how to do a square root in python

Solutions on MaxInterview for how to do a square root in python by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "how to do a square root in python"
01 Apr 2016
1from math import * # We import the math module
2print(sqrt(16)) # We print the square root of the number 16
09 Aug 2016
1import math
2a = input("what do you wnat to square root")
Diego Alejandro
25 Jan 2018
1a = int(input("enter a real number: "))
2sqrt = a**(1/2)
3print("the square root of ",a ,"is",sqrt)
08 Nov 2018
1import math
2answer = math.sqrt(16)
12 May 2017
1def square_root(num):
2  	return num**0.5
3#prints out 4
5#prints out 10
16 Jun 2019
1import dis
3def f():
4    return 2**0.5
6print dis.dis(f)
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