how to get matrix element in the form of matrix in python

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02 Apr 2017
1# A basic code for matrix input from user 
3R = int(input("Enter the number of rows:")) 
4C = int(input("Enter the number of columns:")) 
6# Initialize matrix 
7matrix = [] 
8print("Enter the entries rowwise:") 
10# For user input 
11for i in range(R):          # A for loop for row entries 
12    a =[] 
13    for j in range(C):      # A for loop for column entries 
14         a.append(int(input())) 
15    matrix.append(a) 
17# For printing the matrix 
18for i in range(R): 
19    for j in range(C): 
20        print(matrix[i][j], end = " ") 
21    print() 
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