how to find the average in python

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12 May 2017
1# Example to find average of list
2number_list = [45, 34, 10, 36, 12, 6, 80]
3avg = sum(number_list)/len(number_list)
4print("The average is ", round(avg,2))
12 Nov 2020
1 avreage_cost = cost
2    avg = sum(avreage)/len(avreage) 
3    print("The average amout you spent is ", round(avg,2))
19 Jul 2017
1import numpy
3 avreage_1 = numpy.mean(avreage)# this finds the mean from the array "cost"
4    print("words are printed here if needed",avreage_1) # this prints the mean that was found above
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