characters of number jsprint first 10 characters of string javascriptget the first character in a string javascriptget character at positoisn jsjavascript read first 5 charactersarray get first 3 characterskepp first n char in string jsjavascript get first 100 characters of stringjavascript take first leters of stringcharatjavascript compare first char stringjavascript get string first charaterhow to select particular data from string javascriptget first character of a string javascriptget char from string jsget 3 firts char of string jsget first substring to specific character javascriptget the part of string from string in javascripthow to get only 4 characters from a string in javacriptjavascript access first letter of a wordjs get first x characters of stringhow to get the first values of a stringhow to get first second and third from string javascriptjs print first word in stringjavascript str get first characterget first 2 characters of string jsjs get first two letters from stringpick first 20 char in string javascriptjs get first 3 elemnt of string javascript get first 22sentence 22 period from stringtypescript get first letter of stringfirst single character javascript stringread first word using jsget the word from first to first javascriptget first 5 letter javascriptjavascript check first letters ijavascript char at betweenhow to get the first character of a stringcheck first char of string javascriptjavascript get the fires 10 caracters from a stringselect the first word in a string in javascriptfirst letter of string in jshow to get first 5 letter of string in javascriptjavascript get first part of string at the end 5c character in js stringjs 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javascriptfirst letter in a string javascripthow to get the first letter of a stringjs string find first substringget first n characters of string javascriptjavascript take first letter of a stringjavascript get first letter of stringhow to get a character from a string javascriptjavascript string first two charactershow to print first character of a string in javascripthow to display only first 10 character in jshow to get the letters of a string jsjavascript get first 6 characters of stringget the first chracter of a string javascriptfind first character in string jsjavascript get chars from stringfirst letter of an element in an array javascriptjs get first 70 characters from stringjavascript get the first letter in a wordhow to get first 100 characters from a string in javascriptget first 5 characters javascriptjavascript get first two characters from stringstring 5b 5d get firsthow to get first letter from string in jsts get first two chars form stringjavascript string chart ofjavascript first charget character position in string javascriptjs get string by indexget first letter in a string javascriptjavasrpit grab first letter of stringget first word from a sentence jsjavascript string methods charatget first string javascriptjavascript last 2 characters of stringjs take first character off stringget the first 5 characters of a string in jsstr char at javascriptjavascript string indexing from endget first element in string javascriptfirst 100 character in string javascriptfirst character in a string javascriptjavascript get string 27s first charshow only first 45 characters and then javascriptstring char javascriptget only first letter of string javascripthow to get last character of object in javascriptget first 3 characters of string in angularvuejs get first characterjavascript keep the first a part of a stringjavascript get first 2 character of stringjavascript get only first word from stringsub cut stringjavascript substring first element of stringhow to get every letter of a string past the first character jsjs get string first charsget character from string jsjavascript substring startsjavascript string substrget first character of string jsget first x elements of string javascriptcharat function in javascripttake string out of string javascriptget first index of string jsslide first 2 char in string jscharat methodget first two characters of string javascriptjquery first 3 characters of stringa string in get first two characters javascriptjs first word in stringget character of string jsjavascript string first 10 characterjavascript first letter of wordprint first character of string jsfirst char jacvascriptes6 first 4 character of stringangular get first character of stringfirst string javascriptindex on string jsget first letter of string words jsgetting first letter of string in javascriptjs vanilla get first letter from stringget first 10 char from string in node jsjavascript get first two letters from a stringprint first 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jsstring first character javascriptjavascript charat 28 29only get first letter of string javascriptjs get first character of string from objectchatat javascript last numbertake out the first word in a string jsjs indexing stringfirst char in string javascriptstr charatts get x first character of stringget the first character of a string javascripthow to get first 10 caractere in jshow to get first letter of a string in javascriptjs first 5 characters of stringatchar jsget first four characters of string jqueryextract first 5 characters of string javascriptget first letter of each word in javascript stringcharat method in javascriptonly get firs