how to get svg from pucblic folder in react

Solutions on MaxInterview for how to get svg from pucblic folder in react by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "how to get svg from pucblic folder in react"
15 Jan 2019
1import { ReactComponent as Avatar1 } from './assets/avatar_1.svg';
3use it as <Avatar1 />
02 Jul 2020
1    <symbol id="black-king" viewBox="0 0 45 45">
2        <g style={{ fill: "none", fillopacity: 1, fillRule: "evenodd", stroke: "#000000", strokeWidth: 1.5, strokeLinecap: "round", strokeLinejoin: "round", strokeMiterlimit: 4, strokeDasharray: "none", strokeOpacity: 1 }}>
3            <path d="M 22.5,11.63 L 22.5,6" style={{ fill: "none", stroke: "#000000", strokeLinejoin: "miter" }} id="path6570" />
4            <path d="M 22.5,25 C 22.5,25 27,17.5 25.5,14.5 C 25.5,14.5 24.5,12 22.5,12 C 20.5,12 19.5,14.5 19.5,14.5 C 18,17.5 22.5,25 22.5,25" style={{ fill: "#000000", fillOpacity: 1, strokeLinecap: "butt", strokeLinejoin: "miter" }} />
5            <path d="M 12.5,37 C 18,40.5 27,40.5 32.5,37 L 32.5,30 C 32.5,30 41.5,25.5 38.5,19.5 C 34.5,13 25,16 22.5,23.5 L 22.5,27 L 22.5,23.5 C 20,16 10.5,13 6.5,19.5 C 3.5,25.5 12.5,30 12.5,30 L 12.5,37" style={{ fill: "#000000", stroke: "#000000" }} />
6            <path d="M 20,8 L 25,8" style={{ fill: "none", stroke: "#000000", strokeLinejoin: "miter" }} />
7            <path d="M 32,29.5 C 32,29.5 40.5,25.5 38.03,19.85 C 34.15,14 25,18 22.5,24.5 L 22.5,26.6 L 22.5,24.5 C 20,18 10.85,14 6.97,19.85 C 4.5,25.5 13,29.5 13,29.5" style={{ fill: "none", stroke: "#ffffff" }} />
8            <path d="M 12.5,30 C 18,27 27,27 32.5,30 M 12.5,33.5 C 18,30.5 27,30.5 32.5,33.5 M 12.5,37 C 18,34 27,34 32.5,37" style={{ fill: "none", stroke: "#ffffff" }} />
9        </g>
10    </symbol>
18 Jan 2016
1<g style="opacity:1; fill:none; fill-rule:evenodd; fill-opacity:1; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:1.5; stroke-linecap:round; stroke-linejoin:round; stroke-miterlimit:4; stroke-dasharray:none; stroke-opacity:1;">
2    <g style="fill:#000000; stroke:#000000; stroke-linecap:butt;">
3      <path d="M 9,36 C 12.39,35.03 19.11,36.43 22.5,34 C 25.89,36.43 32.61,35.03 36,36 C 36,36 37.65,36.54 39,38 C 38.32,38.97 37.35,38.99 36,38.5 C 32.61,37.53 25.89,38.96 22.5,37.5 C 19.11,38.96 12.39,37.53 9,38.5 C 7.65,38.99 6.68,38.97 6,38 C 7.35,36.54 9,36 9,36 z"/>
4      <path d="M 15,32 C 17.5,34.5 27.5,34.5 30,32 C 30.5,30.5 30,30 30,30 C 30,27.5 27.5,26 27.5,26 C 33,24.5 33.5,14.5 22.5,10.5 C 11.5,14.5 12,24.5 17.5,26 C 17.5,26 15,27.5 15,30 C 15,30 14.5,30.5 15,32 z"/>
5      <path d="M 25 8 A 2.5 2.5 0 1 1  20,8 A 2.5 2.5 0 1 1  25 8 z"/>
6    </g>