character of string jsget first x caracters fromstring javascirptget the first cahracter of a string javascriptjavascript get first 4 letters of stringjavascript string get first character in each wordcharat js 5cjvascript get first 10 letters from stringcharat js texthow to get first 3 characters of a string in javascripttake first ten charachter of string in javascriptstring to letter jsjavascript to get only the character of stringjs get first inputjquery string parthow to get the first letter of any text in jsget first character in string jshow to get the first 4 characters of a string in javascripttake a char from javascript string how to get only the first letter of a string in tsjavascript return first character of stringhow to style first letter in jsjavascript only take first 2 from stringjavascript string 1st characterreactjs get first cheractor from a wordjs string get first n characthersget first x characters of string javascriptjs first x chars of a stringjs how to take first element of string and put it on the end of same stringjavascript first characters of strignjs only show first character in stringjavascript take only first character of stringsubstring workds jsgetting first element of javascript stringfirst letter of word jsjs chatathow to find the character position in a string in javascriptget 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letterchar 3d 3e meaning jsget first character in jsget first 30 characters string javascriptjs string first characterhow to create function that takes first three characters of stringget first two words from string javascriptjs get first 5 charsget first 6 characters of string javascriptget the first 5 characters of a string jsfirst letter of word javascriptstring charat jshow to get some character of string in jsfor character in string javascripthow to get the first three letters from a string javascripthow to get inputs first symbol javascriptcheck first letter of string jsshow only first 5 characters javascriptget first char string jsstring get the first 3 characters of a string javascriptsubstr 281 2c4 29 in javascriptcheck for frist 4 char in string in jsget first string of stringjavascript first character in stringget letters from string javascriptreturn specific characters in a string javascriptho to get string first letter in jsjs get string first characterget first 100 word of string javascripthow to check the first letter of a string in javascriptjavascript character in stringget first 100 characters string jsjs string get char at indexget first letter with substringfirst letter maj jsjavascript print first letter of stringget first word from string jsposition to char javascripthow to get first few characters of a string in javascripthow to take first element of stringjavascript select first n characters of stringaccess string characters javascriptjavascript string get first characterget first letter of each word javascriptextract first 8 character jsjavascript string element accessjs sub 28 29how to get first letter of string in javascriptget first 10 characters from string javascripthow to get first three characters from a string in javascriptget first 4 characters of a string javascriptget first word in sentence javascriptget string fron last to first in jshow to get the first word of a string located place in javascriptfirst character of string js conditionshow to get first letter of a string in jsget first character from string javascriptjavascript string first 4 charactersjs how to get first two character of a textjavascript char finish stringhow to get first character in jsget first 2 characters of string javascriptget first word in string javascriptjavascript getcharatjavascript get 5 first letter og stringget the first 3 characters of a javascript stringmethod to acces first char in javascriptjs get first 8 chars of a string js codeget first 3 characters of array javascriptget first 5 characters of string javascriptget only first 10 characters of a string javascriptselect substring jsjavascript string first char occurrenceget element at location in string javascriptstring specific data cutter javascriptcharacter at javascriptfind character at index in string javascriptjavascript string get first charextract first character from string in jsjs get first charsget first letters of string javascriptsubstr jsget letter in string javascriptjavascript select string from the endsubstring first letter in javascripthow ot get first word in javascriptget first 10 characters string javascriptnodejs how to get a letter from a stringjs fist letter of stringget substring from index jsjavascript take first 3 values of a stringtake one 1st three letter in javascript js get first n characters of stringget char javascriptsub string only show first character in string typescriptjavascript get specific character from stringgrabbing first three characters javascriptjs set 1st 2 letter of stringtwo letters three letters javascriptcan you index into a string javascripttypescript get first character of stringfnin in text javasciptjs only first letterjavascript check charat vs substringget the first two characters in a string jshow to grab first sentence in a string javascriptjsx string only show first letterget the first word of a string javascriptsubstring 280 2c 4 29 3d 3d 27 2b225 27how to get the first word of a string in 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